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Results 105541-105570 of 184,431 sorted by author
Estimate for the service of the year 1807. Foreign Intercourse. Salaries of three Ministers, viz. to London, Paris & Madrid @ $9,000 is $27,000 } D o : for their 3 Secretaries @ 1,350 4,050 Contingent expenses of those Missions 2,000 Contingencies of Foreign Intercourse 20,000 $53,000
I reced. this morning your favor of the 17th. instant. Among the papers inclosed from N. Orleans is a copy of the Charter issued by Govr. Claibourne. From the date it appears to be prior to the Act of Congress, and not to be nullified thereby, unless the Act of Congress have a repealing effect. How far this may be the case, how far the authority of the Govr. may have been sufficient to grant...
I have this moment your favor of the 16th. The inclosed papers will shew you that the project of asuming the State debts is revived & likely to employ further time. I hope we shall be able to defeat it, but the advocates for it are inconceivably persevering as well as formidable in point of numbers. The bill for funding the other debt is gone thro’ and will pass the 3d. reading in the H. of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). The cover is missing, but the letter is docketed in Pendleton’s hand, “Jas. Madison jr. Esqr. Octr. 16. 1781.” When you get a sight of the Resolution of the Gen: Ass: referred to in your favor of the 8th. you will readily judge from the tenor of it what steps would be taken by the Delegates. It necessarily submitted the fate of the object in question to the...
26 March 1782, Philadelphia. Reports receipt of a letter from Jefferson with a bundle of papers procured from the Cherokees. “My letter by Mr. Randolph contains as late intelligence as any we have yet recd.” RC (NNC-RB: Alexander Hamilton Papers). 1 p.; printed in PJM William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (1st ser., vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11–17,...
I have to request that you cause an advance to be made to Wm: Lewis, of one thousand dollars, to be paid out of the fund appropriated for the Intercourse of the United States, with foreign Nations. The said Lewis to be charged accordingly on the Books of the Treasury, & held accountable. It will be most convenient to Mr. Lewis to receive the money in New York, upon his arrival in that City. I...
On 8 December 1795 Matthew Lyon petitioned the House, protesting the election of Israel Smith (Vermont). The petition was referred to the Committee of Elections, which returned to the House on 27 January 1796 a report in favor of Smith. Debate began 11 February on whether to recommit the report to allow Lyon to present further evidence on behalf of his petition ( Annals of Congress Debates and...
105548Notes on Debates, 21 March 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . The Report of Revenue was taken into consideration; and the 5 & 6 paragraphs after discussion being judged not sufficiently explicit were recommitted to...
I recd. duly your favor of the 11th. at this place, where I am still very painfully detained by the situation of Mrs. M. The appearance of her knee is still equivocal; I am afraid discouraging as to a very prompt and compleat cure. I am the less able however to pronounce on this point, as the Dr. has been prevented by indisposition from seeing his patient for several days, and I cannot be...
I have recd. Sir your letter of Aug. 31. communicating your intention to publish a translation of the travels of the Marquis de Cha[s]tellux in the U. States during several years of the Revolutionary war. You are welcome to my name on the list of your subscribers which I wish may become sufficit for your object. I can not venture to promise much addition to it in this particular quarter. My...
Your father the President of the United States takes you by the hand. He has received from Colo: Hawkins your Talk of the last Autumn. Either you have not been sufficiently informed, or you have not rightly understood his design in sending out the two parties from Fort Stoddert. Good path ways and roads are equally useful to his White and to his Red Children. Rivers & Water courses are made by...
Your favour of Mar. 8. came duly to hand. I congratulate you on your success at London & Paris, in obtaining materials, no where else to be found and so essential to the history of our Revolution. I have been looking over such of the letters of Genl. Washington to me as do not appear on his files. They amount to 28. besides some small confidential notes. Most of the letters are of some...
1 January 1802, Department of State, Washington. Encloses proofs of citizenship for Thomas G. Lay, supplied by Roger Griswold, and for Henry Bowlen. RC ( NjP : Crane Collection); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, IC , vol. 1). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosures not found.
105554Tonnage Duties, [21 April] 1789 (Madison Papers)
The tonnage duty on vessels belonging to subjects of countries having a commercial treaty with the United States, or belonging partly to such subjects and partly to United States citizens, was under debate. Goodhue moved for a sixty-cent rate. Mr. Madison . Some gentlemen have seemed to call in question the policy of discriminating between nations in commercial alliance with the United States,...
Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled An Act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of the United States, passed 3d. March 1795, and the Acts in addition thereto, passed on the 2d. March 1799 and on the 27 March 1804, I have transmitted to the Collector of the Customs at Baltimore 1254 copies of the Laws of the United States 1st. Session 9th. Congress, being the proportion for the...
Yrs. of Aug: 3. has just come to hand. All the precedg. have been ackd. I am extremely mortified in looking for the Key to the Cypher, to find that I left it in Philada. You must therefore repeat any thing that may be of use still to be known, particularly any thing that may relate to the time of your leavg. Phila. which I wish to know as long as possible before it takes place. The task on...
RC (New York Public Library). Cover franked by “J. Madison Jr” and addressed by him to “The honble Edmund Pendleton Esqr. Caroline County Virginia.” Docketed by Pendleton, “James Madison Esqr. Augst. 20. 1782.” At the date of my last I had little doubt that the post of this week would have conveyed you some further lights on the subject of negociations for peace. A continuation of the silence...
The Committee of the Whole took up Scott’s motion of 27 August: “That a permanent residence ought to be fixed for the general government of the United States, at some convenient place, as near the centre of wealth, population, and extent of territory as may be consistent with convenience to the navigation of the Atlantic ocean, and having due regard to the particular situation of the western...
In the latter part of June or first of July 1783. a letter was written by the Virga. Delegates in Congs to the Govr: giving an acct. of the Meeting of Soldiers which was followed by the removal of Congs. from Philada. It is not certain whether the letter was signed by all the Delegates, or proceeded from Mr Mercer alone as was one of them. As the letter is probably on the files of the Ex. may...
Some little time before my arrival here a quorum of the States was made up and Genl Sinclair put in the Chair. We have at present nine States on the ground, but shall lose South Carolina today. Other States are daily expected. What business of moment may be done by the present or a fuller meeting is uncertain. The objects now depending and most immediately in prospect, are 1. The Treaty of...
On looking into some bundles of old papers, were found the two of which the enclosed are exact Copies. They will indentify the account which has been the subject of a correspondence between us and shew that it had been transmitted to you with an omission of the receipt of payment. Be so obliging as to return or cancel the letters written on the Supposition, that there was no error in the case...
I have perused a paper entitled “A representation of Mr. Mazzeis conduct from the time of his appointment to be Agent of the State in Europe untill his return to Virginia”; and believe the proceedings of the Executive Board whilst I was a member of it to be therein correctly stated. Not having been present at the conversation between Governor Henry and Mr. Mazzei relative to an allowance of...
I have received your letter of the 13th. inst. It is necessary in order to preclude any possible misconception, to observe that but two thousand dollars will be alowed by way of outfit, which may be referred either to your agency at Tunis or your appointment to Tripoli; but this one sum, together with the manner in which your Salary is made to commence, not as is customary from the time of...
I saw Col. Barbour yesterday, as I intended. He remains decided ag st relinquishing his Judgeship without a previous experiment of the chair in the University. He feels evidently a strong attraction towards it; and I think a growing one. It is quite possible that the experiment he is making of his Judicial duties, carrying him as they will beyond the Mountains, will diminish his preference of...
Having been lately a good deal out of health, & the Chief Clerk confined by the same cause for some days past, several letters have been unavoidably unanswerd, & among them yours asking the aid of the Dept. of State in exchanging scientific information with a Correspondent in Europe. You will now please to accept the information that whatever facility can be properly afforded for the purpose...
I have rec d your two favors of the 8 & 21. Ult: The conduct & character of the late Commander at Niagara , as pourtrayed in the narrative inclosed in the first , had been before sufficiently brought to our knowledge. Some of his disqualifications for such a trust were indeed understood when he was appointed Inspector General . General Dearborn seems not to have been apprized of some of the...
… Your hint as to addresses from the H. of Rep. to the National Assembly was perfectly new. I am far from thinking that such a measure might not be formed as [to] do credit to this Country and good to both…. Printed extract (Parke-Bernet Catalogue No. 468, “The Alexander Biddle Papers” [1943], pt. 1, item 151). See PJM Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of...
The President having made choice of you, to proceed immediately as Commercial Agent for the Island of Java, in the East Indies, I inclose a Commission investing you with that character. Inclosed also is a copy of the ordinary instructions relating to such a trust. The particular instructions however, which follow, & relating to the object particularly inducing your appointment at the present...
Your two last favors contained, one of them the letter for Mr. Christie, which has been sent to him; the other accompanied the letters to the President & Mr. Randolph. The two latter were duly delivered also. The President touched on the subject the other day in conversation with me, and has no doubt written to you on it. There are difficulties I perceive in the way of your suggestion, besides...
You will find in the gazette of this morning the letter from d’Yrujo, which he wished to be printed, and which will I hope do good. Pichon has also written a strong letter to the Govr. of Louisiana, summoning him on his responsibility, to see that the Cession of that province to France be not affected, nor the amicable relations of the Republic to the U. States, be endangered, by a...