Results 1051-1100 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1051 Washington, George Fairfax, George William From George Washington to George William Fairfax, 7 … 1755-06-07 I had not the pleasure of receiving your favour till after my return from Williamsburg, when it...
1052 Washington, George Washington, Mary Ball From George Washington to Mary Ball Washington, 7 June … 1755-06-07 I was favourd with your s Letter by Mr Dick, and am sorry it is not in my power to provide you...
1053 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 7 June 1755 1755-06-07 I take this oppertunity, as it is the last I can expect before we leave this place, of enquiring...
1054 Washington, George Carlyle, Sarah Fairfax From George Washington to Sarah Fairfax Carlyle, 7 June … 1755-06-07 As I have no higher expectation in view gratification than an intimate Corrispondance with my...
1055 Washington, George Fairfax, Sarah Cary From George Washington to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 7 June … 1755-06-07 When I had the pleasure to see you last, you expressd an Inclination a wish to be informd of my...
1056 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 7 … 1755-06-07 As much as I am hurried as I am at present, I cant think of leaving this place without writing to...
1057 Timothy, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Timothy, 8 June 1755 1755-06-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society ’Tis almost an Age since I have a Letter from you: I have...
1058 Washington, John Augustine Washington, George To George Washington from John Augustine Washington, 8 … 1755-06-08 Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 8 June 1755. On 14 June GW wrote to his brother...
1059 Oaths of Trustees and Officers of the College, [10 June … 1755-06-10 DS : University of Pennsylvania Archives I A.B. do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be...
1060 Franklin, Benjamin Norris, Charles From Benjamin Franklin to Charles Norris, 12 June 1755 1755-06-12 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania June 12th 1755 pd £100. 0. 0 Cash 50. 0. 0 Notes £150....
1061 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 14 … 1755-06-14 I receivd Your’s of the 8th Instant from Fredericksburg, and am sorry to find that Allan is...
1062 Washington, George Washington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Washington, 14 June … 1755-06-14 I receivd Your ’s Letter of the 27th of May, and assure you that nothing is more agreeable to me...
1063 Pennsylvania Assembly Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, 16 June … 1755-06-16 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755),...
1064 Jackson, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Jackson, [17 June … 1755-06-17 Reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp....
1065 Franklin, Benjamin Preamble for a Bill, [18 June 1755] 1755-06-18 Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania On April 2 the Assembly had voted £15,000 from funds of...
1066 Morris, Roger Washington, George To George Washington from Roger Morris, 23 June 1755 1755-06-23 I am desird by the General, to let you know that he marches, to morrow, & next day, but that he...
1067 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 26 June 1755 1755-06-26 ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library Mr. Bartram brings a Box to my House, which has a little Vacancy in...
1068 Franklin, Benjamin Wright, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Wright, 26 June 1755 1755-06-26 Transcript: John L.W. Mifflin, Middlebush, N.J. (1955) I am glad to learn that the Flour is...
1069 Pennsylvania Assembly Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, 27 June … 1755-06-27 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755),...
1070 Brooke, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Brooke, 27 June 1755 1755-06-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society I embrace this first Opportunity that hath presented itself...
1071 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 28 … 1755-06-28 Immediately upon our leavg the C. at Geors. Ck the 14th Inst. (from whe I wrote to yo.) I was...
1072 Ray, Catharine Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Catharine Ray, 28 June 1755 1755-06-28 ALS : American Philosophical Society Excues my writeing when I tell you it is the great regard I...
1073 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 28 June 1755 1755-06-28 I rec’d your Favor of the 7th inst. which I Show’d to our particular Friends. We rejoyce at your...
1074 Franklin, Benjamin Dalibard, Thomas-François From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas-François Dalibard, 29 … 1755-06-29 Copy (extract): The Royal Society; printed (in full) in Benjamin Franklin, Expériences et...
1075 Washington, George Orme, Robert From George Washington to Robert Orme, 30 June 1755 1755-06-30 I came to this Camp on thursday last, with the Rear of Colo. Dunbar’s Detacht and shoud have...
1076 Franklin, Benjamin A Parable against Persecution, [July 1755] 1755-07-01 Copy: Miss Ailsa Joan Mary Dick-Cunyngham, Prestonfield House, Edinburgh (1955) Written in the...
1077 Franklin, Benjamin A Parable on Brotherly Love, [July 1755] 1755-07-01 Copy: American Philosophical Society; also copy: Liverpool Record Office In a letter to Benjamin...
1078 Washington, George Innes, James From George Washington to James Innes, 2 July 1755 1755-07-02 I shoud take it infinitely kind, if you wd be good enough to dispatch, by the first safe...
1079 Franklin, Benjamin Wright, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Wright, 3 July 1755 1755-07-03 ALS : Yale University Library Before this reaches you, you will have heard that the House is...
1080 Washington, George Memorandum, 8–9 July 1755 1755-07-08 N.B. The 8th of July I rejoined (in a covered Waggon) the advanced division of the Army under the...
1081 Belcher, Jonathan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Belcher, 9 July 1755 1755-07-09 Letterbook copy (incomplete): Massachusetts Historical Society [ Missing ] therefore take the...
1082 Strother, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Anthony Strother, 9 July 1755 1755-07-09 The extraordinary favour you have conferd on me and my Son, in procureing him a Commission on the...
1083 Franklin, Benjamin Stiles, Ezra From Benjamin Franklin to Ezra Stiles, 10 July 1755 1755-07-10 ALS : Yale University Library This is only to acknowledge the Receipt of three very agreable...
1084 Franklin, Benjamin Rules and Statutes of the College, Academy, and Charity … 1755-07-11 MS Minutes: Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania The trustees of the College of...
1085 Ferguson, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Ferguson, [15 July? … 1755-07-15 Extract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania General Edward Braddock and advance units of his army...
1086 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin and Hall: Notice to Subscribers, 17 July 1755 1755-07-17 Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , July. 17, 1755. Whereas an advertisement was published...
1087 Washington, George Innes, James From George Washington to James Innes, 17 July 1755 1755-07-17 Captn Orme being confind to his Litter & not well able to write, has desir’d me to acknowledge...
1088 Washington, George Washington, Mary Ball From George Washington to Mary Ball Washington, 18 July … 1755-07-18 As I doubt not but you have heard of our defeat, and perhaps have had it represented in a worse...
1089 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 18 July … 1755-07-18 As I am favourd with an oppertunity, I shoud think myself inexcusable, was I to omit givg you...
1090 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 18 … 1755-07-18 As I have heard since my arrivl at this place, a circumstantial acct of my death and dying...
1091 Belcher, Jonathan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Belcher, 21 July … 1755-07-21 Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have your obliging Favour of the 14: Instant:...
1092 Daniell, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Daniell, [21?] July … 1755-07-21 ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall be oblidg’d to you for letting me know what the...
1093 Belcher, Jonathan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Belcher, 23 July … 1755-07-23 Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Altho’ I wrote you 21: Current yet I am to ask...
1094 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 26 July … 1755-07-26 The dismal Defeat of our Forces by such a handful of Men gives me very great Concern, as also for...
1095 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 26 July 1755 1755-07-26 Your safe Return gives an uncommon Joy to Us and will no Doubt be sympathiz’d by all true Lovers...
1096 Fairfax, Sarah Cary Washington, George To George Washington from Sarah Cary Fairfax, Ann … 1755-07-26 After thanking Heaven for your safe return I must accuse you of great unkindness in refusing us...
1097 Pennsylvania Assembly Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, 28 July … 1755-07-28 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755),...
1098 Franklin, Benjamin Fisher, Daniel From Benjamin Franklin to Daniel Fisher, 28 July 1755 1755-07-28 MS not found; reprinted from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XVII (1893),...
1099 Colden, Alexander Parker, James Alexander Colden to James Parker, 28 July 1755 1755-07-28 ALS : Massachusetts Archives By the Phi: Post received the Inclosed from Mr. Franklin which he...
1100 Washington, George Orme, Robert From George Washington to Robert Orme, 28 July 1755 1755-07-28 I arrived at Home the day before yesterday, without meeting with an Egachee, or any other...