George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Walter Stewart, 17 November 1782

Philadelphia Novr 17th 1782


In the last letter I had the Honor of Addressing Your Excellency, I Exprest hopes of being able to set off for Camp in a few days. Although severe Blisters were Applied, and I underwent frequent Bleedings, the Pain in my side increas’d, with an entire loss of Appetitite and Spirits. Doctor Shippen has now put me under a Course of Medicine to remove the Obstruction, and He Informs me I may with safety set off before the beginning of next Month—My leaving Town Previous to this might have ruin’d my Constitution for ever; And I hope I shall stand excus’d in Your Excellency’s Eyes for my length of Stay.

The choice of a president for this State, and Members for Congress are such, as to give us great hopes some Exertions will be made to Again put it on a footing much more respectable than it has for some time past appear’d in. Mrs Stewart Joins in respectful Compliments, with Your Excellency’s Most Obedt Hble Servt

Walter Stewart

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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