105541From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Tallmadge, 16 June 1795 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York, June 16, 1795. On June 20, 1795, Tallmadge wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your Letter of the 16th. instant.” Letter not found. ] Tallmadge, a merchant in Litchfield, Connecticut, was treasurer of the Ohio Company. During the American Revolution, Tallmadge served as a lieutenant in the Continental line and was promoted successively to captain, major, and colonel of dragoons....
105542From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, 16 June 1795 (Hamilton Papers)
I beg the favour of you to cause a search to be made in your office for books belonging to me, and if any are found to send them to me. Inclosed is a list of books which I miss. There may be others of which I have neither minute or recollection—but I believe my name will be found written in any that belong to me. I am Sir your very obedt. Servt LS , from a facsimile printed in Goebel, Law...
105543Enclosure: Deficient Books of Mr. Hamilton’s Law Library, [16 June 1795] (Hamilton Papers)
D , from a facsimile printed in Goebel, Law Practice Julius Goebel, Jr., ed., The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: Documents and Commentary (New York and London, 1964– ) , I, 852. For the full titles and publishing information on the books on this list, see Goebel, Law Practice Julius Goebel, Jr., ed., The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: Documents and Commentary (New York and London,...
105544[Diary entry: 16 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
16. Wind at So. Wt. Showers & variable.
105545From Henry Helmuth and William Hendel to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 16 June 1795 (Washington Papers)
We beg the particular favor of You to deliver the inclosed petitions to His Excellency the President of the United States, and You will oblige very much thereby. Your humble and Obedient Servants ALS , in Helmuth’s hand, DLC : Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion Collection. Two of the submitted petitions, dated 13 June, are the same. One contains the signatures of 129 “Citizens of Philadelphia,”...
105546Philip Vigol Stay of Execution, 16 June 1795 (Washington Papers)
Whereas at a Circuit Court of the United States holden at Philadelphia in and for the Pennsylvania District of the middle Circuit, Philip Vigol late of Fayette County in the said District, yeoman was duly convicted and attainted of Treason against the said United States, and by the sentence of the same Court was ordered to be taken to the place of execution on the seventeenth of June instant,...
105547From James Madison to Henry Tazewell, ca. 16 June 1795 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. Ca. 16 June 1795. Acknowledged in Tazewell to JM, 26 June 1795 . Mentions lands in Orange County. Asks Tazewell to deliver letter from Dolley Payne Madison.
105548[Diary entry: 17 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
17. Do. at No. Et. Cloudy forenoon clear aft.
105549To James Madison from Pierce Butler, 17 June 1795 (Madison Papers)
My letter of last week coverd a small part of the Treaty; I now inclose a few more of the Articles. Yesterday Mr. King, after a labourd Apology for the Conduct of the Envoy, with respect to the 12th. Article, proposed to leave that Article for future Negociation with Britain; hoping that Senate woud Agree to all the other Articles. He was seconded by Mr. Elsworth. For the first time that I...
105550Abigail Adams to John Adams, 18 June 1795 (Adams Papers)
I received yours of the 12 th. I wish congress may rise by the time you mention. a Gentleman reported here yesterday that he had heard that mr Langdon had said he was determind to oppose the Treaty in every article. people are very anxious— the col had letters from Halifax which informs him, that without Libeling the vessel, they proceed to unload her & will not permit the Captain nor a single...