105051To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 18 February 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
I wrote you yesterday morning from Chantilly of our adventure and my blunder of the trunk at...
105052[To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Vernes, 18 February 1788] (Jefferson Papers)
[ 18 Feb. 1788 . Recorded in SJL Index. Not found, but see Vernes to TJ, 10 Apr. 1788 .]
10505317th. (Adams Papers)
Parson Carey is very sick; and consequently we had no meeting: so I staid at home; wrote a long...
105054Elizabeth Smith Shaw to Mary Smith Cranch, 17 February 1788 (Adams Papers)
I hear Judge Seargant is to go to Boston tomorrow, & I will not defer writing a few Lines to my...
105055[Diary entry: 17 February 1788] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 17th. Thermometer at 34 in the Morning—36 at Noon and 30 at Night. Early in the Morning...
105056To George Washington from David Stuart, 17 February 1788 (Washington Papers)
As well as I can recollect the College Charter, the Governor for the time, is expressly declared...
105057To James Madison from James Gordon, Jr., 17 February 1788 (Madison Papers)
Being favd. by Colo. Monroe with a sight of your letter of the 27 January and finding no mention...
105058To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 17 February 1788 (Madison Papers)
Col. Heth came to Town and proceeded on his journey sooner than I expected and before I had an...
105059To Thomas Jefferson from Simon Bérard, 17 [February 1788] (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à Son Excellence trois lettres qui ont été addressées à mon frère à...
105060From Thomas Jefferson to Angelica Schuyler Church, 17 February 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
You speak, Madam, in your Note of Adieu , of civilities which I never rendered you. What you...