106081To George Washington from Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, 24 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
j’ay deja eu lhonneur mon cher general, de vous ecrire pour bien des occasions, et nous n’avons aucune nouvelle de l’amerique depuis monne arrivée dans ce pais cy, je profite de l’occasion de Me. izova pour vous faire passer cette lettre cy. la fameuse coalition de fox et de north ragit l’angleterre. Schelburne et le pati de bedfort forment a present l’opposition; on dit que nous allons avoir...
106082To George Washington from John Stark, 24 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
Agreeable to Genl Orders I have consulted and advised with the officers of the N. Hampshire Line respecting compensation for their past Services. as Congress have left at their option to choose half Pay for life or five years full Pay, they do Unamimously, prefer the Latter with sentiments of Esteem & respect I am Sr your Most Obedt Humble Servt DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from...
106083From George Washington to Tench Tilghman, 24 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
I received with much pleasure the kind congratulations contained in your letter of the 25th Ulto from Philadelphia—on the honorable termination of the War. No Man, indeed, can relish the approaching Peace with more heart felt, and grateful satisfaction than myself. A Mind always upon the stretch, and tortured with a diversity of perplexing circumstances, needed a respite—and I anticipate the...
106084General Orders, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Genl Heath B.Q.M. Hampshire Brid. The Jersey Battalion gives the Guards & the Jersey regt the Fatigues tomorrow. Each Brigade in this Cantonment is to deliver at the Newbuilding tomorrow 12 o’clock, one piece of well hewn Timber thirty feet long—& 7 inches square. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
106085To George Washington from Elias Dayton, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
The opinion of the Officers of the Jersey line was yesterday taken on the subject of the commutation and they unanimously agreed to accept the five years pay as compensation for the half pay promised to them by Congress. I am Sir with great respect Your most obedient & very humble servt DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from Benjamin Lincoln, Secretary at War, PCC—Papers of the Continental...
106086To George Washington from David Fergusson, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
I hope, that the liberty I now take of writing will meet with the approbation of an honorable mind, impressed with true sentiments of gratitude and susceptible of the tender feelings of humanity. Far from thinking, that the Gentleman I now address stands in the least need of information or that his ideas of things does not Keep the pace of that distinguished propriety which has allways...
106087To George Washington from Edward Hand, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
In compliance with the Genl Orders of the 16th Instant I beg leave to signify my own and Assistants (Captains John Carlile and Simeon Lord) acceptance of five years full pay in lieu of half pay for life, as offer’d by Congress in their resolve of the Twenty second of March last DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from Benjamin Lincoln, Secretary at War, PCC—Papers of the Continental Congress.
106088From George Washington to Le Grand, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have received your favor of the 10th instant—And am obliged by the Expresions of Congratulations which you are pleased to make on the happy Event of a Peace. You will pardon me, when I inform you, that I should gladly comply with your request of recommendg you to the Minister of France, did I not conceive that such Interposition would involve an Idea of Impropriety—For me, a stranger, to...
106089From George Washington to Jean [de] Neufville, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have been very agreeably favored with your Letter of the 25th of febry dated from Germany. The part your States have taken in the Causes of the United States of America, has inspired the Sons of the Latter, with the happiest presages of a most beneficial Connection between the two Republics—Sister Republics—whose similarity of Constitution’s, Interests & Religion bid fair to bind them...
106090To George Washington from Philippe de Noailles, Duc de Mouchy, 25 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
Give me leave to congratulate your Excellency upon the glorious Peace the thirteen States have concluded with England. after we have received in the new World examples of the military conduct, we will learn how a nation must be conducted to be happy and Succe s ful. I desire every advantage to America and I make the most ardent wishes for the particular Satisfaction of him who has opened a...