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Results 105251-105300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
On the 29th. Ultimo, I transmitted under cover to the Secretary at War, a letter which Mr. Mather, the Mayor of New-Orleans, had addressed to me touching a Conspiracy, which he supposes to exist. Whether there is or is not cause for that apprehension which the Mayor expresses, I cannot yet undertake to say; I have however esteemed it a duty to take some measures of precaution, & with this...
I have your letter of the 26th. of October and have this day obtained from Mr. Thompson the survey of the upper part of James River, and shall Tomorow morning have an answer from Mr. Lambert to whom I was advised as a proper person to copy it whether he will undertake to do it. If he does, the work will perhaps be well executed. Should he decline doing it my endeavours shall not be wanting to...
By the Brig Tace Captn. Thomas via Philadelphia, I had the honor to address you the 11th. Instant, enclosing a copy of my note covering the Presidents letter to the Prince Regent & the declaration of the Prince Regent respecting the Neutrality of this Kingdom. I have since been confidently informed that Senr. De Araujo, the Portugueze Minister at the Court of St. Petersburg has obtained from...
I have this evening received the enclosed letters from Gen. W. From the 3d. to the 9th., both days included, the weather has been as good as we could wish. By his calculation, he would, on the 8th., arrive at Hamilton. The 9th. would carry him to the Coteau de lac, where circumstances may, & probably will, render it necessary for him to debark. From this place to the Grand river, the country...
Having an opportunity by Mr. Burnley I embrace it to acknowledge the Rect. of your favor of the 3d. Ult. from N. York, and also to congratulate you upon the success which attended your efforts to turn the Sinners of Orange from their wicked ways. The Rage in Powhatan was, a few days before the election, as high as where, but by the day of trial, the Town was so changed that Mr. Turpin who had...
Letter not found. 24 October 1803 . Acknowledged in JM to Pinckney, 10 April 1804 (DNA: RG 59, IM, vol. 6).
I take the liberty of sending you herewith, a letter this day received from Thomas Bee Esqr. of Charleston S. C. Having had no opportunity of being much acquainted with him, I can add nothing to what is already known to you. With great respect I am Sir Your most obedt. Servt. RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). For enclosure, see n. 1. Tucker enclosed a one-page letter he had received from Thomas Bee,...
A vacancy having been occasioned in the office of Secretary of the Illinois Territory by the resignation of the last incumbent, and Daniel P. Cook Esqr. being a candidate for that appointment, I have thought proper to address you on the subject of his qualifications, and in so doing I feel no hesitation in recommending him as a Gentleman of every necessary qualification to discharge the duties...
I Have lately So Much Trespassed on Your time that I Will Not to day trouble You Again With Louïsiana Affairs, and Plans of pecuniary Liberation. Permit me only to Mention the Case of a Beloved Creditor, Mr. Erick Bollman, to Whom Besides the immense debt of My Gratitude, I find Myself indebted for Six thousand francs. You Know that independant of the Mortgage Upon the Lands, I Will Be able to...
14 August 1802, Lisbon. Refers to his letters to JM of 10 and 13 Aug., “each incloseing Copies of letters from the several Consuls in the streights & a dispatch from Mr Simpson.” Has learned by a 10 Aug. letter from Cadiz that “the 22 gun ship from Larach had sail’d, but head winds had obliged her to put back again.” “By my last I acquainted you with the departure of Genl. Lannes from here.…...
I do myself the honour to enclose you an Epitome of the work contemplated. My Funds will not admit of printing the whole at present. Several writers have undertaken to write, as they call it, “a defence of Mr. Jefferson’s administration”; their mode may be right, but my manner of doing it will be viewed in the present specimen. There is something singular in this humble offering, that the very...
§ From William Pinkney and Others. 10 April 1815, Baltimore. “We beg leave to offer you our sincere Congratulations upon the Conclusion of an honorable Peace between the United States and Great Britain; and at the same time to express our unfeigned admiration of the enlightened Wisdom and patriotic Firmness by which your Conduct has been distinguished, during the extraordinary trials to which...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Maddison jr Esqr Philadelphia.” Another copy, made from the original manuscript, is printed in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society , 2d ser., XIX (1905), 141–42. I have yr favr of the 18th Past and felt the justice of yr remark as to the benefits derived & in prospect to Virginia from the presence of the Commander...
Tho a Stranger to you, yet feel a wish to be permited to address you. I entertain no doubt Sir but that you will to the utmost of yr. abillity Steer the political ark of our Salvation through the waves & billows of the present Struggle to and honourable peace, while the haughty nation will be taught to regard our rights, but Sir when I recollect the divine hand (when requested) is allways...
You will pardon me for intruding on your attention a few lines Relative to a subject in which every American Citizen should feel a deep interest. On the demise of the late Chif Justice Marshal you were appointed his successor as President of the ’Washington National Monument Society’. In a recent number of Niles Register I see an address to the American people by order of the Board of...
I received your agreeable letter the day after mine of the 28th. instant had been dispatched. I thank you Sir for the very particular and satisfactory information that you have favord me with. It is certainly comfortable to know that the Legislature of our country is engaged in beneficial pursuits—for I conceive that the Gen. Assessment, and a wise digest of our militia laws are very important...
Personally unacquainted as I am with you, I fear that the liberty I take in addressing to you this communication may be deemed a troublesome, perhaps an impertinent intrusion upon your privacy & Leisure. I can well conjecture the frequent demands which are made upon your time, for counsel & information, having relation to the political history & opinions of the country, in the government of...
I this day was honor’d by your favor in answer to mine of the 1st. inst. wherein you were pleased to inform me that "the Arrangements designed by the President relative to the Consulate at Rotterdam, do not permit you to authorize me to return to that place in my former Capacity". A Circumstance which I regret exceedingly. I have asked of the President, what every Man may ask without blushing,...
By this mail I send the sundry newspapers recd. pr. Ship Pacific from Liverpool by which it may be observed that the non importation Law presses very hard upon Great Britain which with the severe operation of the Embargo on account of the scarcity of Bread and her other difficulties will be likely to increase the Current against the present Ministry of that nation beyond their power to...
The inclosed paper will inform you on board what vessell and to whom consigned the small cask I send you goes—it contains Anthony informs me four gammon and one shoulder. I wish I could have sent you more and larger peices but you must be content with what and such as they are. I set out in the morning for Loudoun and Albemarle and shall not return in less than 8 or 10 days. Your letters to me...
26 March 1802, Washington. “In answer to your communications, as contained in the letter of the attorney Genl. of the Mississippi territory, enclosed by Governor Claiborne respecting claims to vacant lands in that territory, I can state little more than general principles, and a loose opinion on the described cases.… Nothing can be clearer, than that all grants, made by the Spanish Government...
As you have considered the question of Constitutionality arising on the Carriage Tax, & I am applied to, on a sudden, to engage in the Argument, if without inconvenience, you could bestow 10 or 15 minutes to hint your Ideas upon the Subject, they will be very acceptable to me. Excuse the liberty I take I am With much respect Your obed hum servt RC ( NHi ). Addressed by Ingersoll to JM, “No....
Mr. Barry, late of Washington, having placed his claim upon this government (the subject of your letter to Mr. Bowdoin of June 15 1806) under the care of Mr. Young, I have had frequent consultation with that gentleman as to the best means of bringing it to a settlement. It is the Opinion & wish of Mr. Young that no official application shoud yet be made to the Minister of State, since as he...
We have the honor to enclose to your Excellency a final report in the case of the Claimants under the Upper Mississipi Company, and a report relative to a part of the Claim of Claimants releasing under the Georgia Mississipi Company. Very resply Yr Obt. Servts: Thos Swann } Comson FS Key J Law RC ( DLC ). Undated; docketed “June 1815” by JM . Enclosures not found, but see n. 1. By 18 Nov....
The petition of John Moore, humbly shews unto your Excellency: That at November Term of 1815 of the Circuit Court of the district of Columbia, held for the County of Alexandria, your petitioner was found guilty of a Misdemeanor, and amerced in the sum of fifty Cents, and ordered to stand committed until payment of the fine and the Costs of prosecution. Your petitioner shews unto your...
12 April 1801, London. No. 10. Encloses copies of correspondence with Lord Hawkesbury about seizure of American vessels carrying articles of Spanish origin to Spanish colonies. Decree from Vice-Admiralty Court at Nassau regarding the case of the Leopard is the first document precise enough to use as grounds for a remonstrance. Suggests that these copies be published in American newspapers as...
Without the pleasure of any of yours I referr to my last No. 88. We have no Novelty here regarding Tripoly. Comodor Morris is in the Bay, & the Essex sails this day for the U.S. With regard to the Empr. of Morrocco I referr to the sundry dispatches from Consul Simpson which goes by this Conveyance. Last night arrived Mr. Wyk the Swedish Consul at Tangeir, the Emperour having orderd him to quit...
Je profite du depart de Madame Barlow dont l’époux m’avait inspiré les sentimens de la plus haute admiration, pour Vous adresser ces lignes et l’expression de la satisfaction qu’à causé à tous les amis de l’humanité la nouvelle de l’heureux retablissement de Votre santé. Au milieu de cette grande lutte des peuples, voyant cette vieille Europe exposée à tous les malheurs de la devastation, de...
In my last I mention’d to you, the subject of the impost was reviv’d & that a report of a Committee had given place to a motion of Mr. Pinckney, the latter being still before the house. The report, and motion with a report from the Bd. of treasury to the same effect have since been committed, in which State the business now lies. I inclose you a paper containing the report. It is doubted...
I promised to drop you a line on the subject of the petition &c. I did my self the pleasure to address to you some time since. I am happy to inform you that I am of opin[i]on there is nothing to be apprehended from this association. Indeed I am informed it is very unpopular among the land holders in that quarter of the state where it has met with the most countenance. The Legislature of this...
10 May 1802, Falmouth. Reports arrival of many American ships at Falmouth with cargoes of flour, most of which have been forwarded to Spain; a few have been forwarded to Le Havre. In England the markets are “abundantly supplied.” “It is said that English Ships with Flour, are not permitted to land their Cargoes in France. Freights and Seamen’s Wages are falling fast, and Trade is dull in...
I recd. the other day yours of the 16th ult. inclosing a part of paines letter to the president (from 41 to 64) the appendix and the first number of Mr Pelham, which as a specimen of the writers design, and liberality of sentiment, does not exhibit him in a very favourable point of view. This man is not for a total but partial disorganisation, and as he belongs to or speaks from Connecticut...
I am happy so Soon to have it in my power to inform you that I understand from Mr. Joseph Bryan a neighbor of mine and respectable merchant of this place who has just returned from Ocracock whither he had been to attend the Sale of the Jacob and Cargo that your Wine and nuts with Some for Mr Jefferson on board the Same Vessel were without being sold placed in the hands of Mr. James Taylor...
Having ascertained from friends on whose superior judgement I have the greatest reliance, that in consequence of the pecuniary misfortunes to which I have lately been exposed, there are well grounded apprehensions, that my appointment to the office of superintendant of indian affairs, for which I have applied might be objected to by the public, I beg leave to withdraw my application. The great...
I wrote you last on the 8th. we have still not a word from our envoys. this long silence (if they have been silent) proves things are not going on very roughly. if they have not been silent, it proves their information if made public would check the disposition to arm. I had flattered myself, from the progress of the public sentiment against arming, that the same progress had taken place in...
14 February 1805, “Committee Room.” “With a view to a subject referred to the Committee of Claims, I have the honor of requesting a copy of the proclamation of the President of the United States permitting a commerce with certain ports in Hispaniola during the general suspension of intercourse with France & its dependencies.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner. John Adams’s 6...
At the Request of Mr. Samuel T. Anderson who intermarried with my Daughter Caroline, I inclose his Letter to you relative to his Claim created under your Administration, to the just Settlement of which he seems to be estoped by an Entry , as by your especial Order. I have examined the Case and the Compensation allowed, and find that three perCent only is allowed to him for the same services...
It is with pleasure I acquaint you with my safe arrival in the United States from Liverpool in England after a passage of thirty three days. Being much perplexed with the confusion incident to my arrival, I have only time to enclose you two Letters one for the President of the United States, && the other for you. Please to present my respectful Regards to the President, & acquaint him, that I...
12 March 1813, New York. “The Petition of John Taylor of the City of New York Grocer. Respectfully Sheweth “That your Petitioner is a Native of Ireland, but has been long Settled as a resident in New York. “That your Petitioner having determined to become a Citizen of the United States, announced Such his intention & took the Oath declaring the Same as appears by the certificate hereunto...
31 December 1803, Cork. Has received JM’s circular letters and noted their contents. “This serves to hand you inclosed the Current Years Import List of American Produce into this City, & am proud to find it has much increased since my preceeding; & as our Ports are shortly to open for Importing all kinds of Provisions Duty free for one Year I expect it will occasion a great Overflow of...
Judge Nelson has resigned his judicial office & the Executive of Virginia will soon appoint a successor. The Law requires that he shall reside within the Circuit & the probability is that the preference will be given to a Candidate already here rather than incur the risque of offending by sending a stranger to us. My Friends have solicited my consent to be a Candidate & some of them have...
Letter not found. 2 July 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Willard, 21 July 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request to be furnished with a set of the laws of the U.S. Brent replied that JM had directed him to point out that a congressional resolution of 3 Mar. 1797 required the marshal’s predecessor to hand over any and all materials he had received from the State Department.
Governor Folch of Pensacola has recommenced his unfriendly proceedings towards the US. He has refused a passage to the American troops by the way of Mobile to Fort Stoddart, and threatens to oppose them with force of arms. The commerce also of the U. S. on the Mobile continues subject to detention and embarrassment; duties are exacted, even on the Military Stores of the US, as will appear by...
9 December 1804, Richmond. “Be so good as to give the inclosed letter a proper direction, under another cover, & such conveyance as may be most certain & expeditious. “I congratulate you on the compleat success of the republican Ticket here, & on the Triumph of Republicanism in Massachusetts, & on the prosperous State of your Administration. “Mrs. Page joins with me in presenting our...
Herewith are enclosed the accounts and Vouchers for Monies r eceived and expended on account of the United States, from the first of Ju ly till the Thirtyfirst of December 1808, also my account Current with th e United States till that date. Owing to the situation in which I have been placed, since the ca pture of this Island by the British, and the communication between it and the United...
§ From Sylvanus Bourne. 10 July 1805, Amsterdam. “This will serve to acquaint you that I have wrote you by Capt King on the 6h Inst & shall write you again more amply in a few days by Cap Allen to New york & via norfolk on the interesting Subject of your letter of May 23 —& by which I hope to explain fully & satisfactorily the apparent Solecism to which your Said Letter refers & convince you...
Since the date of my letter of the 14th. of February, I have made a communication to the Neapolitan Ambassador, calculated to lay the foundation of an arrangement, such as was suggested in your dispatch of the 10th of Novr; and as the mean most likely to produce the necessary predisposition on the part of his Government, I have stated the facts, that the trade of the two Sicilies to the United...
I send you enclosed Copies of the Executive Acts and proceedings of Michigan Territory from the first day of January last, to the first of July Instant. I am Sir with sentiments of Esteem your Obt. Servt. DNA : RG 59—Territorial Papers—TP, Michigan.
Inclosed I send you the Leyden Gazette to this date by which you will perceive that Cairo has eventually fallen into the hands of the English & that the conquest of that Country is viewed as being accomplished altho Alexandria yet holds out. This event appears to be considered as a very important one towards the promoting of peace between E & F. That it removes one great obstacle to that...
10 February 1804, Amsterdam. “I have sedulously occupied myself of late in the means for procuring a relaxation of the rigorous quarantine Laws of this Country in favr of our Vessells.” Encloses a copy of a letter “just received” from the secretary of state “which holds forth the pledge of a due attention thereto in future that I hope to see realized.” “It has been lately reported here in the...