James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Wilson Cary Nicholas, 18 October 1816

From Wilson Cary Nicholas

Council Chamber, Richmond, October 18th. 1816.


I have the honor to inform you that you are appointed one, of the Visitors of the Central College in Albemarle, and to forward you the enclosed Commission.1 It is hoped that it will not be inconvenient for you to undertake the Execution of this office. I am, Sir, With great respect, Your Humble Servant

W. C. Nicholas

RC and enclosure (DLC). RC and enclosure in a clerk’s hand, signed by Nicholas. Cover docketed by JM “Feby. 14. 1816.” For enclosure, see n. 1.

1The enclosed one-page commission, dated 18 Oct. 1816, was issued under the terms of the Virginia statute of 14 Feb. 1816 establishing “a College in the County of Albemarle.” In addition to JM, Nicholas appointed as visitors, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, David Watson (of Louisa), John Hartwell Cocke, and Joseph C. Cabell.

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