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Results 1051-1100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter of the 15th. recd. by the last mail having made Mrs. Madison a partner in it, she has...
Mr Ruggi has called on me with an idea that he might be employed in compleating the Portico of...
I have recd. yours of the 7th. You will not doubt that our sympathies have been fully with you...
With emotions of gratitude for your patronage, for our National Poem—I have the pleasure after a...
I have been requested by a particular friend of the gentleman who writes the letter accompanying...
As a citizen of the United States, I feel greatly indebted to you, for your last publick effort,...
I imagine you will be supprised to find I am still at this place. Mrs. T. & my daughter left for...
Not having been so fortunate as to hear that the Professorship of Mathematics in your College was...
I take pleasure in sending you the enclosed & beg to be kindly remembered to Mrs. Madison & to...
Your letter of July 10. by Ruggi was lately forwarded to me. He is now at Charlottesville, hoping...
MR. MADISON’S PAMPHLET. In the Register of the 11th ult. page 193, we copied a paragraph from the...
I take a liberty, for which I must again apologize; in requesting that the enclosed letters may...
If I had less confidence in your goodness, I should want resolution to approach you with an...
Your letter of Novr 22 came in due time. The pamphlet to which it refers was not received till...
I enclose two letters from Giacomo Ruggi, & a letter from Genl Lafayette on the subject of them....
I came here in consequence of the very affecting events which have lately befall’n me, to unite...
Your 2 letters one from N. Y. inclosing a letter from Genl. Lafayette, the other from...
You having been elected an Honorary member of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society , I have...
The copy of your Lecture on the Working Men’s party was duly recd; and presuming you to be now at...
I have sent up by Alleck this morning, 6 Sacks Salt 1 Barrel Whiskey & 2 papers Ink Powder and...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of Novr. 17. accompanied by one from the Revd. Mr. Sprague, and in...
De New-York j’eus l’honneur de vous addresser une lettre de Monsieur le Général la Fayette, et je...
I have recd. my dear Sir your letter of the 20th. with a just sensibility to the kind feelings it...
By Alleck who left here this day I send 1 Barrel & One half Barrel, best quality bro. Sugar 5...
I have just recd. your letter of the 20th. with the two pamphlets sent by the same mail. I should...
I inclose for yourself & Genl. Cocke, a letter from Docr Johnson, requesting the sanction of the...
I have taken the liberty as you will perceive from the package accompanying this letter, to send...
I have recd. your letter of the 17th. relating of a Course of Instructions on the principles of...
Alleck left here this evening & takes with him 6 loaves best quality Sugar 10 gals. ... " ......
Some months since we published a work entitled "Life of George Washington"– 266 pages 18[vo] I...
My hands have been so full since my return home that I have been prevented, till now, from...
James Madison, ⅌ order Bought of Wm. F. Gray 1 Rm. Letter paper 4.75 1 " Writing paper 2.50 1 tb....
I recd. yesterday your letter inclosing the Bills of Exchange for Messrs. Nicklin & Johnson, and...
I have recd. my dear Sir your letter of the 9th. inst: and Mrs. Madison unites with me in...
I enclose the accounts of the Bursar and Proctor of the University; also a report for the...
Several of the members of my Class, and one or two individuals of Charlottesville, have requested...
The desire of possessing some memento of individuals eminent for their talents or their virtues,...
Being on a visit at this place from Albany, a friend of mine here, Mr I. K. Tefft has expressed a...
Enclosed you have the answers of Mrs Bell & Tapscott to a Bill in chancery filed in the Daviess...
In all the events of my chequered life, I have ever considered you and Mrs Madison, my best &...
I recd., my dear Sir, by the last mail yours of the 4th. inst very unexpectedly from the place of...
I have two motives for troubling you with a few words in answer to your last— First, to thank you...
Your letter of the 20th. Ult. was not recd. till yesterday. It probably took some erroneous...
Soon after leaving you I became sick, & continued so for several weeks--indeed I have not yet...
Mr Giacomo Raggi takes the liberty of forwarding the enclosed letter to Mr. Madison Mr Raggi had...
I set out from this place for Charlottesville on the [11]th & returned home on the 17th inst.,...
I have recd. your letter of the 7th. inst postmarked Octr 16 Columbia and in answering it, have...
I have recd. your letter of the 20th & wish I could give you the requested information. But if I...
I have recd. your letter of the 14th. inst: and with a view to the information it requests...
I have recd. yours of the 18th. post marked 20th. inclosing the Bill of Nickline & Johnson. I am...