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Results 104371-104400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I was this morning honored with your Excellency’s letters of the 13th and 15th instant. In my letter of June 23rd I only meant to express a wish that, in matters of convenience, we might meet the Contractors on the open and generous plan which they professed themselves disposed to adopt—this I supposed would be productive of reciprocal benefit But if they continued to practise upon their...
Having been out of Town for upwards of six weeks past, on accot of my Health, I had not the Honor of Receiving your Excellencies letter of the 8th Uto. till my return last Thursday, & hope this circumstance will appologies for not answering it immediately. I am exceedingly sorry that there was any mistake respecting your Crockery ware, & must take, at least, part of the blame to myself—Being...
since writing the enclosed, I was Honored by the receipt of your’s of the 15th Instt with a duplicate of that of the 8th Ulto. The Printing press, with the remainder of the Crockery, was sent from hence on the 14th Instt directed to the Quarter Master Genls Storekeeper at Newburg—I hope before this reaches your Excellency, they will have arrived safe. I have to ask your Excellencies pardon,...
The bearer Pierre Charlent a Canadian; is in a letter from the Minister at War, dated the 25th May last Recommended by Congress to the Commanding Officer at this post, to be employed here is such way as his Services will be most beneficial, and that he be allow’d one Ration, & one half daily; likewise Clothing; the former I have Orderd him, but to comply with the latter is out of my power....
104375General Orders, 20 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
At the general courtmartial of which Colonel Micheal Jackson is president, Ensign Abbott of the 10th Massachusetts regiment was tried for ungentlemanlike behavior in casting reflections on a late regimental courtmartial whereof Captn Lund or Captn Taylor was president in particular in saying that a certain soldier who was brought before the Court would have been punished if there had not been...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency that I arrived here the 17th of the instant, I found the admiral Marquis of Vaudreuil very much Concerned about the lost of the Ship the Magnifique of 74 g uns in this Harbour by the fault of the Pilote belonging this Port. the Triumphant of 80 mounted by the admiral touche’d the Bottom too. these two events have employed all his best matross, and had...
J’ai reçu hier, à dix heures du Soir, le paquet de Votre Excellence. J’en ai envoyé les lettres à Monsieur Le Marquis de Vaudreuil dont la réponse est ci-incluse. Monsieur le Marquis de Vaudreuil m’a fait l’honneur, Monsieur, de me communiquer l’instruction de Votre Excellence relative aux Couriers; Ce qui Sera éxécuté de ma Part très ponctuellement. Je suis, avec un profond respect, de votre...
I am afraid You will think me exceedingly inattentive in not thanking You before this for your polite offer of conveying my letters through the lines. Your letter I did not receive untill the 12th of August when it was too late to answer it by the Post and immediately after we went on a Visit to Barrister Carrolls and only returned to Annapolis Yesterday. I have taken the liberty of sending a...
The Contractor’s Accounts both for West Point and the moving Army for the Month of July amount by their State to the Sum of Forty seven Thousand Dollars; of this I have already paid about Twenty five Thousand. I have taken Arrangements for Payment of Ten thousand at Morristown, and I am to request that from the Monies payable to your Excellency in the Manner I mentioned in a former Letter you...
it is to your excelency I will run the venture to make known unto you this inteligance which may be of great advantage to my country that is if your excelency will agree to it to grant their desire there are two regiments of hesians wants to lay down their arms both oficers and privats if in case your excelency will permit them to go back in the country and seek a liveing for themselves be...
104381General Orders, 21 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Light infantry of this army is to be organized and commanded in the following manner. The four flank companies of Massachusetts from the 1st to the 4th regiment inclusive to compose a battallion under the orders of Major Oliver. four others from the 5th to the 8th to compose another battallion under the orders of Major Ashley, these two battalions to form a regiment and to be commanded by...
Knowing the Rectitude of my heart in the Charge lately exhibited against me, I was happy in the anticipation of my honourable acquital till I Recieved the unexpeced and humuliating shock by sentence of a Court Martial approved by your Excellency. This my fate, has furnished a full evidence of the vanity of all human hapiness. Before the present War I was happy in the enjoyment of domestick...
I have received your favor of the 12th instant. Were it reduced to a certainty that your exchange would not be effected for a considerable time to come, I should have no objection to recommending your request for liberty to visit France, to Congress—But as the offer which I have just made to Sir Guy Carleton of appointing another meeting of Commissioners may possibly be productive of an...
You will be pleased to furnish the Bearer Mr Richard Wells who has permission to go into New York with a Flag, to the enemy’s advanced Water Guard—And upon his return you will receive him with whatever he may bring with him and send him up to Head Quarters in one of Captain Prays Boats—You will deliver this to the officer who releives you, that he may be prepared to give Mr Wells the proper...
Last Saturday I received a Letter from Colo. Willet covering the Papers of which the enclosed are Copies. It was my Intention to have waited on your Excellency the next Day which induced me to omit making this Communication immediately and every Day since has produced some new—Business to prevent my leaving home—This I beg may be accepted as an Apology for the Omission. It was my Opinion that...
I have the honor to inclose the proceedings of two genl Court Martials held in this City, Will Robinson is the Soldier that your Excellency pardoned when last in Town—he has been guilty of repeat’d Desertions & reinlisting which render him a suitable object for an Example; the Serjt who is a native of France he promises to behave well in future which induces me to sollicit your Excellency to...
I inclose to you Copies of two Letters which I have received from Brigr General Hand in Consequence of the Late Arrangement of the Adjutant Genls Department. When I wrote you the 16th instant, I did not know that Genl Hand had obtained any knowlege of the Arrangement—nor did I intend to have communicated it to him, untill I had submitted those inconveniences which appeared to me to have...
I have the honor of your Excellency favor of the 15 Instant and have executed your orders in the best maner it was in my power to do have been in every Store I know in the City to get the Articles you wanted on the best Terms but cou’d find none cheaper then where I bought them, the prices has been higher than at present, but I am fearfull your Excellency did not expect to pay so much—in times...
In posting Officers to the Light Infantry for this Campaign, I neither forgot nor meant to neglect you—so far from it, I intend to convince you of my sense of your merit by this proof of my attention & an assurance, that under a comparative view of all circumstances the arrangement as new made appeared most likely to promote the public service in general. At the same time, that I was conscious...
Whenever I write to your Excellency I feel a degree of reluctance in doing of it, least I should be a means of Creating unnecesary trouble to a mind so exceedingly burdened with business as yours must be—Yet I sometimes find myself in a measure compeled to do it—This happens to be the case at present. I have thought proper to inclose your Excellency a letter which I have received from Colonel...
104391General Orders, 22 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
Corporal Henry Beels and James Hill of the 1st Massachusetts regiment Lemuel Smith 2d do Thomas Fisher, James Clark, and James Anderson 3 do Barnabas Potter, and Daniel Blanchard 9th Massachusetts regiment Blowers, are to be sent to Major Villefranche commanding Engineer at Westpoint to follow his di r ections untill further orders. A surgeon from the third and a Mate from the second...
The enclosed from major Ashley, I received at two o’clock this morning. I have written to the major to detain the flag until he receives your excellency’s directions for further proceedure. I enclose two New York papers—one of the 19th the other of the 20th instant. I have the honor to be With the highest respect, Your Excellency’s Most obedient servant, DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have received your Letter of Yesterday with the papers inclosed. I return you Major Ashleys Letter with Dakings Papers. You will direct Major Ashley to Order the Flag with M r Daking to return immediately to the Enemy’s Lines. As this is the second instance in which Genl Birch has contravened my Intentions in grantg Flaggs to come from the Enemys Lines by other Routes than that of Dobb’s...
I have the honor to transmit your Excellency a late resolve of Congress respecting the New York State regiments of Infantry. I am, with profound respect, Your Excellency’s obedient, humble servant DLC : Papers of George Washington. In consequence of the enclosed Resolve you are to supply the two Regiments of Infantry raised by the State of New York under the resolution of Congress of the...
I have directed Capt. John Green who is the Bearer of this Letter to carry in some Letters from the Captains of two flag Ships which have arrived from England (on board one of which he was a Passenger) enclosed in a Letter from me to Sir Guy Carleton. I am to request your Excellency would facilitate his going in and that he be permitted to stay untill he obtain the Answer which those Ships are...
In obedience to the General Orders of yesterday, I have made the following distribution of the Batteaux in repair now at Wappins Creek. 34 feet long 26 feet Total To the 1st Massachusetts Brigade 12 7 19 2nd ditto 12 7 19 3rd ditto 12 7 19
I enclose Your Excellency a York paper of the 20th Inst. have nothing Remarkable Sinc Lieut. Shayler Wrote your Excellency, Except the Sailing of a packet from York to England. I have the Honor to be with Every Sentiment of Respect and Esteem Your Excellencys most Obedient and Verry Humble Servent DLC : Papers of George Washington.
To prevent any confusion & irregularity in the Department of Commissy of Prisoners, which might ensue upon your leaving the Office abruptly in consequence of the late arrangement of that Department; it is my request you will continue to perform the functions of the Office of Commissy Genl of Prisoners, untill the accounts can be settled, and the business & Papers of the Department so arranged...
Upon your application to the Adjt General for a number of Men from the Marching Regts to be employed as Blowers in the Works under your direction, the Men are Ordered to be furnished accordingly, that the Works may not stand still for want of their assistance—but I must inform you, Sir, it was my full expectation, that this species of business would always have been performed by the Corps of...
Lieut. Joseph Caterlin who will deliver this attends a Woman from New-York, who carries a Letter to your Excellency, which she says is of the utmost Importance, and requires immediate Dispatch. As the Journey to Head Quarters will be some Expence, your Excellency will be kind enough to provide some Method of procuring that to be reimbursed to him. He is an Officer of the State Troops, & would...