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Results 10551-10580 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Peace, which Sets the rest of the World at Ease, increases, I think my Perplexities and...
I had this Morning, the Pleasure of your Favour of the Sixteenth inst, by the Post; and rejoice...
I thank you for this Address in which the Modesty of Youth is united with the Fortitude of...
I have recd the Letter, you did me the honour to write me on the tenth of this month. The Date of...
10555January 5. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with M. Vaughan, in Company with the Abbys de Mably, Chalut, Arnoux and Ter Saint Tersan...
Last evening M r. Hartley spent two hours with me, and appeared much chagrined at the...
I am long in your debt, and therefore must beg your Patience on Account of bad health and many...
I have received the letter your Excellency did me the honor to write me, dated the 18 by mistake...
This Letter is to go by my worthy Friend Mr. Stephen Collins of this City. This Gentleman is of...
I have the Honour to inform your Excellency, that I expect to imbarque and Sail for America, in...
105611779. December 22. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea, at Senior Lagoaneres. Saw the Ladies drink Chocolat in the Spanish Fashion. A Servant...
10562Octr. 25th. 1775. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Duane told me at the Funeral of our late virtuous and able President that he, Mr. Duane, had...
I inclose to you a letter from Governor Trumbull of Connecticutt, a petition for a pardon from...
Your most friendly and obliging Favour of 28. Novr was never delivered to me, untill the 22d...
I have rec d , the Ratification of the Prussian Treaty, and next Thursday Shall Sett off for the...
10566Fryday [13 October]. (Adams Papers)
Read Gilbert. Went in the Evening to Coll. Quincys. Heard a Tryal before him, as a Justice...
28. H. 8, c. 15. For Pirates. The Statute on which this Court is founded is 11th. & 12th. Wm....
Is not your lively imagination a little exalted, you certainly have exalted my name to a greater...
I have received your kind letter of the 29th. of August, & I thank you for the friendly...
I have received your Favours of September 14 and 28th. but, by reason of an Amsterdam Fever,...
I am astonished! Looking in a Bundle of Letters, I found one from Col. Ward, unanswered, dated...
Last Evening I recieved your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th. of this month, accompanied with a...
Who shall write the History of the American Revoluion? Who can write it? Who will ever be able to...
10574[Harvard College, 1751–1755] (Adams Papers)
Continued November 30. 1804. In my own class at Collidge, there were several others, for whom I...
A few days ago I had the Pleasure of your obliging letter of the 15 of October. It came by the...
Your kind letter of the 13th contains much truth, and nothing but the truth. I may return to it...
I nominate Samuel Williams our Consul at Hamburgh to be Consul of the United States at London in...
105781774. Fryday March 11th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Charlestown with Mr. Thomas Russell, with Mr. Temple, Mr. Jacob Rowe, Mr. Nicholls, Mr....
You have enough of Smiths letters e’er this and Waterhouse’s too, all which you will be so good...
I Should have added in my Letter of this day, that Shelbourne professes to be steady to the...