105331To George Washington from Henry Knox, 13 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Lieut. Colonel Johnson of Colonel Swift’s regiment is very sollicitous to have leave of absence for twelve or fourteen days. His family is large, and are in distress upon account of the short crops of grain in the vicinity of their . Major Smith is with the regiment. If your Excllcy should find it proper to grant him this indulgence it would releive the anxiety of a deserving officer. I have...
105332To George Washington from Peter Muhlenberg, 13 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have been Honord with Your Excellencys Letter of the 13th of November, relative to the Governors charge against Captn Fox, the recruiting Officer appointed for Spottsylvania—previous to the receipt of Your Excellencys Letter, I had allready summond Captn Fox to the Rendezvous; together with Mr Mountjoy who had lodgd the information with the Governor . Captn Fox attended, and denied the...
105333General Orders, 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lieutent Colonel Vandyke. For duty tomorrow the 2d Massachusetts regiment. The seventh Massachusetts regiment will march for the releif of the second Jersey regiment, on the Lines, on thursday the 16th instant. Captain John Carlile of General Hazens Regiment is appointed Assistt Adjutant General, to take place with the New Arrangement—He is to be obeyed and respected...
105334To George Washington from Sidney Lee, 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Though personally unknown to you, I am by no means ignorant of your character for benevolence; therefore take the liberty of entreating Your Excellency Will honor Me With your good offices. The late General Charles Lee left behind him neither brother Nephew or Niece and but one Sister that now addresses you, and humbly begs your assistance in procuring for her an attested Copy of his last...
105335To George Washington from Richard Sill, 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Major General Lord Stirling took his leave of this world at 6 oclock this morning. Lady Stirling and Lady Caty are in the deepest distress. It would no doubt be more agreable to his friends could he be interred with the honors due to his rank but the distance of the Troops from this place will render it impossible to pay so small a tribute to his memory. A Subalterns party which has been...
105336To George Washington from William Stephens Smith, 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
After breaking thro’ numberless snow-banks and encountring the Difficulties attendant on those who move in unbeaten Paths, I arrived here yesterday. The Post is in its usual order and nothing material has happen’d during my absence. My Corespondent below had deposited the enclosed Papers, which I sent for last night and have the honor of forwarding. there is no News Circulating but what they...
105337From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
I enclose a Letter from Major Tallmadge to Your Excellency which came under a flying seal to my hands; the observations contained in it appear to be highly worthy of consideration. The importance of absolutely cutting off all manner of commerce & illicit intercourse with the Enemy is so great, and at the same time so obvious, that I conceive it only necessary to recommend the subject, without...
105338From Benjamin Walker to Richard Varick, 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
The General wishes to know if you have bought the buff Cloth—if you have send it—if not—you need not buy it. We have nothing here but that a Man from N. York says the Garrison of Charles town is arrived Sincerely Yrs NHi .
105339To George Washington from Joseph Allyn Wright, 14 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Upon the repeated applications of Doctor Jedh Ensworth Surgeons Mate of the 3d Connt Regiment, I find myself under the disagreable necessity of recommending him to Your Excellency for a discharge from the service, but as his reasons appear sufficient and as the Regiment will not be immediately injured except on the loss of a skillfull, attentive Physician, I could wish that he might be...
105340General Orders, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Fish. For duty tomorrow the 8th Massachusetts regt. The honorable the Congress have been pleased to promote Colonels Greaton, and Putnam, of the Massachusetts Line, and Colonel Dayton of the Jersey Line to the rank of Brigadier Generals. Brigadier General Greaton is appointed to the command of the 2d & Brigadier General Putnam to the command of the 3d Massachusetts...
105341From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have the pleasure to congratulate you on your late promotion to the Rank of Brigadier General which took place in Congress the 7th Inst. Your Commission arrived here yesterday and I shall keep it till I can have the pleasure to deliver it to you in Person which I must request may be as soon as possible and that you come prepared to remain with your Brigade the remainder of the Winter. If...
105342From George Washington to William Heath, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 1st instant. Congress have been pleased to promote Colonels Greaton, Dayton & Putnam to the rank of Brigadiers, by their Act of the 7th of this Month. Altho’ we have no official Accounts of the Evacuation of Charles Town, yet the certainty of that event is placed beyond dispute by the publications in New York; at which place General Leslie...
105343To George Washington from William Jackson, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
I am honored with your Excellency’s letters of the 3rd and 8 instant—The Post did not arrive until this morning. I shall address Congress on the subject of additional subsistence money to be allowed the Officers of the Cavalry in consideration of their keeping more servants without arms than those of the Infantry—until their decision is had, which I am persuaded will be conformable to the...
105344From George Washington to Henry Knox, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
When the Party arrived yesterday with the Sleigh, I was engaged with Mr Howell—before I was at liberty they had left this—This is my apology for not writing to you yesterday. I have now to thank you for the Sleigh, which I think very handsome—convenient—& well executed. Shall I thank you for giving the Master Workman a couple of Guineas, to be laid out in liquor for those who have been engaged...
105345From George Washington to Amelia Leigh Lloyd, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
How it came to pass that the inclosed packet should have been so long on its passage, I am unable to inform you—the time of my receiving it is endorsed on the back. If the Letters contained in it should give you a satisfactory account of your friends, it will add to the pleasure I feel in being the channel of your correspondence. I offer the compliments of the season to yourself & Mr Lloyd &...
105346To George Washington from Samuel Ogden, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
By Mr Morris on the 28th Ultimo, I enclosed you a Letter from my Brother, which I received from Mr John Reade, who went into New York with permission from Governor Livingston. By the last Eastern post I received the enclosed. I feel myself extremely anxious to have the purpose effected about which we conversed, and would be much obliged to you, if you will indulge me with another interview at...
105347To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Your excellency’s favour, desiring me to communicate with Mr Lund Washington on the subject of Colo. Mercer’s affairs, has been duly received. I have written to him on the subject; informing him, that the application of Mr John Mercer for the b ond was founded on an order of the high court of chancery. He was directed to give bond, and, I believe, he has done so tho’ of this I am not I cannot...
105348From George Washington to John Sullivan, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
By the Last eastern Mail I received your favor of the 30th Ulto accompanied by a Letter to Colo. Holland; I made no delay in giving directions to have that Letter forwarded immediately by flagg to New York—I am Dear Sir with great regard & esteem Your Most Obdt Servt I have received no answer to either of the other Letters. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
105349From David Humphreys to Job Sumner, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief desires me to inform you, that upon maturer consideration he does not think himself authorized to give an order for the payment of your forage Account; because it would be contravening the regulation of Congress, as fixed in the late system for conducting the Qr Mastrs Department, which enumerates the Officers who shall alone be entitled to move forage, from the public,...
105350To George Washington from Richard Varick, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
I am again pressed by the Writers under my Direction to make Application to Your Excellency for pay on Account of their Services; There remains due to them on this Day, the following Sums Vizt To Mr Zacharias Sickels 6 1/2 Mos. 325 Dolls. To Mr George Taylor Junr 5 1/2 Mos. 275 do To Mr Oliver Glean —(dischd) 2 Mos. 25 days 145 do 745
105351From George Washington to Bushrod Washington, 15 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
You will be surprized perhaps at receiving a letter from me—but if the end is answered for which it is written, I shall not think my time miss-spent. Your Father, who seems to entertain a very favourable opinion of your prudence, & I hope, you merit it; in one or two of his letters to me, speaks of the difficulty he is under to make you remittances. Whether this arises from the scantiness of...
105352General Orders, 16 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lieutenant Colonel Barber. For duty tomorrow the 5th Massachusetts regiment. Commanding officers of Lines from which there are soldiers absent attending as servants or officers who have retired in consequence of the late arrangement, or left the service in any other way; will direct in pointed terms all such soldiers to join their corps without delay—and in case they shall...
105353To George Washington from Elias Boudinot, 16 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Your Excellency’s letter of the 8th instant, enclosing Mr Chittendon’s receipt, came safe to hand and was duly laid before Congress. I have also the honor to acknowlege the receipt of your Excellency’s private letter of the same date, enclosing the Bank Notes for 95 Dollars on account of the late Revd Mr Caldwell’s Children—I cannot but again repeat on behalf of these distressed Orphans, the...
105354To George Washington from George Clinton, 16 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
On my Return from Kingston Yesterday I was honored with your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Instant accompanied by one from Major Talmage. You may be assured Sir of my chearful Concurrence in every Measure which may be necessary to prevent the dangerous Intercourse with the Enemy mentioned by Major Talmage—Six only of the Number of Cruizers in the Sound have received their Commissions from me...
105355From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 16 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
Since the letter which Bushrod delivered me in Philadelphia, I have received your favors of the 24th of July from Westmoreland—and 12th of Novr from Berkley. The latter gave me extreme pain—In Gods name how did my Brothr Saml contrive to get himself so enormously in debt? Was it by purchases? By misfortunes? or shear indolence & inattention to business? From whatever cause it proceeded, the...
105356General Orders, 17 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Oliver. For duty tomorrow the Maryland Detachment. In consequence of the promotion of Brigadrs Generals, Greaton, Putnam, and Dayton, Lieutenant Colonel Mellon is posted to the 3d and Lieutenant Colo. Cobb to the 5th Regiments of Massachusetts, as Lieutenant Colonels commandants. Lieutenant colonel Barber takes command of the 2d regiment of Jersey as Lieutenant...
105357To George Washington from Anne-César, chevalier de La Luzerne, 10 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
His Majesty has been informed of the marks of Joy shewn by the American Army; on the birth of the Dauphin and it has given him great satisfaction to see the part which the American Officers and soldiers have taken in that happy event. The King has ordered me to make known to you his sensibility on this Occasion and has charged me to assure the American Army and the General who commands it—of...
105358To George Washington from Charles, marquis de La Rouërie Armand Tuffin, 17 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
at my arrival here which was the 13th present I find by a letter from major waker one of your aids to the d.p. Secretary at war that mr Second still continue in the idea that he has a right to take his rank into the legion & I take the liberty to represent once more the matter to your Excellency—& as I had the honor to wrait to you before that no personal reasons promoted my wishes against...
105359To George Washington from Christopher Colles, 17 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
As the subject of this Letter is a matter which may turn out of considerable utility to the United States in general, & the state of Virginia in particular, I hope you will pardon the liberty I take of addressing myself to your Excellency. I have lately seen Capn Hutchins’s map of Virginia, & observe that the River Ohio is navigable for large vessels from Fort Pitt to its confluence with the...
105360From David Humphreys to Ephraim Fenno, 17 January 1783 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief expects wherever there are two Field Officers with the Regt on the Lines, that one of them will take the command of the Posts at Kings Ferry & at other times, that the senior Officer present will have the general superintendance of them. As to the salted provisions which is in danger of being spoiled; His Excellency thinks, if it is the property of the present...