105561From Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 31 December 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
I duly received your favor of the 6th. inst. but that of the 4th . therein mentioned to come by...
105562To Thomas Jefferson from Willink & Van Staphorst, 31 December 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
Amsterdam, 31 Dec. 1787. Since their letter to TJ of 24 Dec. two mails have arrived from England...
10556330th. (Adams Papers)
Attending meeting the whole day at Mr. Carey’s. Dined at Mr. Hooper’s in company with Mr. Symmes,...
105564[Diary entry: 30 December 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 30th. Thermometer at 34 in the Morning—35 at Noon And 32 at Night. Wind at So. Et. and...
105565To George Washington from James Wilkinson, 30 December 1787 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: from James Wilkinson, 30 Dec. 1787. GW wrote Wilkinson on 20 Feb. 1788 : “I...
105566To Thomas Jefferson from Brissot de Warville, 30 December 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
Paris, 30 Dec. 1787 . Sends a letter to be forwarded to Crèvecoeur with the mail TJ is sending by...
105567From Thomas Jefferson to H. Fizeaux & Cie., 30 December 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
I have this day received the answer of Messieurs Willinck & Van Staphorsts, by which it appears...
105568From Thomas Jefferson to the Commissioners of the Treasury, 30 December 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
In my letter of Aug. 5. I had the honour of inclosing to you a letter written me by Messrs....
105569From Thomas Jefferson to Willink & Van Staphorst, 30 December 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
I receive this day your favor of the 24th. instant. I had before received from Mr. Adams a letter...
10557029th. (Adams Papers)
Not entirely recovered yet from the fatigue of Thursday night, but could in some measure attend...