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Results 105251-105300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
On the 29th. Ultimo, I transmitted under cover to the Secretary at War, a letter which Mr....
I have your letter of the 26th. of October and have this day obtained from Mr. Thompson the...
By the Brig Tace Captn. Thomas via Philadelphia, I had the honor to address you the 11th....
I have this evening received the enclosed letters from Gen. W. From the 3d. to the 9th., both...
Having an opportunity by Mr. Burnley I embrace it to acknowledge the Rect. of your favor of the...
Letter not found. 24 October 1803 . Acknowledged in JM to Pinckney, 10 April 1804 (DNA: RG 59,...
I take the liberty of sending you herewith, a letter this day received from Thomas Bee Esqr. of...
A vacancy having been occasioned in the office of Secretary of the Illinois Territory by the...
I Have lately So Much Trespassed on Your time that I Will Not to day trouble You Again With...
14 August 1802, Lisbon. Refers to his letters to JM of 10 and 13 Aug., “each incloseing Copies of...
I do myself the honour to enclose you an Epitome of the work contemplated. My Funds will not...
§ From William Pinkney and Others. 10 April 1815, Baltimore. “We beg leave to offer you our...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Maddison jr Esqr Philadelphia.”...
Tho a Stranger to you, yet feel a wish to be permited to address you. I entertain no doubt Sir...
You will pardon me for intruding on your attention a few lines Relative to a subject in which...
I received your agreeable letter the day after mine of the 28th. instant had been dispatched. I...
Personally unacquainted as I am with you, I fear that the liberty I take in addressing to you...
I this day was honor’d by your favor in answer to mine of the 1st. inst. wherein you were pleased...
By this mail I send the sundry newspapers recd. pr. Ship Pacific from Liverpool by which it may...
The inclosed paper will inform you on board what vessell and to whom consigned the small cask I...
26 March 1802, Washington. “In answer to your communications, as contained in the letter of the...
As you have considered the question of Constitutionality arising on the Carriage Tax, & I am...
Mr. Barry, late of Washington, having placed his claim upon this government (the subject of your...
We have the honor to enclose to your Excellency a final report in the case of the Claimants under...
The petition of John Moore, humbly shews unto your Excellency: That at November Term of 1815 of...
12 April 1801, London. No. 10. Encloses copies of correspondence with Lord Hawkesbury about...
Without the pleasure of any of yours I referr to my last No. 88. We have no Novelty here...
Je profite du depart de Madame Barlow dont l’époux m’avait inspiré les sentimens de la plus haute...
In my last I mention’d to you, the subject of the impost was reviv’d & that a report of a...
I promised to drop you a line on the subject of the petition &c. I did my self the pleasure to...
10 May 1802, Falmouth. Reports arrival of many American ships at Falmouth with cargoes of flour,...
I recd. the other day yours of the 16th ult. inclosing a part of paines letter to the president...
I am happy so Soon to have it in my power to inform you that I understand from Mr. Joseph Bryan a...
Having ascertained from friends on whose superior judgement I have the greatest reliance, that in...
I wrote you last on the 8th. we have still not a word from our envoys. this long silence (if they...
14 February 1805, “Committee Room.” “With a view to a subject referred to the Committee of...
At the Request of Mr. Samuel T. Anderson who intermarried with my Daughter Caroline, I inclose...
It is with pleasure I acquaint you with my safe arrival in the United States from Liverpool in...
12 March 1813, New York. “The Petition of John Taylor of the City of New York Grocer....
31 December 1803, Cork. Has received JM’s circular letters and noted their contents. “This serves...
Judge Nelson has resigned his judicial office & the Executive of Virginia will soon appoint a...
Letter not found. 2 July 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Willard, 21 July 1802 (DNA: RG 59,...
Governor Folch of Pensacola has recommenced his unfriendly proceedings towards the US. He has...
9 December 1804, Richmond. “Be so good as to give the inclosed letter a proper direction, under...
Herewith are enclosed the accounts and Vouchers for Monies r eceived and expended on account of...
§ From Sylvanus Bourne. 10 July 1805, Amsterdam. “This will serve to acquaint you that I have...
Since the date of my letter of the 14th. of February, I have made a communication to the...
I send you enclosed Copies of the Executive Acts and proceedings of Michigan Territory from the...
Inclosed I send you the Leyden Gazette to this date by which you will perceive that Cairo has...
10 February 1804, Amsterdam. “I have sedulously occupied myself of late in the means for...