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Results 104461-104490 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Abstract. 20 December 1792, Philadelphia. A list of proposed alterations to the 1790 federal patent law, followed by “observations tending to demonstrate the Necessity and equity of the proposed amendments.” Includes remarks on how James Rumsey’s discoveries in working with steam power have been denied legal protection. “Since it is not the wish of any good Citizen, ’tis presumed the...
J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser, Sous ce pli, quatre pièces qui vous instruiront de l’outrage d’un nouveau genre que Se Sont permis, vis-a-vis d’un Corsaire français, deux Bâtimens armés, et appartenant à des Négotiants de Baltimore. Je ne ferai aucune réflexion Sur cet évènement; et j’attendrai, avant d’en rendre compte a mon Gouvernement, le résultat des mesures que croira devoir prendre le...
15 September 1801, Lisbon. Reports that an express from Paris has presented Portuguese government with an ultimatum: accept peace on harsh terms or face invasion. Believes Portugal may be able to avoid the latter. In spite of the treaty’s having been published, British ships, both merchant and naval, continue to arrive and depart. The Spanish army has received orders to withdraw but may not...
☓ Where shall the Laths, & plank be procured ☓ for the granary— ☓ Send the memorials— ☓ Forte Piano—no books. ⟨per brass?⟩ Wire pay Mr Blair when you come home 18/ ☓ C——s Mill does no damage ☓ Excuse [ sic ] Law ☓ Bill of exchange Ms ( DLC ). Notes in the hand of James Madison, Sr., for a response to JM’s letter to him of 25 Apr. 1794 . Written on the cover of that letter. Probably formed the...
By the 13. sec. of the act in question, the President is authorised to augment, in cases where he may find it necessary, the compensation fixed for the Principal & assistant assessors, by the act of July 22. 1813, so, however, as that no principal assessor shall, in any such case, receive more than 300 Ds. and no assist. assessor more than 150 Ds. The book which accompanies this, shews all the...
Besides several Packets of papers I am indebted for your two favrs. of July 15th. & Augt. 21st. reced. since my last. I congratulate you upon having got through the Amendments to the Constitution, As I was very Anxious that it should be done before yr. Adjournment, since it will have a good effect in quieting the minds of many well meaning Citizens, tho’ I am of Opinion that nothing was...
13 July 1812. “Whereas it highly concerns the Citizens of this Town, in union with the whole family of the United States at large; to take into serious and deliberate consideration our present situation relative to the high & aggravated injustice which this nation hath repeatedly experienced from the British Government; and for which purpose this meeting is now convened. Therefore, Resolved,...
As the Accounts of Mr. Eaton, late Consul at Tunis, are the first of the kind that have been presented for examination at the Treasury, it appears necessary, before I proceed to adjust them, that the principles of settlement should be fixed by you. To this end I have the honor herewith to submit a detailed statement of all his charges, which, in order that you may have a more distinct view of...
An account has been presented for payment at this department, which involves a principle, which so far as I have been informed, has not been distinctly decided. It appears that one Whitmore Knaggs, acted in the Year 1812 at Detroit in the double Capacity of Deputy Indian agent, & Indian interpreter before the Capture of that place. He was carried into Captivity by the enemy, & detained for a...
7 November 1801, Bristol. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter . The irregular practices mentioned have not occurred in any port in his jurisdiction. Has transmitted accounts of imports and exports regularly but complains of difficulty in obtaining information due to “perverseness” of American captains in refusing to show manifests, a useless gesture since, for a fee, all such...
I have the honor of enclosing a return of American Vessels brought into this Port for adjudication from January 25th to July 25th as likewise a return of American Seamen detained on board His Majesty’s Ships, as far as I have been able to collect their names. I beg leave to Inform you of the death of the late Lord Lavington Governor of the Leeward Islands on the 1st instant and that William...
Been wondered at the daley of the National Monumt suscription coming out, i called this morning upon the Gentilmen of the departements. Mesr. Randolph kindedly assured me that he would signe the papers as soon as they were send to him. Fifty of them signed only by Mr Wolcott are not gon farther till now, than to the Secretary of War office, by this may be consived that it would require a month...
3 June 1804, New Orleans. “On yesterday James Pitot and Edward Livingston attended at my office and handed me, the communication, which is herein enclosed; After perusing the same, I replied verbally, that, ‘the people had a right peaceably to assemble together for the purpose of remonstrating against grievances; but it became those who produced such assemblages to be watchful of the public...
6 October 1804, Lisbon. “A favourable opportunity offering by the Sloop Unity, Captn. Deakins, for Alexandria, I have taken the liberty to send the things mentioned at foot; which as articles of little value that may be rendered agreeable from their not being easy to be obtain’d in Washington, I must beg the favour that you will do me the honor to present to Mrs Madison.” RC ( ViU ). 2 pp.;...
22 April 1812, New York. Solicits JM’s patronage for his nautical publications, to which he has devoted sixteen years. Two years ago he began republishing the Nautical Almanac , a work published in London at the expense of the British government. “An error in this work would be fatal to all Mariners who used it.” Mentions that the U.S. Navy now uses a similar work that is “replete with...
Letter not found. 12 March 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Wagner to Jones & Clark, 19 Mar. 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as including an account totaling $921.21 due them by the U.S. In his reply, Wagner conveyed JM’s request “to sell the articles on hand at public sale.”
My Brother in Law Mr Hackley informs me that he will shortly be in the neighbourhood of your Country Seat, and I ask of him to wait upon you with my homage, which it has, for such a number of years, been my pride to be allowed to pay. His long residence in the Peninsula, and his excellent understanding, and habit of observation, may perhaps enable him to afford you interesting conversation for...
15 August 1803, Tangier . No. 61. His letter of 28 July (no. 60) “was forwarded in triplicate by way of Gibraltar.” Two ships sailed from Larache and Salé on a cruise, and the two galleys built at Tetuán “have been by great exertions got over the Bar of that River, now nearly dry; they are daily expected here to compleat their equipment when they will be employed in and about the Straits, as...
I received with great pleasure your letter of the 22d Feby, not for any polite expressions it contains, so much as the gratification I enjoy when I see the hand writing I have been accustomed to be familiar with, in olden times, & days of tribulation. So few of us remain, of those who bore the burthens, & encountered the dangers of those times & days; & so dispersed in distant sections of our...
Information having been received here, that the town of Port Spain in the British Island of Trinidad, has been recently destroyd by fire, and that the Inhabitants, were Likely to suffer Extremely, for the want of Provisions, the Chamber of Commerce of this City, desirous of Contributing to their Relief, have directed me to apply on their behalf to the President of the US. for permission to...
§ From Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen. 21 January 1806, Bremen. “I had last the honor of addressing you on the 28 Octr. and 7th Ult.; the first containing a circumstancial report respecting the answer given by the Government of Oldenburg on communicating to it the contents of your letter of the 13th May last, which concerns the Quarantaine regulations adopted in this country against vessels...
I condole with you on the death of your honoured father, whose politeness & attention I do not forget. Such are the changes in this world, that with the same breath, I congratulate you on your accession (I will not say elevation ) to the Office of Secy of State. On this occasion I would remind you, that “you were once my friend.” Do not be alarmed. I am not going to ask your influence with the...
§ From William Jones. 23 March 1814, Navy Department. “The Appointments and nominations designated in the enclosed paper are required for the Naval service.” Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). Letterbook copy 1 p. Jones listed ten persons to be nominated as navy pursers, including Benjamin F. Bourne, Joseph B. Wilkinson, the son of Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson,...
17 July 1804, Pittsburgh. “I have just understood that Matthew Ernest is to be removed from the Office of Collector of the port of Detroit and that the probability was that some one there would be appointed. I take the liberty to hope that should you be in conversation on this subject that you would not feel indisposed to mention the name of Frederick Bates. I do not ask that you should...
I have been instructed by the National Republican Convention of Virginia, which has this day closed its session at Staunton, to act as its organ in communicating to you the subjoined resolutions which received the unanimous support of that Body. Resolved , that this Convention is unwilling to close its deliberations without an expression of its high admiration and grateful acknowledgement to...
I send you 2. sheets of my common place, because on the 5. last pages of them are my abridgments of certain Admiralty cases interesting to us, with some observations; it will be well that we mutually understand how far we go together, & what consequently we may propose with joint satisfaction. I think the English practice of not requiring a prize to be hazarded further than to the nearest...
25 June 1812, Philadelphia. “I had occassion yesterday … to visit the Arsenal near Grays ferry on the Schuylkill, & I was struck with surprise, & astonishment to find such an immense quantity of the public stores … in so exposed a situation, & without a military guard, sufficient for its protection. Indeed it is in the power of any insendiary to destroy the whole, by putting fire to the frame...
It has so happened, that the letter which you did me the favor of writing to me on the 5th, did not get to my hands until the 15th instant; owing, in part, to the uncertainty of the Mail (on account of the change from the Summer to the Winter establishment of the Stages) and partly to some engagements which prevented my sending to the Post Office agreeably to my usual custom. I wish it was in...
1 May 1803, Naples. The writers, “citizens of the United States ⟨at⟩ present in City of Naples,” describe the difficulties American commerce and citizens experience at Naples from poor representation by the U.S. consul, John Sabin Michael Mathieu. Mathieu not being a U.S. citizen, it cannot be supposed he would have a strong interest in U.S. welfare, but his official duties require him to aid...
I heard in Bedford that you were attaked with the prevailing fever, and with great joy on my return that you were recovered from it. In the strange state of the health of our country every fever gives alarm. I got home from Bedford on the 27th. and am obliged to return there within 3. or 4. days, having an appointment at the Natural bridge on the 11th. prox. As our proposed petition to...