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Results 104461-104490 of 184,431 sorted by author
Letter not found. 13 January 1810. Acknowledged in Tyler to JM, 17 Jan. 1810 . Inquires about $300 appropriated to purchase a sword for Gen. William Campbell.
I have recd. Sir your favor of the 13th. with a copy of the American Edition of Baine’s Hist: of the late war, to which I have given a hasty perusal. The work does not bespeak historical talents of the highest order, but it is a respectable performance; and merited a republication here, by the degree of research & candor appearing on the face of it. That it contains errors, some very gross...
I have recd. your very kind letter of the 12th. The commendations you bestow on those relating to the Tariff belong rather to what so pregnant & important a subject ought to have made them, than to what they are. They were written to a friend who wished to avail himself of the presumed result of my better opportunities of elucidating the question; and whom I considered as needing such an...
Whereas it has been represented to me that Charles Bird and Benjamin Walton, trading under the firm of Bird and Walton, having imported a quantity of Goods, Wares and Merchandize from the Port of Liverpool in England in the ship Tiber, which vessel arrived in the River Delaware in the month of february 1813, and, with the cargo referred to, became liable to forfeiture to the United States, and...
The Iron from Mr. Guinn was delivered this morning. I have noted in the margin its weight at the shop which I suppose comes sufficiently near the quantity charged. The 36/. due for the potts & boxes have been put into the hands of the Waggoner. His own charge for freight was 12 dollars which I have paid, tho’ from the sum you left, it must be more than you had calculated. The family is as you...
I have recd. yours of the 14th. It will be well to forward a Commission immediately to Mr. Morgan of N.O. who may be desired whether he accepts it or not, to send to Mr. Smith, the information needed from a Collector. Perhaps he may be able to furnish the like information relative to other districts of the State. I have not time to send by the present mail, the places of residence of the...
Since my answer to your two letters, I have heard nothing from Mr. Clarke, on the subject of them from which I infer as I do from other circumstances, that he can give no aid to the search for evidence of the military services of your two Uncles. I now learn that Col Robt. Taylor Junr. on the advice of his father with whom I had communicated on the subject, has put what papers and information...
Yours of the 16 th came to hand yesterday. I hope you have not many made any sacrifice of any sort to the scruple which has superseded my arrangem t with M r Barnes . The execution of it would have equally accorded with my disposition & my conveniency. The Gazette of yesterday contains the mode pursued for re-animating confidence in the pledge of the B. Gov t given by M r Erskine in his...
21 December 1802, Department of State. Encloses an “account [not found] stated at the Navy Department of monies paid to individuals of the French Nation at the solicitation of the Agents of the French government.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
The inclosed letter from Genl. R. with those which it covers, will put you in possession of the wishes of Genl. Ripley. Be so good, after communicating with Mr. Dallas, if at Washington, as to have the proper answer given to it. If I mistake not, the Majr. Rowland recommended by Mr. Bealle &c. is already appointed, or has been named to the Dept. of State for that purpose. Affe. respects RC (...
Letter not found. 23 March 1805 . Calendared in the index to the State Department notes to foreign legations as “relative to the Danish Brig Henreich” ( DNA : RG 59, Notes to Foreign Ministers and Consuls, vol. 1).
I return the correspondence inclosed in yours of the 3d. inst. The reluctance of Mr. Emmett, & probably of his colleagues, to the enlargement of their duties, is neither to be wondered at, nor yielded to. You have put the matter on a ground to which I can suggest no improvement. It may be well perhaps that what has passed should not be generally known. With some it might produce reflections on...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. with the eloquent discourse delivered at the Consecration of the Jewish Synagogue. Having ever regarded the freedom of religious opinions & worship as equally belonging to every sect, & the secure enjoyment of it as the best human provision for bringing all either into the same way of thinking, or into that mutual charity which is the only proper...
Several considerations appearing to render it expedient that the Commander in Chief, now with the Army in the Territory of Orleans, should be at the Seat of Government, as soon as the prerequisites to his setting out, will permit, you will please to transmit him instructions to that effect. Should the correspondence between the Navy Dept. and Capt: Porter, not have been otherwise communicated...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. Madison & Mathews moved to revoke Comissn. & instrns. to Mr. Adams for Treaty of Commerce with G. B. —on which Liverm: no—Partridge Osgood no—Varnum ay—Elsworth—Sherman no, Montgomery, Clymer, T. Smith ay—Rodney McKean ay—Jenifer no Carrol ay Potts ay—Jones ay. Madiso[n] ay—Bland ay—Sharpe Johnson...
§ To Louis-Marie Turreau. 6 January 1806, Department of State. Has shown the president Turreau’s letters of 3 Jan. and 14 Oct., a copy of the latter being enclosed with the former. Both concerned commerce between the ports of the United States and of the part of Saint-Domingue in revolt. Had hoped that prior explanations given in person and in writing as well as the measures taken by Congress...
I have recd. yours of the 17th. inst. Be so good as to mention the amount of interest required for the 2d. note to the Bank in order to a Credit for 90 days and I will forward it in time for the occasion. Let me know also & forward whatever paper will require my signature for it. Respects & good wishes RC ( MHi ). Letter not found.
I have recd. Sir, under your cover the speech you delivered in the Senate of the U.S. 11th. of Apl. last, on the Judiciary Bill. Without undertaking to weigh & compare the considerations urged on different sides of the subject, I may safely say that you maintained that which you espoused with an ability & force which did justice to it. With my thanks for your polite attention, and apology for...
I have the honor to request that you will issue your warrant for one thousand six hundred dollars, on the appropriation, for Barbary Intercourse, in favor of Wm: Whann Esqr., the assignee of a Bill drawn upon me, on the 28th. March last by James Simpson, Consul at Morocco; the said Simpson to be charged therewith on the Books of the Treasury. The Bill is inclosed. I am &c. DNA : RG...
Tr ( LC : Madison Papers). Above the date line of his transcription, the anonymous copyist wrote “To Edmund Randolph.” Someone also unknown, while checking the four pages of copy against the now missing original, interlineated two omissions (see nn. 9 and 10) and then wrote at the top of the first page, “a Duplicate letters both corrected the same Sep 14, ’38.” See Papers of Madison William T....
Doctor Thornton & his lady being engaged in an excursion as far as N. Carolina, propose to take their route thro’ Fredericksburg. As our particular friends they have every claim on our endeavors to contribute to the pleasure of their journey. Should they find it convenient to halt at Fredericksburg, we can not fulfil our obligation there, better than by requesting for them the attentions which...
Mr. Morton of my neighbourhood will pass through London on a trip to Scotland with an object which he will explain to you. The esteem in which he is held by those best acquainted with him, induces me to introduce him to an opportunity of paying his respects to you, and of asking whatever friendly suggestions may be useful to him. He is accompanied by Capt: Glassel of the army of the U. States,...
The letter for Lumsden inclosed in your favor by Mrs. M. got into his hands in time for the inclosed answer from him. If the time & terms on which he proposes to send one of his hands be unobjectionable, I can venture to recommend the choice he has made. He appears to be really an accomplished plaisterer. I write a few lines by the present opportunity to Mr. N. and shall be at Monticello on...
My last bore date the 8th. instant and went by the British Packet. It acknowledged your letters of Novr. 23d. and of Decr. I have since received those referred to in the latter, and also that of Jany 26th. which came to hand last evening. I now inclose the promised sequel of the correspondence here with Mr Rose by which you will see the posture finally given to the subject of his Mission. The...
We ended our journey on tuesday afternoon, without any injurious incident on the way. We found the roads better than I ever experienced them, and the weather was equally favorable. Mordecai arrived the day before yesterday, and sets out on his return today. Immediately on my getting here, I called on the man who was to make the hoisting Screw, & had the satisfaction to find that it had been...
Your favor of the 17th. came to hand by the last mail. You will find us at home on saturday. It would have been expedient on some accounts to have set out before that day, but it has been rendered impossible by several circumstances, particularly by an attack on my health which kept me in bed 3 or 4 days, and which has not yet permitted me to leave the House. I hope to be able to begin the...
Your’s of the 7th. was handed to me a few days ago by Mr. Newman who is to call on me this evening for an answer. 700 dollars were enclosed in it. As I cannot get any wire of the description you direct, nor indeed any but a little fitted for bolting according to the flour model, and that at a price more than double the old one I have declined laying out the money. Should you be in great want &...
Yours of the 13th. was recd yesterday afternoon. You rightly inferred my concurrence in the temporary apt. of a Tutor and I doubt not you have done right in the choice made. Mr. Hervé, whose pre[f?]erence is well attested could not otherwise, it seems be secured than by postponing a permanent appt. for the present [?]. Docr. Blatterman, preferring an oral to a written communication with me,...
¶ To William C. C. Claiborne. Letter not found. 1 October 1815. Acknowledged in Claiborne to JM , 8 Dec. 1815 ( DLC ), which indicates that JM conveyed José Correa da Serra’s request for “Some perfect fruits of Bow wood from Louisiana, and some perfect seeds of the same” (see Corrèa da Serra to JM , ca. August 1815).
I have recd. the Copy of your Speech on the 1st. of Feby. which led you into the subject of our Foreign Intercourse. It is justly observed that there are no subjects within the circle of our Federal transactions, on which the Public Mind is more susceptible of erroneous impressions, than the arrangements & provisions for diplomatic Missions. The explanatory views you have given of the policy &...