George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Nicholas Cooke, 6 December 1775

To Nicholas Cooke

Cambridge December 6. 1775


Your favours of the 25 & 30 Ultimo I received, and am to inform you that from the good Character you gave of Mr Aborn, I ordered the Agent in whose care his Vessell was, to deliver her up to him; There were other circumstances too, that were favourable to Mr Aborn & Induced a beleif that he was not Inimical to our cause.1

I am much Obliged by your kind attention to my two Letters of the 15 & 18 of Novr, and for your promise to lay the matters mention’d in the first before the General Committee, and Ordering the Troops which were on Block Island to this Camp. I am &c.

LB, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1For the order to deliver the sloop Phoebe to James Aborn, see Stephen Moylan to William Bartlett, 2 Dec. 1775, quoted in Cooke to GW, 30 Nov. 1775, n.1.

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