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Results 104431-104460 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
At the date of your letter of Oct. 30. I had just left home on a journey from which I am recently...
I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letters of the 5th instant and have...
J’ay raporté à M. Le Comte de Montmorin, ainsy qu’à M. le Comte de la Luzerne, les dispositions...
In obedience to the commands of the President of the United States, I have the honor to transmit...
1780, Nov. 30th—wrote to Congress: “The state of parties in this republic is still critical. Many...
104436[Diary entry: 27 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
27. Strong So. wind & Rain till 4 P.M. then No. Wt.
I would take the liberty of addressing a few lines to Your Excellency, respecting such of the...
West Point, September 20, 1779. Transmits complaint from the Third Massachusetts Regiment to...
1 June 1796. In consideration of $12,000 paid by Ritchie, GW and Martha Washington convey to him...
104440Notes on Appointments, [March 1805] (Jefferson Papers)
✓ James Wilkinson of Maryland Governor of the territory of Louisiana from the 3d. day of July...
I heard with great Concern the domestique misfortune which your Excellency had lately, and in the...
I feel obliged to you for enlarging the number of my acquaintances by the addition of Doctor...
I have this day receiv’d your Favor of 28th Ulto—& can only say it gives me concern that your...
If the President should enter into a Provisional convention with the government of Algiers for a...
J. Madison’s respectful compliments to the President It appears that the Secy. of State, the...
I have been favourd with two letters from You, the Dates I can not immediately refer to, not...
I communicate for the information of Congress a letter stating certain fraudulent practices for...
Inclosed we have the honour of sending to your Excellency an Account, which your Bookseller has...
The liberty I take in communicating these few lines you will please excuse. A few days ago I...
I have received by the Marquis de la Lafayette, on his arrival in France, the letters your...
Your favours of the 25 & 30 Ultimo I received, and am to inform you that from the good Character...
8 September 1802, Leghorn. “The unhappy situation to which the ships of the UStates are exposed...
104453Notes on Debates, 17 January 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
Mr. Crawford will be so good as to put convenient dates into the Blanks. If there be any thing in...
I have received your letter of the 13th. instant, accompanied by a Copy of one to Mr Pope. In...
LS : National Archives; AL (draft ): Yale University Library; three copies: National Archives...
10445724th. (Adams Papers)
Attended meeting all day. Mr. Shuttlesworth preach’d; I was much better pleased with him, than I...
104458[Diary entry: 20 August 1798] (Washington Papers)
20. A heavy fog. Mer. at 76 Morn. 82 at Night. Thunder in the forenoon & rain around us but none...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I am hardly able to hold a Pen, from a Fit of the Gout...
104460[Diary entry: 29 March 1791] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 29th. In a thick mist, and under strong appearances of a settled rain (which however did...