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Results 104491-104520 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your Excellency’s Letter by Doctr Vasche I Received last Night and Agreable to Your desire will...
Since I wrote your Excellency a day or two ago Lt Colo. Laurens has been killed in an Action on...
Altho I must confess that it appears to me rather surprizing to have a request for so many...
A few minutes since Lieut. Bull of Colonel Canfields Corps came to my Quarters having in Custody...
I have received your Letter of this Day, accompanied with one from Colo. Canfield at Stamford,...
The enclosed was handed to me this morning—I am informed by an officer who is present, that such...
You will be pleased immediately to put your Troop in motion & proceed by Way of Newburgh & Fish...
The Sergeant has delivered Your Letter of the 21st inclosing two Courts Martials & the Returns of...
You are hereby appointed to the command of West point and its Dependencies—But as the Army will...
Agreable to your desire Inquiry has been made into the reasons of Dr Vaché being deranged from...
I am to request your Excellency that out of the Sums which may come to your Hands in the Manner...
I have now to address your Excellency on a Subject which cannot be more painful to you than it is...
I am sorry to be under the necessity of troubling your Excellency with an account of Mr Sand’s...
Lieut. Wheaton of your Regiment having applied to me for permission to go into N. York, giving me...
I have the Honor to address your Excellency on the Subject of a Mrs Levingate who Came In the...
The Commander in Chief has made an alteration in the disposition of the Brigades on the left of...
His Excellency being informed that the Oars are arrived, directs that a Distribution of them may...
Agreeably to the Orders of this day, your Lordship will be pleased to repair to Albany, as soon...
104509General Orders, 30 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
Precisely at five o’clock tomorrow morning the general is to beat, on which the tents and baggage...
Yesterday when I wrote by Doctr Vasche I had not Discovered the P.S. of your Letter till he was...
To give a hearing to this my Simple narrative of facts—I Did apply at the Comandants Office in...
The Army being under orders to remove from their present position, and the impracticability of my...
My Letter of the twenty night which is enclosed I have written for two Reasons one that you may...
I take the earliest opportunity to inform Your Excellency, that my Regt arrived here this...
In my letter of the 25th I desired you to send an Officer to Head Quarters to report your arrival...
104516General Orders, 31 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in cheif cannot help expressing his thanks to the officers commanding divisions,...
On the 24th Inst. I came to this place in expectation of receiving 10,000 dollars on acgt of the...
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency of Capt. Greene’s Return, without being able to Obtain...
The inclosed containing an Official Remittance of Money is recommended to you for Conveyance by...
104520General Orders, 1 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
Regiments and corps which have lately Joined are to make themselves acquainted with all standing...