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Results 104451-104500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Doctor Vache formerly Surgeon to the 4th New York Regiment has made application to Congress,...
On receipt of your Letter of the 17th covering the resolution of Congress of the 15th and informg...
From present appearances and what is past one would be led to conclude the enemy mean to change...
Enclosed your excellency will find a report made this morning by brigadier-general Huntington of...
I find by the General Orders of this Day that the Court is ordered to proceed no further in my...
I have to beg the Favor of your giving a Conveyance of the inclosed to the Marquis De Vaudriul. I...
The Army will move to Ver Planks Point in the course of this week—a provision of Forage must be...
agreeable to your Excellency’s Directions I Sent an officer with Capt. Pray to Reconoiter a...
Agreeable to orders contained in your Excellency s Letter of the 25th Instant, My Regt will march...
I am this moment favored with a Letter from General Knox, in which he mentions your Excellency’s...
The Letter of which the inclosed is a Copy, is this Moment come to my Hand—Altho it is not...
as it appears by the General orders of this day, that the army is going to move, I should be much...
104463General Orders, 28 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
At a General court martial whereof Major general Howe is president held at Westpoint by order of...
I send your Excellency herewith under the care of Lieut. Bull four Prisoners (viz.) Peter Corne,...
I take the Liberty to request your Excellency’s Permission for myself and Daughter to have an...
I was yesterday favored with your Letter of the 25th. I am much obliged by the intelligence you...
Agreeable to my proposial in the letter I had the Honr to write to your Excly the 25th Inst: I...
I do myself the honor to inform your Excellency, that in obedience to the Resolve of Congress of...
The Enclosed came to hand a few minutes Since from Colonel Olney, having several Letters in my...
Some officers in the 3d Massachusetts brigade wish to send to Philadelphia for the money due them...
In the present stage of the war the officers of the Massachusetts line have thought it an object...
I have the Honor to transmit to your Excellency, Copies of the Intelligence I yesterday received...
The Army is about to take a position in the field: it is my wish you would, attend it yourself as...
I Enclose to your Excellency a Certificate from Doctor Townsend, Genl Patterson in Consequence...
I have rece’d your Letter of Yesterday requesting that the Court Martial may be orderd to proceed...
Since my Letter of the 18th I have taken an Opportunity of consulting some more of the Officers...
I have been honored with your Excellencys private letter by Mr Frothingham. I have no doubt but...
General Potter and Colonel Magaw are delegated by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to confer with...
In conformity to a resolve of Congress passed June 14th 1782, which was transmitted your...
I have been favoured with your private Letter of the 26th. In forming my arrangement of Commands...
The inroads which have recently been made by the indians within this state, and the number of...
It is with infinite Sorrow and Regret, that the Assembly of Pennsylvania find themselves under...
Experimentally sensible of your refin’d Generosity and firm Adherence to strict Justice, I beg...
I have Recivd your Excellencys favor of the 25 Instant for which I concive my self under greate...
after near three years absence, I am thus far on my way to visit my Fathers Family in...
Upon mentioning the subject of your favor of the 27th to His Excellency, he was pleased to direct...
Agreeable to Genl Orders of the 26th Inst. the Commanding Officers of Regiments meet at the...
The Inclos’d is Colo. Olneys Letter in Concequence of my application to your Excelence to go to...
104489General Orders, 29 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolve. By the United States...
I inclose the copy of a letter I Received from Governor Livingston dated the 10th of August. Your...
Your Excellency’s Letter by Doctr Vasche I Received last Night and Agreable to Your desire will...
Since I wrote your Excellency a day or two ago Lt Colo. Laurens has been killed in an Action on...
Altho I must confess that it appears to me rather surprizing to have a request for so many...
A few minutes since Lieut. Bull of Colonel Canfields Corps came to my Quarters having in Custody...
I have received your Letter of this Day, accompanied with one from Colo. Canfield at Stamford,...
The enclosed was handed to me this morning—I am informed by an officer who is present, that such...
You will be pleased immediately to put your Troop in motion & proceed by Way of Newburgh & Fish...
The Sergeant has delivered Your Letter of the 21st inclosing two Courts Martials & the Returns of...
You are hereby appointed to the command of West point and its Dependencies—But as the Army will...
Agreable to your desire Inquiry has been made into the reasons of Dr Vaché being deranged from...