To George Washington from Charles Pettit, 10 September 1778
From Charles Pettit
Camp [White Plains] 10th Septr 1778
Colonel Hay is just arrived; and, having met a Letter from me at Tarry Town, has sent off an Express from thence to order Vessels for conveying the Sick to Fishkill.
As there is no absolute certainty of the Teams expected from Connecticut coming in so soon as your Excellency wishes to have them employed, it may be best to impress some of the Teams of this State between this and Fishkill. Col. Hay informs me there are many Persons who, either from being Quakers or from Disaffection never serve the Publick voluntarily, and whom their better disposed Neighbours wish to see called upon; if your Excellency thinks it proper to have Teams impressed, a Number might be collected in the Course of a Day or two amongst the People I have described; but your Excellency’s written Authority will be necessary for such Purpose. I have the Honr to be Your Excellency’s most obedt hume Servt
Chas Pettit A.Q.M.G.
LS, DLC:GW. The cover is docketed, in part, “press Warrt granted.”