105251To George Washington from John Sullivan, 30 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
I again take the liberty of troubling Yr Excellency with a Letter for Colo. Holland which incloses a Resolve of our assembly rescinding a former one respecting his wifes admittance to visit her Children in this State—& beg Your Excellency will please to forward it by a flag to New York. I have the honor to be with the most perfect Esteem Dear General Your most obedt & very humble Servant DLC :...
105252To George Washington from Joseph Vose, 30 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
A flagg arived at the lines last evening. inform me that they could not cross at Dobbs ferry, I had a scout below under Command of Captain Marshell whom they came up with for fear of being plundered by the Skinners, as it is conterary to orders for flagg’s to come any other rout but Dobbs ferry I have detained them at the lines and furnish’d them with a guard to protect their property untill I...
105253General Orders, 31 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel H. Jackson Major Graham For duty tomorrow the 2d Massachusetts regiment. The Contract of Messrs Duer and Parker for furnishing the Army with rations of Provision is to take place tomorrow. The Officers and Contractors, convened at Major Genl Howes Quarters, the 29th instant in consequence of the Commander in chiefs order have agree’d that to accomodate service, the...
105254To George Washington from Horatio Gates, 31 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
Agreeable to Your Excellency’s approbation of Doctor Evans’s proposal for erecting a public building communicated in the general orders of the 25th instant—The commanding officers of brigades, and regiments, assembled at my quarters, on friday last-- and directed a committee from their body, to fix upon a proper place for the Scite thereof, and to report on monday; when the officers were...
105255From George Washington to Moses Hazen, 31 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
I have received your Letter of the 26th. The matter respecting Capt. Duncan may remain as at present, until further directions. I am Sir Your Most Obed. &c. P.S. All Deserters who come to your Cantonment are to be sent to Head Quarters—they may draw provisions sufficient to bring them there. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
105256To George Washington from Robert Morris, 31 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
I have received your Excellency’s favors of the twenty first and twenty fifth Instant. Colo. Tilghman had already mentioned the Cannon which Mr Billings engraved and I assured him I would pay for it. This assurance I beg Leave to repeat and to add that if your Excellency will be pleased to draw on me in his favor the Bill shall be duly honored. In such Case I wish the Service may be specified...
105257To George Washington from Samuel Ogden, 31 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
I have the honor to enclose you by Mr Chief Justice Morris a Letter, I this Morning received from Mr Reade. This is the first, and only Letter I have received from my Brother since I had the pleasure of seeing Him; I could have wis hed he had been more explicit therein. That of the 13th Instant of which He enclosed the Copy, has not come to hand, perhaps it may have reached You. Should you...
105258To George Washington from Jacques-Marie-Blaise, Chevalier [de] Segond de Sederon, 31 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
Since the receipt of your letter of the 30th october, I have reason to beleive, that either Col. armand has not answer’d you on the subject of my request or if he has done it it is not in a satisfactory way. Let my anxiety of seeing finaly determin’d, a matter interesting to me, apologise for my repeated applications & allow me to lay of new before your excellency, the irksomness and...
105259To George Washington from Philip Leibert, 1782 (Washington Papers)
Ppe Liebert enciennement capn au Regiment de Monsieur Mozes Hazen commissonner le Seize fevrier mil sept Cent Soixante & Seize, à l’honneur dexposer à votre Exelence, quayant été placé au corp des invalides par votre ordre en Mille Sept cent quatre vingt deux le douze de mars. Sur la representation de Monsieur hand adjudantGeneral & des Certificats de Messieurs treat & Binney docteur General....
105260From George Washington to John Thomas, 1782 (Washington Papers)
General Washington presents his Compliments to Doctr Thomas requests the favour of his Company at dinner to morrow 3 oClock. NNebgGW .