James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Jones, 23 March 1814 (Abstract)

From William Jones, 23 March 1814 (Abstract)

§ From William Jones. 23 March 1814, Navy Department. “The Appointments and nominations designated in the enclosed paper are required for the Naval service.”

Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure (DNA: RG 45, LSP). Letterbook copy 1 p. Jones listed ten persons to be nominated as navy pursers, including Benjamin F. Bourne, Joseph B. Wilkinson, the son of Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson, and Jerome Keith Spence, whose first name, Jones informed JM in a 2 Apr. 1814 note, should have been spelled Greome (ibid., 1 p.). JM submitted the nominations to the Senate on 25 Mar. 1814, and on 6 Apr. resubmitted Spence’s nomination under his correct name. The Senate approved all of the appointments (Senate Exec. Proceedings, description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828). description ends 2:514, 515, 523).

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