105371To Thomas Jefferson from De Grasse, 19 January 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Je reçois au moment la Lettre dont vous M’avés honoré, et mon Empressement à y répondre doit vous...
105372From Thomas Jefferson to De Grasse, 19 January 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Par les reglements de l’institution des Cincinnati, je crois que ce sont les Generaux François...
105373To Thomas Jefferson from André Limozin, 19 January 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
Le Havre, 19 Jan. 1788 . Wrote to TJ on 11th and “took the Freedom to enclose a Copy of a Letter...
105374From Thomas Jefferson to William Macarty, 19 January 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
I this moment receive your favour on the subject of the China. If I understand you rightly,...
105375From Thomas Jefferson to Wilt, Delmestre & Cie., 19 January 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
I am sincerely sorry for the circumstances which have rendered necessary the letter you have done...
10537618th. (Adams Papers)
This afternoon I wrote a couple of letters to send by Mr. Atkins, who goes to Boston to’morrow....
105377[Diary entry: 18 January 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 18th. Thermometer at 25 in the Morning—35 at Noon And 35 at Night. In the Morning the Wind...
105378From George Washington to Samuel Powel, 18 January 1788 (Washington Papers)
Having nothing, either interesting or entertaining in these parts to communicate—our faces being...
105379To George Washington from Rochambeau, 18 January 1788 (Washington Papers)
I have received by M. Shippen’s hands the letter which you have honoured me with, and I made him...
105380From George Washington to David Stuart, 18 January 1788 (Washington Papers)
As the enclosed will be transmitted to Mr Custis, I will blend nothing else ⟨w⟩ith it; but beg,...