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Results 105541-105550 of 184,431 sorted by author
Estimate for the service of the year 1807. Foreign Intercourse. Salaries of three Ministers, viz. to London, Paris & Madrid @ $9,000 is $27,000 } D o : for their 3 Secretaries @ 1,350 4,050 Contingent expenses of those Missions 2,000 Contingencies of Foreign Intercourse 20,000 $53,000
I reced. this morning your favor of the 17th. instant. Among the papers inclosed from N. Orleans is a copy of the Charter issued by Govr. Claibourne. From the date it appears to be prior to the Act of Congress, and not to be nullified thereby, unless the Act of Congress have a repealing effect. How far this may be the case, how far the authority of the Govr. may have been sufficient to grant...
I have this moment your favor of the 16th. The inclosed papers will shew you that the project of asuming the State debts is revived & likely to employ further time. I hope we shall be able to defeat it, but the advocates for it are inconceivably persevering as well as formidable in point of numbers. The bill for funding the other debt is gone thro’ and will pass the 3d. reading in the H. of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). The cover is missing, but the letter is docketed in Pendleton’s hand, “Jas. Madison jr. Esqr. Octr. 16. 1781.” When you get a sight of the Resolution of the Gen: Ass: referred to in your favor of the 8th. you will readily judge from the tenor of it what steps would be taken by the Delegates. It necessarily submitted the fate of the object in question to the...
26 March 1782, Philadelphia. Reports receipt of a letter from Jefferson with a bundle of papers procured from the Cherokees. “My letter by Mr. Randolph contains as late intelligence as any we have yet recd.” RC (NNC-RB: Alexander Hamilton Papers). 1 p.; printed in PJM William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (1st ser., vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11–17,...
I have to request that you cause an advance to be made to Wm: Lewis, of one thousand dollars, to be paid out of the fund appropriated for the Intercourse of the United States, with foreign Nations. The said Lewis to be charged accordingly on the Books of the Treasury, & held accountable. It will be most convenient to Mr. Lewis to receive the money in New York, upon his arrival in that City. I...
On 8 December 1795 Matthew Lyon petitioned the House, protesting the election of Israel Smith (Vermont). The petition was referred to the Committee of Elections, which returned to the House on 27 January 1796 a report in favor of Smith. Debate began 11 February on whether to recommit the report to allow Lyon to present further evidence on behalf of his petition ( Annals of Congress Debates and...
105548Notes on Debates, 21 March 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . The Report of Revenue was taken into consideration; and the 5 & 6 paragraphs after discussion being judged not sufficiently explicit were recommitted to...
I recd. duly your favor of the 11th. at this place, where I am still very painfully detained by the situation of Mrs. M. The appearance of her knee is still equivocal; I am afraid discouraging as to a very prompt and compleat cure. I am the less able however to pronounce on this point, as the Dr. has been prevented by indisposition from seeing his patient for several days, and I cannot be...
I have recd. Sir your letter of Aug. 31. communicating your intention to publish a translation of the travels of the Marquis de Cha[s]tellux in the U. States during several years of the Revolutionary war. You are welcome to my name on the list of your subscribers which I wish may become sufficit for your object. I can not venture to promise much addition to it in this particular quarter. My...