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Results 105541-105570 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
105541 Madison, James Re Estimate for the service of the year, 20 November … 1806-11-20 Estimate for the service of the year 1807. Foreign Intercourse. Salaries of three Ministers, viz....
105542 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 24 April 1804 1804-04-24 I reced. this morning your favor of the 17th. instant. Among the papers inclosed from N. Orleans...
105543 Madison, James Madison, Ambrose From James Madison to Ambrose Madison, 27 May 1790 1790-05-27 I have this moment your favor of the 16th. The inclosed papers will shew you that the project of...
105544 Madison, James Pendleton, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Pendleton, 16 October 1781 1781-10-16 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). The cover is missing, but the letter is docketed in Pendleton’s hand,...
105545 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 26 March 1782 … 1782-03-26 26 March 1782, Philadelphia. Reports receipt of a letter from Jefferson with a bundle of papers...
105546 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 19 February 1808 1808-02-19 I have to request that you cause an advance to be made to Wm: Lewis, of one thousand dollars, to...
105547 Madison, James Contested Election, [11 February] 1796 1796-02-11 On 8 December 1795 Matthew Lyon petitioned the House, protesting the election of Israel Smith...
105548 Madison, James Notes on Debates, 21 March 1783 1783-03-21 MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
105549 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 16 October 1805 1805-10-16 I recd. duly your favor of the 11th. at this place, where I am still very painfully detained by...
105550 Madison, James Brennan, John From James Madison to John Brennan, 7 September 1825 1825-09-07 I have recd. Sir your letter of Aug. 31. communicating your intention to publish a translation of...
105551 Madison, James Chiefs of the Creek Nation From James Madison to the Chiefs of the Creek Nation … 1811-01-14 Your father the President of the United States takes you by the hand. He has received from Colo:...
105552 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 8 April 1830 1830-04-08 Your favour of Mar. 8. came duly to hand. I congratulate you on your success at London & Paris,...
105553 Madison, James Lenox, David From James Madison to David Lenox, 1 January 1802 … 1802-01-01 1 January 1802, Department of State, Washington. Encloses proofs of citizenship for Thomas G....
105554 Madison, James Tonnage Duties, [21 April] 1789 1789-04-21 The tonnage duty on vessels belonging to subjects of countries having a commercial treaty with...
105555 Madison, James Cabell, William From James Madison to William Cabell, 22 April 1807 1807-04-22 Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled An Act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of...
105556 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 11 August 1793 1793-08-11 Yrs. of Aug: 3. has just come to hand. All the precedg. have been ackd. I am extremely mortified...
105557 Madison, James Pendleton, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Pendleton, 20 August 1782 1782-08-20 RC (New York Public Library). Cover franked by “J. Madison Jr” and addressed by him to “The...
105558 Madison, James Location of the Capital, [3 September] 1789 1789-09-03 The Committee of the Whole took up Scott’s motion of 27 August: “That a permanent residence ought...
105559 Madison, James Pleasants, James Jr. From James Madison to James Pleasants Jr., 11 March … 1824-03-11 In the latter part of June or first of July 1783. a letter was written by the Virga. Delegates in...
105560 Madison, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Madison, 21 February … 1787-02-21 Some little time before my arrival here a quorum of the States was made up and Genl Sinclair put...
105561 Madison, James Parks, Andrew James Madison to Andrew Parks, 4 April 1835 1835-04-04 On looking into some bundles of old papers, were found the two of which the enclosed are exact...
105562 Madison, James Endorsement of Philip Mazzei’s Petition, 25 April 1784 1784-04-25 I have perused a paper entitled “A representation of Mr. Mazzeis conduct from the time of his...
105563 Madison, James Davis, George From James Madison to George Davis, 16 July 1806 1806-07-16 I have received your letter of the 13th. inst. It is necessary in order to preclude any possible...
105564 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 28 March 1825 1825-03-28 I saw Col. Barbour yesterday, as I intended. He remains decided ag st relinquishing his Judgeship...
105565 Madison, James Ellicott, Andrew From James Madison to Andrew Ellicott, 8 March 1802 1802-03-08 Having been lately a good deal out of health, & the Chief Clerk confined by the same cause for...
105566 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1813 1813-03-10 I have rec d your two favors of the 8 & 21. Ult: The conduct & character of the late Commander at...
105567 Madison, James Rush, Benjamin From James Madison to Benjamin Rush, [3 May 1790] 1790-05-03 … Your hint as to addresses from the H. of Rep. to the National Assembly was perfectly new. I am...
105568 Madison, James McClallan, John From James Madison to John McClallan, 4 September 1807 1807-09-04 The President having made choice of you, to proceed immediately as Commercial Agent for the...
105569 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 23 March 1795 1795-03-23 Your two last favors contained, one of them the letter for Mr. Christie, which has been sent to...
105570 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 14 March 1803 1803-03-14 You will find in the gazette of this morning the letter from d’Yrujo, which he wished to be...