Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 18 January 1795

From Tench Coxe

[Philadelphia] Walnut street 18th. Jany 1795


I enclose to you some papers relative to a parcel of Goods, which have arrived at Boston under my Name & directed to me. It seems Mr. de la forest1 before he left directed some Articles to be shipt under cover of my Name without my Knowledge, but really for Mr. Fauchett,2 & himself. Mr. Delaforest wishes for an order to receive the goods at Boston free of duty alledging them to be for the Use of the French Legation. You will be pleased to take order in the Matter.3

I am sir with great Respect   yr. most obedt. servant

TC   C R

The Secy of the Treasury

ADfS, Tench Coxe Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

1Antoine René Charles Mathurin de La Forest, French consul general.

2Jean Antoine Joseph Fauchet, French Minister to the United States.

3On January 31, 1795, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., wrote to Benjamin Lincoln, collector of customs at Boston: “You will receive enclosed a Certificate of the Minister of the French Republic, that certain articles imported into your District were designed for the use of the French Legation. You will therefore demand no duties, or if they have been collected will refund the same” (ADf, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford).

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