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Results 104451-104500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
A l’occasion que Je depeche pour Marseille un Batiment chargé de Retours pour cette Place, Je ne...
invited to dine the 20 th . of May— President & his Lady—, French Minister & his sister—, M r ....
10445323d. (Adams Papers)
Continual North east winds have prevailed for a week past. This evening, I past, with Thompson at...
104454[Diary entry: 23 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 23d. Thermometer at 55 in the Morning—65 at Noon And 72 at Night. Clear, with but little...
When I wrote my letter of the 4th. inst. I had no reason to doubt that a packet would have sailed...
I am this morning favor’d with yours of 18th May:—I am sorry to find from this, that one of your...
10445722d. (Adams Papers)
I was up before eight, and had not slept well, even the short Time I was in bed; I felt stiff and...
104458[Diary entry: 22 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 22d. Thermometer at 65 in the Morning—66 at Noon And 62 at Night. A great deal of rain...
Pardon me for presuming to take the Liberty of troubling your Excellency, to whom every moment is...
I am indebted to your both favors of the 4th and 17th instant. The first was deliverd to me by...
We have before us your Excellency’s respected favor of 16th Inst. and sincerely congratulate you...
Le caractere virginien s’est deployé Monsieur, dans la formation des quatre caisses de plans que...
Amsterdam, 22 May 1788 . Following TJ’s instructions of 16 May 1788, they have accepted the seven...
10446421st. (Adams Papers)
I walk’d with Pickman in the evening to Sawyer’s; where we drank tea; and made it almost ten...
[ New York, May 21, 1788. On this date Hamilton submitted a bill to New York State. Document not...
104466[Diary entry: 21 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 21st. Thermometer at 72 in the Morning—78 at Noon And 70 at Night. Clouds with the Wind...
10446720th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Parsons had the frame of his House raised, and was consequently very busy. Walk’d with...
104468[Diary entry: 20 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 20th. Thermometer at 67 in the morning—82 at Noon and 80 at Night. Wind at East in the...
I Have Been Requested to introduce to You Mr de Chastel de la Vallée a french Gentleman Who...
This letter will be presented to you by Mr Stevens, and is introductory of him; He has been an...
On my return from Holland and Germany I found here the letters you had done me the honor of...
N’ayant point de vos nouvelles depuis mon retour á Paris, je prends la liberté de vous demander...
I had the honor to receive your favor of the 6th. of February, and submitted a copy of it to His...
N’ayant point de nouvelles des livres que vous avez eu la bonté de vous charger de m’expedier le...
Vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’envoyer des papiers relatives au nommé Monset qui s’est...
N’ayant point de nouvelles de la porcelaine que vous avez eu la bonté de vous charger de...
In addition to the desires of Mr. Diggs, will be obliged to you to inform me by letter what...
10447819th. (Adams Papers)
Began upon the second book of Hawkins. The first treats of all offences, against the public; and...
Some days since I wrote to you, My Dear Sir, inclosing a letter from a Mr. V Der Kemp &c. I then...
I acknowlege my delinquency in not thanking you before for your obliging letter from Richmond....
104481[Diary entry: 19 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 19th. Thermometer at 69 in the Morning—78 at Noon and 77 at Night. Very little Wind all...
Enclosed is the duplicate of a letter I wrote to you agreeably to the date, but having heard...
The fate of the new constitution is now hastening to a crisis. The decision of Virginia in its...
I am honored with your two letters of May 1. & 3. Paradise was embarked—and carried to mr...
Some days since I wrote to you, My Dear Sir, inclosing a letter from a Mr. V Der Kemp &c. I then...
10448618th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. McKeen of Beverley preached at Mr. Carey’s this day. I attended to hear him. His discourses...
I rose this morning with a fair prospect of landing before night, but alas, we are immersed in...
104488[Diary entry: 18 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 18th. Thermometer at 68 in the morning—80 at Noon and 70 at Night. Clear and calm in the...
It has not been in my power to acknowlege the receipt of your letters of the 27 Ulto and the 8...
The enclosed letter will probably deprive you of the Company of your guests sooner than you...
General and Mrs Washington presents their Compliments to Mr and Mrs Porter and requests the favor...
Your favor of the 22d Ulto and a Barrel of Barley have arrived safe, & I pray you to accept my...
Agreable to what I had the honor to mention you in a late Letter I now inclose you the Cypher...
Not having heard from you since you left Paris I take the liberty of writing the present merely...
I must still refer you to my letters of Sep. 10. Oct. 10. Jan. 1. and Jan. 16. to which I have no...
The first moments after my return having been occupied by letters which required immediate...
10449717th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Judge Greenleaf’s with Pickman and Thompson. Two Miss Dalton’s were there; and Miss...
This moment I have been notified of the first opportunity I have known since your departure of...
104499[Diary entry: 17 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 17th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morning—76 at Noon and 77 at Night. Lowering morning with...
Letter not found: from William West, 17 May 1788. GW wrote West on 28 June : “I was favoured with...