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Results 104431-104460 of 184,431 sorted by author
Shortly after you set out from Washington, I was called on by Mr. E. Livingston, and requested to...
Letter not found. 4 February 1786. Recorded in “Letters from J. M. [to] Mr. Monroe” (DLC) as...
7 January 1811, Washington. Transmits the director of the Mint’s annual report for 1810. RC and...
Your letter of yesterday was duly delivered by your Servant last evening. The subject of it is...
I request you to be pleased to issue a warrant on the appropriations for Barbary Intercourse, for...
It ought certainly to be at the discretion of Izard to accommodate his movements to those of the...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 20, I, 261). In JM’s hand. Docketed by Charles Thomson “Report of the Comee...
Plan proposed consists of 1st. permanent revenue. 2. abatements in favor of the States distressed...
Yours of the 22d. came to hand yesterday. We regret extremely the indisposition which...
Be pleased to issue your Warrant on the appropriation for the relief of distressed American...
The week past has been devoted to the subject of amendments. All that remains is a formal vote on...
I have received your letter of the 22d: ult. enclosing the memorial of the Insurance Company of...
I have recd. your letter of yesterday, signifying your purpose to retire from the Dept. which has...
The Secretary of State in compliance with the Note of the President, relating to the public...
At the date of my last on friday was a week since which I have not recd. an answer, I expected by...
Letter not found. 5 November 1801. Acknowledged in Thornton to JM, 11 Nov. 1801 . Informs...
My last was committed to Majr. Rogers of your County who embarked some days ago from this place...
The inclosed letter contains some ulterior instructions which the President has thought proper to...
The want of opportunity has left me in debt for 3 favors those of Aug. 18. 25. and Sepr. 8th....
I did not receive, my dr. frd. your favor of July 1. till a few weeks ago. It came thro’ the post...
Waggons with six Hhds. of Tobo. set out this morning and will be in Richd. soon after this...
I sent you yesterday by Docr. Bache a packet recd. by the mail of last week, that it might the...
My last was on the 18th. and acknowledged yours of the 30th. ult: & 7th. inst. I had not then...
I have the honor to enclose you a Commission, ⟨con⟩stituting David Latimore a Member of the...
Your favour of the 20. Ult. came duly to hand a few days ago. I can not apprehend that any...
Mr. Madison presents his respectful compliments to the President, and informs him that Mr....
104457Excise, [1 May] 1794 (Madison Papers)
On 23 April the Committee of the Whole took up the report of the select committee on ways and...
Your last letter bears date on the 12th. February. Those of 18 Octr. 11. 26 Novr. 11. 23 Decr. 28...
The letter of the day of March last from Mr. Lincoln, then acting Secretary of State will have...
I have rec’d yours of July 30 & inclose a letter to Mr. Smith which please seal and deliver,...