Results 104461-104490 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Abstract. 20 December 1792, Philadelphia. A list of proposed alterations to the 1790 federal...
J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser, Sous ce pli, quatre pièces qui vous instruiront de l’outrage...
15 September 1801, Lisbon. Reports that an express from Paris has presented Portuguese government...
☓ Where shall the Laths, & plank be procured ☓ for the granary— ☓ Send the memorials— ☓ Forte...
By the 13. sec. of the act in question, the President is authorised to augment, in cases where he...
Besides several Packets of papers I am indebted for your two favrs. of July 15th. & Augt. 21st....
13 July 1812. “Whereas it highly concerns the Citizens of this Town, in union with the whole...
As the Accounts of Mr. Eaton, late Consul at Tunis, are the first of the kind that have been...
An account has been presented for payment at this department, which involves a principle, which...
7 November 1801, Bristol. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter . The irregular...
I have the honor of enclosing a return of American Vessels brought into this Port for...
Been wondered at the daley of the National Monumt suscription coming out, i called this morning...
3 June 1804, New Orleans. “On yesterday James Pitot and Edward Livingston attended at my office...
6 October 1804, Lisbon. “A favourable opportunity offering by the Sloop Unity, Captn. Deakins,...
22 April 1812, New York. Solicits JM’s patronage for his nautical publications, to which he has...
Letter not found. 12 March 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Wagner to Jones & Clark, 19 Mar....
My Brother in Law Mr Hackley informs me that he will shortly be in the neighbourhood of your...
15 August 1803, Tangier . No. 61. His letter of 28 July (no. 60) “was forwarded in triplicate by...
I received with great pleasure your letter of the 22d Feby, not for any polite expressions it...
Information having been received here, that the town of Port Spain in the British Island of...
§ From Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen. 21 January 1806, Bremen. “I had last the honor of addressing...
I condole with you on the death of your honoured father, whose politeness & attention I do not...
§ From William Jones. 23 March 1814, Navy Department. “The Appointments and nominations...
17 July 1804, Pittsburgh. “I have just understood that Matthew Ernest is to be removed from the...
I have been instructed by the National Republican Convention of Virginia, which has this day...
I send you 2. sheets of my common place, because on the 5. last pages of them are my abridgments...
25 June 1812, Philadelphia. “I had occassion yesterday … to visit the Arsenal near Grays ferry on...
It has so happened, that the letter which you did me the favor of writing to me on the 5th, did...
1 May 1803, Naples. The writers, “citizens of the United States ⟨at⟩ present in City of Naples,”...
I heard in Bedford that you were attaked with the prevailing fever, and with great joy on my...