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Results 10451-10500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In acknowledging your favor of Sepr. last, an interval between that date & this, presents itself...
I have two kind letters from you to answer—the last—of August 7th.—has filled me with deep sorrow...
As I am much afraid that I shall not accomplish the plan proposed in my last Letter to John you...
I have recd. your favor of the 4th. accompanied by a copy of “the letters & sketches &c.” I had...
I propose to describe in this last letter some remarkable remains of sculpture, &c. belonging to...
Leaving Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock, you travel in a westerly direction through the county...
Accept my kind thanks for your Letter of the 1st. Inst. and its inclosure. I have given a rapid...
Harriet Welsh writes me that George and you intend to visit Mrs. de Wint during the vacation and...
To confer the tribute of respect to the venerable statesman and Philosopher; and the man who has...
I accept with pleasure the proposal in your Letter of 27th ulto. respecting my library now...
My boasted convales’cense, did not continue but a few hours after Dr. Warren & Dr Gorham left me....
The services of those who have acted well for their Country, can never be requited; and in a...
I was duely favor’d with yours of the 1st: Inst: & am extremely thankful to you for your kind...
Within a few miles of Mountsterling , the county seat of Montgomery county , which lays 33 miles...
On 24 July , I procured from M r Girard his Dfts on Lafitte & C o on your acco t to my order viz...
Mr. John Graham arrived at my house on the 23d. ultimo from Rio de Janeiro, in extreme ill...
Your favour addressed to mr M.C. who is now absent on a trip to the North, came to hand Yesterday...
When my friend The Rev d M r Jared Sparks (who is the Unitarian Minister at Baltimore ) proposed...
I beg you to accept the accompanying copy of a little work of mine, published a few winters ago....
Plan for of a Botanic garden for a public school on the most useful, and Less expensive plan....
The Rev d M r Sparks , the bearer of this, being on his travels in your part of Virg a and...
It will no dout somewhat Surprise you when you cast your eyes blow and be hold their a strang...
Not long since when passing the Natural Bridge , I was solicited by Patrick Henry to write you on...
I owe you a letter for your favor of June 29. which was recieved in due time, and there being no...
I have received your polite letter of the 27th ult; & in answer, beg leave to assure you that...
I thank you for your kind letter of the 24th. of July—I should be very wrong to give an opinion...
Your friendly letter of the 24th July, I received as a precious treasure. You have in your list...
In addition to mr Gallatin ’s & mr Rush ’s letters which I promised last night to send you to...
The total ruin in which my private fortune is involved, and my inability to fo r want of Capital...
Being informed yesterday by Mr Marston that you have not received the last number of the...
I send you a list of my own family. Mr Meeks ’s & Carden s with the age opposite each name   age...
Your favors of July 21. & 24. have been recieved, the latter covering 225.D. and I shall...
The attention of many of our enlightened writers, as well as historical antiquarian societies,...
As you will not wait in bestowing your kindnesses, till I arrive at Montezillo, you must permit...
I send you by the present Conveyance 8 Hhds of Tobo. as noted in the Margin. The greater part is...
If the twenty-five Volumes of the projected compilation of English Poetry, which were published...
On the 22 d . Inst. I rec d . your Letter of the 15 th . enclosing a Copy of your Proposals for...
Your favor of July 13. was recieved on the 21 st inst. and I now inclose you 25.D. in bills of...
I sent you Six & ¾ ℔ of Tallow RC ( MHi ); written on a small scrap; dateline at foot of text; at...
The President laid before the Board a Letter from the Thomas Jefferson Rector of the University...
I should not perhaps have troubled you with my thanks particularly for your kind answers to my...
some few days since M r Randolph and myself had some conversation on the subjec of my moove and...
In my letter of June 30. I informed you I would write to D r Cooper for information as to the...
I recieved last night only your favor of the 13 th . it was the first notice I had of any...
I am frequently asked if I am acquainted with the situation of the Central College ; if I know...
I will not envy you but congratulate you on the pleasure you have had in your excursion to...
I may appear to take a liberty, which I ought not to do, but your liberality will countenance it,...
When I recieved the favor of your visit two days ago, your companion mentioned your name, but my...
The very gratifying letter which you did me the honor to address to me in May last, has followed...
I thank you for the promptitude with which you paid my debt to Mrss Gales & Seaton—and...