George Washington Papers

II. From Lieutenant Colonel Marinus Willett, 18 March 1780

From Lieutenant Colonel Marinus Willett

Camp near Morristown [Jockey Hollow] 18th March 1780

Lieut. Tapp’s situation being such, as renders it extreamly difficult for him to continue in the service, agreeable to the forgoing representation made by himse⟨lf⟩1 he has my Consent to resign his Commission if it is agreeable to your Excellency. And I do Certify, that there are no Accounts in the Regimen⟨t⟩ against him of a public Nature to my knowledge.

M. Willett Lieut. Colo.

LS, DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 7445.

William Tapp (1749 or 1750–1795) served as quartermaster of the 1st New York Regiment during 1775 and became a second lieutenant in Col. John Nicholson’s Continental regiment in March 1776. Subsequently advanced to first lieutenant in the 3d New York Regiment, he remained in that capacity until his resignation from the army in March 1780. Tapp later worked in New York City as an auctioneer and broker.

1Tapp also wrote GW from Jockey Hollow on 18 March: “It may appear strange to your Excellency That I should (at this advanced season of the year) endeavour to obtain your discharge from future service when I was conscious of having been with my family all Winter and thereby not intitled to expect it, being contrary to your express orders. but when your Excellency is made acquainted with my reasons (& which In Justice to myself I beg leave to lay before you) for such a conduct, I flatter myself they will not only meet with your Excellencys entire satisfaction but also of your readily Accepting this my resignation.

“On the ninth of November last, hearing That my family had left Albany (in a bad state of health) and gone to Fishkills, I solicited a furlough from Coll Van Cordtland, for three weeks which he was pleased to grant me, and on my Arival there, found them destitute of a place to reside in only for a few days and that at the rate of twelve dollars ⅌r day which exceeded my pay by one third.

“without suspecting the difficulties that attended me, I imediately endeavour’d to get them boarded for the winter, but after diligent serch for near One Month, in the Compass of Twenty Miles I was forced to return without the least encouragement.

“my time of furlough being then expired, yet I could not think of returning under those circumstances, and therefore wrote a Letter to Brigr Genl Clinton, (by Coll Van Cordtland who happen’d to be then at Fishkill on his way to Head Quarters) praying his leave of absence till I could settle them comfortably, but receivd no answer.

“finding it impossible to get them boarded, I endeavoured to hire a room, and which with an amasing Difficulty I at last obtain’d, but here another difficulty arose which hinder’d me from joining my regiment, for provisions could not be purchased except with hard Cash (and which I had none of) and was therefore under the Necessity of remaining with them in order that they might partake of the scanty ration I dayly drew, which if discontinued they must have perrished, in this manner may it please your Excellency have we lived the whole Winter, and this alone is the reason for my untimely request, being satisfied that by some honest calling I can (if God spare’s me health) keep them from wanting those necessaries of Life, which nature calls for and which I cannot supply them with, if I remain any longer in the service. It is with regret That I am under the Necessity of requesting it from your Excellency, having served therin from the begining with general Satisfaction” (ALS, DNA: RG 93, miscellaneous file no. 7445). Tapp’s wife, Mary Smith Tapp (b. 1759), whom he married in 1777, probably had given birth.

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