George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Lachlan McIntosh, 20 May 1788

To Lachlan McIntosh

[Mount Vernon, 20 May 1788]

Dear Sir,

This letter will be presented to you by Mr Stevens, and is introductory of him; He has been an Officer in the Virginia line of the Army during the War, and as far as hath come to my knowledge behaved with zeal and propriety in the Service of his Country.1 Business carrying him to the State of Georgia, I could not refuse him this recommendation, & myself the pleasure of assuring you that I am Yr Most Obedt and very Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, NjP: De Coppet Collection.

1Mr. Stevens may be Edward Stevens (1745–1820) of Culpeper County, former colonel of the 10th Virginia Regiment and at this time a state senator, or he may be Richard Stevens of Caroline County who served as captain in the 18th (and 16th) Virginia Regiment from 1777 to 1781. It is less likely that he was William Stevens (Stephens; d. 1825), a lieutenant in the 3rd and 5th Virginia regiments from 1777 until his capture in May 1780.

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