James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Jarvis, 6 October 1804 (Abstract)

§ From William Jarvis

6 October 1804, Lisbon. “A favourable opportunity offering by the Sloop Unity, Captn. Deakins, for Alexandria, I have taken the liberty to send the things mentioned at foot; which as articles of little value that may be rendered agreeable from their not being easy to be obtain’d in Washington, I must beg the favour that you will do me the honor to present to Mrs Madison.”

RC (ViU). 2 pp.; docketed by JM. Written on the verso is a list of items including baskets for bread, clothes, and fruit; market and work baskets, with and without covers; boxes of preserves and oranges; and two baskets of “soft shelled Almonds,” all of which were included in a bill of lading for Henry Dearborn.

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