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Results 106471-106500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In consequence of advices this day recd from Albany, tho’ not directly from Genl Schuyler, I find...
I wrote to You another long Letter from London which I put into the Post Office to go by the next...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Dr. Bollman and informs him that the appointment...
I have been informd to day, that a paper from N york the daily advertizer was received in Town on...
Facts and Remarks on British Impressments from Amn. Vessels. 1. No authority from the writers on...
The Union arrived at Plymouth on the 15th. Instant. She has met with some rough Treatment at Sea...
I beg Mr. Jefferson that in case I should die without will or testament he should bye out of my...
After twenty odd days spent in climbing Mountains, sinking into Valleys, tumbling over Rocks,...
Letter not found. 26 October 1787. Acknowledged in Jones to JM, 22 Nov. 1787 . Requests copy of...
I received yesterday your favor of the 20th. inst. In order to give you the information you...
En acquitement du devoir rélatif à ma charge, je mets sous les yeux de Votre Excelence tout ce...
Had your Favor of the 27 th . Ult. been delivered to me a little sooner, an answer to it might...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th of August. With great considertn I...
I inclose you Crowninshield’s and Gibaut’s letters recommending Stevens & Storer . Storer was...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your two favors of the 2d. and 22d. inst. and to thank you for...
§ From Daniel Parker. 27 October 1813, “War Office.” “The enclosed letter from Genl. Harrison is...
Percieving from your last letter my beloved friend that you suffer great anxiety concerning...
Having been informed that the office of Chief justice of the territory of Michigan is vacant &...
20 October 1803, New York . “I have the honour to enclose you the copy of a letter which I...
I have recd. your favor of the 16th. by the mail which brought the result of the Election at...
I have commenced the publication of engraved portraits of the eminent men of our country, by Mr:...
The Senate has refused on account of the interference with other business to hear any more causes...
The Senate formed a House to-day: the House of Delegates yesterday . A conference between Mess rs...
It has been the practice with the board of Treasury and it has been continued by this Department...
The General requests to see you at Head Quarters today, as he wishes to give you some directions...
As prisoners of War on parole at this place we beg leave to address the Executive, hoping no...
As a citizen of the United States, I feel greatly indebted to you, for your last publick effort,...
I have been extremely reluctant to trouble your Excellency while you were at Philadelphia, least...
The exigencies of Government require that I should without delay be informed of the amount of the...
This will have the honor of being delivered to your Excellency by Il Comte di Vermé Cousin to...