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Least you should not see many of the curiosities produced in the Aurora; I shall now and then inclose You a choice morsal; in this, which I now forward you you will find a Letter, said to have been written by a Mr Crammond of this city, to Mr Parish the former Consul at Hamburgh and printed in a Paris Paper. Mr Crammond is a respectable English Merchant of this city, but by no means a...
Was it ever colder in this Country. the glasses have fallen much below 0, tho a bright sunshine on fryday and saturday. many people froze their feet hands and Ears. I really compasionate you that you must Sleep alone. not one Day here since the 23 of Nov br in which it has thaw’d so as to Drop from the houses. the snow is very level and near a foot deep. our people are getting wood home....
Well My dear son S Carolin has behaved as Your Father always Said She would. the concequence to us personally, is that We retire from public Life: for myself and family I have few regreets; at My age and with my bodily infirmities I shall be happier at Quincy. neither my habits, or My Education or inclinations, have led Me to an expensive stile of living; So on that score I have little to...
I received your obliging favour by Mrs. Morgan, with the papers, and the other articles you sent which were very acceptable to me. As they are not to be purchased here, I shall be very choise of them. I have according to your desire been upon a visit to Mrs. Morgan, who keeps at Major Miflins. I had received a Message from Mrs. Mifflin some time agone desireing I would visit her. My Pappa who...
I received your kind Letter of dec br and sincerely congratulate you and my Neice upon the Birth of a son, tho I could have wishd it had been a daughter. I have had the pleasure of having mrs smith and William on a visit to me for 5 weeks. the col has been part of the time here & Charles spent a fortnight with me. they expect to leave me in a week or ten days. this would be but a small matter...
MS (M/AA/1, APM Reel 197). PRINTED: JA , D&A , 3:203–208 . AA ’s Diary of the family’s trip through west England describes only the first nine days of their month-long excursion. For the period it covers, the Diary provides considerable detail on the family’s activities. AA notes all of their stops, where they lodged (and the quality of those lodgings), and who they met, as well as historical...
I set down with a heavy Heart to write to you. I have had no other since you left me. Woe follows Woe and one affliction treads upon the heal of an other. My distress for my own family having in some measure abated; tis excited anew upon the distress of my dear Mother. Her kindness brought her to see me every day when I was ill and our little Tommy. She has taken the disorder and lies so bad...
Your obligeing favour of Sepbr 10th was put into my hands the day before I set out upon a journey which detained me a fortnight abroad, and prevented my Reply to your kind inquiries after my absent Friends. I did as you supposed receive Letters by Capt. Grinnel one of which was dated in july; but I have the mortification to assure you sir that our common Friend did not then entertain any hopes...
I generally endeavour to write you once a week, if my Letters do not reach you, tis oweing to the neglect of the post. I generally get Letters from you once a week, but seldom in a fortnight after they are wrote. I am sorry to find that your Health fails. I should greatly rejoice to see you, I know of no earthly blessing which would make me happier, but I cannot wish it upon the terms of ill...
I have this moment received yours of the 26 th of March with respect to m r Porter I should be loth to part with him for the Sake of a few dollors, and as he has been upon the place so long, & is accustomed to it, and I have great confidence in his & Mrs Porters Honesty and integrity, I will consent to give him that sum for Seven Months, but pray that to avoid envy, he would keep the terms to...
I yesterday received your Letter giving me an account of the distressd Situation of Sister Smith. I fear her disorder will terminate in a setled distraction Burrel Shall have the Room & bed Room for Mrs Smith at 12 Dollors a Year, but he shall have them only for her that is he shall not consider himself at Liberty to let them to any one else if she should not continue with him. I mention this...
I received your Letter by mr Roberdeau who with our son and young mr Quincy came out and dinned with me to day. I was pleased to see a son of your old Friend and acquaintance for whom you have so often expresd a Regard; as well as the agreeable Husband of miss Blair that was; we had much conversation about my acquaintances in Philadelphia, many of whom he could give me a particular account of....
I received by way of Providence last week Your kind Letter of the 11th sent by Mrs Barret, together with the sermon for which accept my thanks. if mr & Mrs Barret had come to Philadelphia, it would have given me pleasure to have noticed them, as it does all of my Friends & acquaintance, or those who are introduced to me by others. I take this opportunity by mr spear to send you two or three...
It is difficult my dearest Friend at the instant in which the Heart finds itself dissapointed of some darling hope, to avoid reflexions that however, our cooler reasons dissaproves. I know not whether the pleasure I had in hearing that you were in Health the 10 of last June, was eaquel to the pain I endured in not receiving one Single line from you by the vessel which arrived last week from...
A Memorable day in our calender a Church beloning to the dutch congregation is this day to be opened and an oration deliverd. this Church was the scene of misiry & horrour, the Prison where our poor Countrymen were confined, crowded & starved during the War, & which the British afterwards destroyed. it has lately been rebuilt and this day is the first time that they have met in it. they have...
yours of the 18 I received on Thursday 23— and I rejoice to hear mr Black got home so soon, as I think he could dissipate your anxiety on our account. I may be too confident, but I do not feel as if any body wanted to hurt or injure us. bearing neither malice or ill will towards any one, not even the most deluded, I cannot be particuliarly apprehensive. I wish the Laws of our Country were...
Your repeated kind favours demand my acknowledgment. I own I have been rather remiss in not sooner noticeing them. I must plead many avocations in excuse, with which you know I am cumberd; and the real Dearth of any thing worth communicating. Some part of the time my mind has sufferd a distress which cannot be discribed, upon account of intelligance which you very cautiously conceald from me,...
Should a vessel cross the Atlantick, and my dear Thomas not find a few lines from his Mother, I know he would feel sadly dissapointed, yet not a Solitary Scrip, has reachd her yet, to assure her, of his, or his Brothers Safety. The arrival of the vessel has been confirmd by a Letter, received in Boston, in replie to one which went in the Alfred, so that my anxiety respecting the Ship was...
your observations in your last Letter, upon your Solitude; and your reflections upon your Age and feelings, led me to a train of Reflections, upon that period of Life to which we are both hastning, to that period when the wise man hath told us, no pleasure is to be found; That Frederick who was as great an unbeliever as Voltaire, should experience this truth in its full face, I can easily...
Your favour dated at Amsterdam in july was last evening handed to me; and this evening your Letter of the 10th of Sepbr. by Col. Ogden reached me. I had for some time supposed that the delay of publick buisness would retard your return; hearing that the definitive treaty was not compleated untill september, and knowing that the commercial Treaty was still to form; I had little reason to expect...
I hope you are safe landed at Jamaica, before this time, with Mr. Smith and my sweet boy; how often have I thought of him, amidst the turbulent waves, which have so frequently encompassed us upon our passage, and prayed that you might have met with more prosperous gales, and a shorter passage than has fallen to our share. On the 20th of April we embarked from Cowes, from whence I wrote you; we...
Thursday is My Red Letter Day. then I usually get your favours, and a package of papers. the last thursday was particularly so. I received yours of the 10 13 15 & 17 th of Feb ry , and two Letters from our Dear Sons one dated Helveotsluice Nov br 7 th from the Minister, the other of the 9 th from the Hague. the wind had been contrary for near three weeks, and he poor fellow cooped up in a...
I received by the post of Yesterday, Your kind favour of Jan ’ry 28 th and I am the more solicitious to reply immediatly to it, in order to rectify a mistake which mr shaw must have made, if he said, that I had determined never to go to Washington. So far from it, that I know not any thing, which would give me more pleasure than visiting that city, and Many Towns in its vicinity. Mr shaw may...
Mr otis will tell you all the News in this quarter of the Earth, where Wickedness abounds of all kinds. I hope however there may be found Rightous sufficient to save the city. we have a senator—you see by his Letter what he is capable of. the Government is not found sufficently strong to punish him according to his Demerrits, or he would not have been permitted to have escaped, nor do I think...
I think my dear Betsy that some Letter of yours must have faild, as I have none of a later date, than that which you sent me from Haverhill by mr Wilson, by which I find that you are studying Musick with Miss White. This is an accomplishment much in vogue in this Country, and I know of no other civilized Country which stands in so much need of harmonizing as this. That ancient Hospitality for...
Mr. Morton has given me great pleasure this morning by acquainting me with the appointment of our Worthy Friend to the Bench. Have I any influence with him? If I have I beg he would accept. I know very well what he will say, but he has long been accustomed to Courts and the office he held led him to some acquaintance with Law, and his own abilities will easily qualify him to fill the place...
I inclose to you a memorandum which I received from Mrs Smith, the Receit given you for the Money I have received and will forward in a Letter to mrs Copley but at the same time I wish to know how she is to come at the money lodged in the Bank. perhaps mrs Gray has taken measures for that, but as I feel myself in some degree responsible to mrs Copley I wish when I write to her & state the...
Tis no small pleasure to me, to hear of the great proficioncy you have made in the French tongue, A Tongue Sweet, and harmonious, a Tongue, useful to Merchants, to Statesmen; to Divines, and especially to Lawyers and Travellers; who by the help of it, may traverse the whole Globe; for in this respect, the French language is pretty much now, what I have heard the Latin formerly was, a universal...
Your favour of Jan’ry 19 never reachd me till the 26 of this Month. The only reason why I did not mention the recept of your Letter November 27 and acknowledge with thanks Mr. L ovel l ’s kind care and attention to the Box which arrived safe was oweing to my not receiving the least intimation of it, till after my Letter was sent to the post office. In reply to a certain congratulation, can...
The pleasing Emotions excited by the sight of a Letter, in Your Hand writing, were similar to those we experience at Meeting long absent Friends doubly endeard to us, by the perils and Dangers through which they have past. I rejoice my dear Madam that you have recoverd so much Health, as to be able to assume your pen, and Such a portion of spirits, as to discover the same flow of soul which...
I received your kind Letter of the 23 Feb ry and was happy to learn that our Friends were all well. my son Set of on his return to Boston last week, in company with mr Gerry & Ames. he was desirious of going then that he might have the pleasure of good company. this tho a very agreeable circumstance on a long journey, will I believe scarcly compensate for the badness of the Roads at this...
1082Fryday 2 of July. (Adams Papers)
A fine wind and a pleasent day. Our sea sickness has left us in a great measure. Went all of us upon Deck to enjoy the fresh air, had our rooms cleaned out, begin to feel a little more reconciled to our confinement. Hemd a hankerchief upon Deck. Yesterday mor’g the Capt. sent an embassy to the Ladies representing the distressed state of our poor cow, who by the late Storm had been disabled...
If I had waited patiently for the post of Thursday Noon, I need not have had so much anxiety, but I had Sent on Wednesday to the office, and received my papers, & word that there were no Letters, so not having been very well myself, my Imagination conjured up that you were not only sick, but very sick, or you would not let two posts pass without writing. I was relieved by your Letters of...
I believe it was in some such cold weather as the present, that Solomon made the wise inquiry observation, if two lie together, they shall be warm, but how can one be warm alone? now if he had had such a Bedfellow as Louissa, he might have found, that two might lie together, and yet be cold, for I am sure I felt half frozen last night. Ever since thursday the weather has been most severely...
Your favour of December 9 came to hand this Evening from Philadelphia, by the same post received a Letter from Mr. L ovel l transcribing some passages from one of the same date to him, and the only one he says which he has received since your absence, and his pocket proves that he has written 18teen different times, yet possibly you may have received as few from him; the watery world alone can...
I wrote you to day by Mr. Smith but as I suppose this will reach you sooner, I omitted mentioning any thing of my family in it. Nabby has enough of the small Pox for all the family beside. She is pretty well coverd, not a spot but what is so soar that she can neither walk sit stand or lay with any comfort. She is as patient as one can expect, but they are a very soar sort. If it was a disorder...
The senate on thursday voted to have the dispatches from our Envoys made publick, and orderd them Printed, but not the instructions. I hope however that those too, will be published; the People will then be convinced that every word Containd in the Presidents message of the 19 of march can be justified both by the instructions given, and by the dispatches received, and that what Jugartha said...
Captain Callihans delay gives me an other opportunity of writing you, tho I have nothing material to add, but that I have pleasd my fancy in a peice of chintz which I have sent to my Neices. when I first came to this country near 3 years ago I bought one for mrs smith & an other for myself like it. it wore so well, washt so nice, & lookd so pretty; that I have been frequently seeking the same...
I received Your very friendly Letter Yesterday and thank You for Your communication which I assure You gave me heartfelt pleasure. I only have to regreet that a friend of mine did not close with the advise I gave him at the time when he perhaps might have been successfull, tho he listned to me with much attention, and was sorry he did not know the Lady. I fancy he had made some overtones to...
I set down to write you a few lines by the post, because I would not omit one opportunity. I received yours of August 6 but cannot tell what to do for you confined as I am here. I shall know what you would have me do by Mr. A when he returns. At present all my attention is taken up with the care of our Little Charles who has been very bad. The Symptoms rose to a burning fever, a stupifaction...
mr Thorntons stay has been protracted much beyond the time I expected, and it gives me an other opportunity of adding to what I have already written, and of sending you the Printed coppy of the instructions given to our Envoys. the liberality of them has extorted acknowledgments from the minority, that they were eaquel to their most sanguine wishes, and satisfied many who had been imposed upon...
I last Evening received your Letter of june 7th I will set of on Wednesday for Providence and embark in the first packet for New-york. pray get an oz of glober salts and half oz manna & take immediately, an oz of antimonial wine & take 30 drops three time a day. I will be with you however as soon as possible. Barnard got in on fryday. we had two days of voilent and incessant Rain, which tho...
A Neighbour of ours Captain Richard Beal is going this week to sail for England, and I do not know a more direct conveyance to you. the Communication between America and Holland is not half so frequent, as with England. The last Letter which I had the pleasure to receive from you, was dated the 1 of December. Your Father has received two from you of a latter Date, but none Since December. From...
I have the Pleasure of acquainting you that I last Evening recieved Letters from Mr. Adams, wherein he informs me that the Congress are determined to support the Massachusetts—that there is a good Spirit among them, and that they have an amazing Field of Business before them—that it is extensive, complicated and hazardous, but their Unanimnity is as great as before—that they have a Number of...
O that I could realize the agreable reverie of the last Night when my dear Friend presented himself and two Son s safely returnd to the Arms of the affectionate wife and Mother. Cruel that I should wake only to experience a renual of my daily solicitude. The next month will compleat a whole year since a single Line from your Hand has reachd the longing Eyes of Portia. No vessels have arrived...
Mr Trumble will have the honour of d elivering this to you, the knowledge you have of him, and his own merit will ensure him a favourable reception. He has requested a Letter from me, and I would not refuse him, as it gives me an opportunity of paying my respects to a Gentleman for whom I entertain the highest esteem, and whose Portrait dignifies a part of this room, tho it is but a poor...
I received yours of june 10, for which I thank you. I want you to be more perticuliar. Does every Member feel for us? Can they realize what we suffer? And can they believe with what patience and fortitude we endure the conflict—nor do we even tremble at the frowns of power.—You inquire of me, who were at the engagement at Grape Island. I may say with truth all Weymouth Braintree Hingham who...
Your obliging favour of April 25 came to hand by Captain Lyde just after my arrival here. The important affairs of Court Etiquette and prepareations for shewing myself at St. James occupied my time so fully that I could not write you as I wished by Captain Dashood who saild soon after. When this great epocha of my Life was past, I had to seek a habitation and to see it put in order for my the...
This moment my cousin W. S. Letter of june 28th is come to hand containing the melancholy tidings of the death of my dear Aunt, which has greatly afflicted me, and renderd me unfit to offer to you that consolation which I need at this moment myself. That I am a most Sincere Sympathizer with you, and all your family in this afflictive dispensation no one can doubt who knew her as I knew her,...
This day I am happy in the News of your safe arrival at Corruna by a vessel arrived at Newbury port in 60 days from thence. I cannot be sufficiently thankfull for this agreable intelligence, or for the short, and I hope agreable voyage with which you were favourd. I suppose you will proceed from thence by land and flatter myself that a few weeks will bring me the agreable tidings of your...