Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to William Champe Carter, 3 June 1795

To William Champe Carter

Monticello June 3. 1795.

Dear Sir

On a view of the plat of the lands purchased of you for Mr. Short, and taking the Eastern point of one of the Blenheim old fields as uncontrovertibly fixed, because met by a clearing of the Indian Camp, I conjecture that no jury could extend dividing lines from thence so as to leave to the Indian Camp less than 1200. acres. I therefore inclose you three draughts for 600. Doll. each which completes the paiment for that quantity. The balance shall be paid as soon as we can get Mrs. Cartar’s agreement to our lines.

Rating the lands over the mountains at 3. dollars, I have thought it possible I might conclude to purchase your two shares at the deduction of a third as you proposed. I will take a little time for further consideration, but would be glad to know from you in the mean time if you would concur in the value I set on them. I am with great esteem Dear Sir Your most obedt. servt

Th: Jefferson

1200. acres @ 23/6 = 4700
Draughts formerly 300.
Draughts now inclosd. 1800

PrC (DLC: William Short Papers); at foot of text: “William Champe Carter esq.” Enclosures: TJ’s orders on John Barnes, 3, 4, and 5 June 1795, each in Carter’s favor for $600 at six weeks’sight (RC of 4 June order in same, with TJ’s signature canceled and “Mr. John Barnes Mercht Philadelphia South 3d. street” at foot of text; PrCs of all three orders in same, with 4 and 5 June orders letterpressed on one sheet, that of 4 June being canceled).

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