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Results 105221-105230 of 184,431 sorted by author
Since my last which was of the 18th day of January, I have received your several letters of the 11th and 14th November, 1802. As you will receive this from the hands of Mr. Monroe, I refer to him for full information relative to our internal affairs generally, and in particular to the violation of our right of deposit at New Orleans, with the impressions and proceedings which have resulted...
Before I recd. your favour of the 23d. I had taken steps for sending to the Governour the proceedings of the Convention at Charlottesville; but finding that the Memorial as finally agreed to, would not appear without much trouble in tracing the additions & alterations, I requested Mr. Davis to make out a distinct copy as resulting from these, which I have just recd. & now forward to the...
6 May 1805, Department of State . “J. Madison has received the volume of papers concerning the province of Quebeck. He thanks Mr. Totham [ sic ] for this tribute to the collection of Books in the Office of State; as well as for the polite access which he offers, to the other Books in his possession, of which he has not duplicates.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 2 pp.
Having fully experienced the obstacles to my attendance at the meetings of the Society, and aware that every day must render it less in my power, I yield to a sense of duty in resigning the presiding office conferred on me which another would fill with more advantage in every respect. I beg the Society to be assured that in taking this step, I retain without diminution my confidence in the...
I recd. by the last mail a letter from J. H. Causten, accompanied by a huge volume of Documents, and a stout pamphlet of arguments, with a printed letter to him from Mr. Pickering, on the mercantile claims agst. France, and the release of her from them by the U.S. All these articles have been doubtless sent to you also, as I am requested by Mr. C. to forward the inclosed Certificate of Agency,...
I have received your letter of the lst. and would gladly furnish the information you wish, but I have no recollection myself, nor can I learn, from those who have long lived on the spot that your Father was ever employed by me in digging a well, nor do I believe there was any even dug within his period. FC (DLC) .
Your letters and communications by Dr. Bullus were duly delivered on the day of . The same conveyance brought a copy of the sentence pronounced by the French prize Court in the case of the Horizon, giving a judicial effect to the Decree of Novr. 21. 1806, as expounded in the answer of Mr Champagny to your letter of the . Whilst the French Government did not avow or enforce a meaning of the...
105228Notes on Debates, 20 February 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . The motion for limiting the impost to 25 years having been yesterday lost, and some of the gentlemen who were in the negative desponding of an...
I received long ago your interesting favor on the 31st of Oct with a pamphlet referred to, and I owe an apology for not sooner acknowledging it. I hope it will be a satisfactory one that the state of my health crippled by a severe Rheumatism, restricted my attention to what seemed to have immediate claims upon it, and in that light I did not view the Subject of your communication, ignorant as...
I am almost ashamed to be so late in acknowledging your favor of april 27: but, saying nothing of some unknown cause of its not getting to hand till two weaks or more after its date, I have been in constant expectation and intention of paying my respects in person to Monticello within two or three days, and consequently of explaining and justifying my purposes better than it could be done by...