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Results 104371-104400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I was this morning honored with your Excellency’s letters of the 13th and 15th instant. In my...
Having been out of Town for upwards of six weeks past, on accot of my Health, I had not the Honor...
since writing the enclosed, I was Honored by the receipt of your’s of the 15th Instt with a...
The bearer Pierre Charlent a Canadian; is in a letter from the Minister at War, dated the 25th...
104375General Orders, 20 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
At the general courtmartial of which Colonel Micheal Jackson is president, Ensign Abbott of the...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency that I arrived here the 17th of the instant, I found...
J’ai reçu hier, à dix heures du Soir, le paquet de Votre Excellence. J’en ai envoyé les lettres à...
I am afraid You will think me exceedingly inattentive in not thanking You before this for your...
The Contractor’s Accounts both for West Point and the moving Army for the Month of July amount by...
it is to your excelency I will run the venture to make known unto you this inteligance which may...
104381General Orders, 21 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Light infantry of this army is to be organized and commanded in the following manner. The...
Knowing the Rectitude of my heart in the Charge lately exhibited against me, I was happy in the...
I have received your favor of the 12th instant. Were it reduced to a certainty that your exchange...
You will be pleased to furnish the Bearer Mr Richard Wells who has permission to go into New York...
Last Saturday I received a Letter from Colo. Willet covering the Papers of which the enclosed are...
I have the honor to inclose the proceedings of two genl Court Martials held in this City, Will...
I inclose to you Copies of two Letters which I have received from Brigr General Hand in...
I have the honor of your Excellency favor of the 15 Instant and have executed your orders in the...
In posting Officers to the Light Infantry for this Campaign, I neither forgot nor meant to...
Whenever I write to your Excellency I feel a degree of reluctance in doing of it, least I should...
104391General Orders, 22 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
Corporal Henry Beels and James Hill of the 1st Massachusetts regiment Lemuel Smith 2d do Thomas...
The enclosed from major Ashley, I received at two o’clock this morning. I have written to the...
I have received your Letter of Yesterday with the papers inclosed. I return you Major Ashleys...
I have the honor to transmit your Excellency a late resolve of Congress respecting the New York...
I have directed Capt. John Green who is the Bearer of this Letter to carry in some Letters from...
In obedience to the General Orders of yesterday, I have made the following distribution of the...
I enclose Your Excellency a York paper of the 20th Inst. have nothing Remarkable Sinc Lieut....
To prevent any confusion & irregularity in the Department of Commissy of Prisoners, which might...
Upon your application to the Adjt General for a number of Men from the Marching Regts to be...
Lieut. Joseph Caterlin who will deliver this attends a Woman from New-York, who carries a Letter...