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Results 106621-106650 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your letter of the 4th. inst: did not come to hand till yesterday evening. With the fullest allowance of time I do not know that I could furnish any information on the points you ask it, that could be of avail to you. In the haste called for, I can only say generally in answer to your several enquiries, that the Agricultural Societies in this State are thought to have had a valuable effect in...
I promise to pay to Chester Bailey or order, on or before the first day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, six hundred dollars with interest thereon from October 23. 1826. in discharge of a note of that date and for that amount, from J. Payne Todd to the said C. Bailey, and by his endorsement, assigned to me. RC (owned by Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Sang, Chicago, Ill., 1958)....
Private I have just received your letter of Feby. 4th. The petition to Congress was returned with my signature two days ago. I think the postponement of the public invitation of plans for the Monument was very proper for the reasons you give. I doubt the expediency of the proposed application to the Legislature of Virginia without more knowledge than I have of its dispositions on the subject...
My last was of the 25th of February, since which yours to No 53 inclusive have been received. That of January 9 was accompanied by the Convention entered into with the British Minister on the subject of the VIth article of the Treaty of 1794. It was laid before the Senate as soon as the documents proper to be communicated along with it could be prepared; and was taken up there as soon as some...
I acknowledged in my last yours of the 8 th and now return the letters of M r Gilmer & M r Rush inclosed in it. It would be matter of much regret if insanity should befall such a man as Ivory; but it is to hoped his condition will be fixed before he leaves Eng d or rather before any engagement of him. I hope M r Gilmer will be able to avoid also men much advanced in life. After a certain age...
Yours by Mr. Chisolm was duly handed to me. I shall look for you & Mr. Barlow on wednesday, & for the pleasure of your company at dinner. Among the papers herewith inclosed is a letter from Mr Hackley of late date, and a Spanish documt. confirming the victory over Dupont. The letter from Graham mentions the disaster at the Capitol, of which it is probable you will have had a more particular...
I have two letters from you not yet acknowledged, one of the 1st the other of the 3d. inst. Nothing could be more distressing than the issue of the business stated in the latter. If the affirmative vote of 7 States sd. be pursued it will add the insult of Trick to the injury of the thing itself. Our prospect here makes no amends for what is done with you. Delaware N. J. & Va. alone are on the...
Be pleased to cause fifteen thousand dollars, from the fund for foreign intercourse, to be remitted to Sir Francis Baring & Co., the Bankers of this Department in London. I am &c. DNA : RG 59—DL—Domestic Letters.
Having examined and considered the Bill entitled “An act for the relief of Richard Turvin, William Coleman, Edwin Lewis, Samuel Mims, Joseph Wilson, and the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, in the Mississippi Territory” I now return the same to the House of Representatives in which it originated, with the following objection: Because the Bill, in reserving a certain parcel of land of the...
I am particularly obliged by your favor of the 3d. which incloses your remarks on the Judiciary bill. It came to hand yesterday only, and I have not had time to compare your suggestions with the plan of the Senate. Nor do I know the alterations which may have taken place in it since it has been under discussion. In many points, even supposing the outline a good one, which I have always viewed...
From the size of the inclosed I presume Mrs. Cutts is supplied by her Sister with whatever in our present situation may be interesting to our particular friends. In the letter with which you favored me some time ago it was intimated that Dr. E. was not averse to some foreign employment. This is a subject on which as you may suppose it is the inclination & practice of the Ex. to enter as little...
Letter not found. 7 January 1788. Acknowledged in Carrington to JM, 18 Jan. 1788 . Reports foreign news, including “the Memorials of France & England.”
Letter not found. Ca. May 1795, Orange. Acknowledged in Taylor to JM, 11 July 1795 . Mentioned in JM to James Madison, Sr., 13 Mar. 1796 . Delivered by Mr. Bennett. Reports on the health of friends and relatives in Virginia. Inquires about Kentucky lands owned by JM and Nelly Conway Madison, Ambrose Madison’s daughter.
I have recd. your letter of the 21st. of Novr. written in behalf of a number of your fellow Citizens of Wood County. Having laid it before the President he has charged me with the expression of his favorable acceptance of a communication which carries with it so laudable a proof of patriotic zeal. He does not doubt that the same motives which lead to it, will be witnessed by a perserverance in...
I have recd. yours of the 20th. and return the correspondence with Genl: Ripley. I hope it will be followed by all the advantages which it promises. I rcd. yesterday from Mr. Graham a blank brevet Commission for him. It was suggested that a reference might be inserted to the Resolution of Congs. Unless some valuable purpose wd. be attained by it, it may be best to decline a precedent which...
Letter not found. 24 January 1785 . Mercer acknowledged on 8 February 1785 receipt of “your favor of the 24. which pursuing me by a circuitous route, did not reach this untill within a few days.” In all likelihood JM reported to the Virginia congressman the legislative situation following adjournment of the October 1784 session of the General Assembly.
16 December 1809. In response to a 15 Dec. Senate resolution, transmits copies of the president’s correspondence with the governor of Pennsylvania concerning the case of Gideon Olmstead. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 11A-E2). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed and dated by JM. Enclosures (6 pp.) are copies of Simon Snyder to JM, 6 Apr. 1809 , the Pennsylvania “Act...
106638Naturalization, [8 January] 1795 (Madison Papers)
JM reported the revised naturalization bill on 5 January. In debate on 8 January, the House considered filling up the blank in the section of the bill that set the number of years, after an alien declared his intent to become a citizen, before he could be naturalized. Mr. Madison said that he feared the house would never see an end of the discussion, if they went on at this rate, for by...
A statement of the case of the Marquis de Casa Yrujo is inclosed; with a view to enable you to answer fully the several letters of Mr. Cevallos, and to do justice to the course pursued here in relation to that Envoy. You will make the statement therefore the matter of a communication to the Spanish Government, giving to it, at the same time, the form of a reply proceeding from yourself, tho’...
The communications by Mr. Hughes including the Treaty and conventions signed with the French Government were safely delivered on the 14th. instant. Inclosed is a copy [of] a letter written in consequence of them to Mr. Livingston and yourself. On the presumption which accords with the information given by Mr. Hughes that you will have proceeded to Madrid in pursuance of the instructions of the...
I have rec d your favor of the 15 th . All we know of the step taken by France towards a reconcilation with us, is thro’ the English papers sent by M r Pinkney , who had not himself rec d any information on the subject from Gen l A. nor held any conversation with the B. Ministry
Letter not found. 2 November 1804. Calendared in the index to the State Department notes to foreign legations as “enclosing certain documents relative to Mr. Wallace’s apt. as British Consul at Savannah” (DNA: RG 59, Notes to Foreign Ministers and Consuls, vol. 1).
The House took up the establishment of executive departments. JM moved the creation of foreign affairs, treasury, and war departments. The debate centered on the clause vesting in the president alone the power to remove the officers heading these departments. Smith (South Carolina) contended that impeachment was the only constitutional means of removal. Mr. Madison Did not concur with the...
The day on which the first instalment for the Central College becomes due, being near at hand, I think it not amiss, as no conveyance of mine offers, to intimate, that it shall be paid on draft, or if requisite sent by a special hand.    Y rs affectionately RC ( MoSHi : Lewis Fields Linn Papers, autograph scrapbook of Elizabeth Linn); endorsed by TJ as received 2 Apr. 1818 and so recorded in...
I inclose a draft on Mr. Allen of Fredericksburg, for $150. which I hope will be in time to extinguish the debt to the Bank, before a renewal of the note and a further call on the friendship of Mr. Nourse, become necessary. Do not fail to make him fully sensible of my thankfulness, for the aid of his name so obligingly furnished throughout the period which made it acceptable. I am recovering...
I acknowledge, as requested, the rect. of a Copy of “Inside out” accompanied by the letter of “Wm. A. Coffey.” Without any reference to the merits of the Administration of the State Prison of N. York, the volume may be said to contain remarks throwing light on the Objects of such Institutions, and suggesting precautions agst. abuses to which all of them must be more or less liable. I wish the...
I have the honor to request that you cause a warrant to be issued in favor of Timothy Pickering, for Two thousand dollars, to be paid out of the appropriations for Barbary purposes. The said Timothy Pickering, being the holder of the enclosed Bill of Exchange on the Secretary of State, dated the 19th. of August last, drawn by James Simpson, Consul of the United States at Tangier. Mr. Simpson...
§ To Thomas Newton. 11 June 1806, Department of State. “I enclose a copy of a letter from the British Envoy, complaining of the illegal equipment of two Schooners at Hampton with the intent to cruise upon the British trade. I therefore request you to make a careful examination into the circumstances alledged, and to prosecute every contravention of the laws, which may be disclosed.” Letterbook...
*In the “Literary and Scientific Repository No. VI pag. 502–3,” published at New York October 1821, the following statement is made as “from documents of the highest character.” “Early in the month of May 1814, the then Secretary of War proposed to confer on General Jackson the appointment of Brigadier in the Army of the United States, with the Brevet of Major General; until a vacancy, by...
On the intimation given me in your letter of the 25th. of August that the accounts received from the Officers of the United States in the port of Boston on the subject of the repairs necessary to fit the Snow Windsor for sea were impeached in a high degree by additional information you had received from the British Consul, another enquiry was made at Boston. This step was taken from an...