From James Madison to John Milledge, 14 December 1804 (Abstract)
§ To John Milledge
14 December 1804, Department of State. “Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled ‘An Act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of the United States,[‘] Passed 3rd. March 1795 and the Acts in addition thereto, Passed on the 2nd. March 1799 and on the 27th. March 1804,1 I Have transmitted to the Collector of the Customs in Charleston in South Carolina Two Hundred and forty eight copies of the Laws of the United States 1st. Session 8th. Congress, being the proportion for the State of Georgia, with a request that he would forward them to your Excellency.”2
RC (ViW). 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by JM.
1. , 1:443, 724–25, 2:302–3.
2. On the same day, JM wrote to Charleston collector James Simons: “I have shipped to your care by the Schooner Two Brothers, Thomas Y. Sprogell Captain, Seven boxes containing volumes of the laws of the United States, 1st. Session 8th. Congress, addressed to the Governors of Georgia, South Carolina & North Carolina. I pray you to forward them as opportunities may serve to their respective places of destination, paying the expences from Charleston, which shall be reimbursed immediately on the receipt of your Account. The Captains receipt for the boxes [not found] is herewith enclosed” (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14).