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Results 104371-104400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I trouble you with another letter from Mr. D’Ivernois , containing a further development of his plan. Since you were here, I have found the inclosed rough draught of a subscription paper for clearing our river, which may explain to you the views and wishes of the subscribers. Nicholas and Jacob Van Staphorsts, wealthy bankers of Amsterdam, have for some time apprehended a storm in their...
I yesterday received your favor of the 11 th ins t enclosing the Post note for 100 Dol s: for which receive my thanks. Our election for members of the house of Representatives was finished yesterday and thus an end put for sometime to the iniquities which upon such occasions are always practised. The friends of the Democratic M r Livingston and of the Aristocratic M r Watts flatter themselves...
The Nature, Designs, rise, Progress, present State future Operations and successes of “Selfcreated Societies,[”] are likely to become Objects of interesting Enquiry and should be critically Studied by a Lawyer. We know something of the History of them in France. The fruits of them in Geneva you will see in the Pamphlet inclosed which was written by D’Ivernois. The fruits of them in Scotland,...
I hear of an opportunity from Rotterdam to Boston, but so lately that I have scarce time to write any Letters except my necessary dispatches. General Eustace goes as a passenger in this vessel, and I have given him letters of introduction to you and several other of my friends in Boston. Had I known of this vessel earlier I could have taken measures to send your things by her; which for the...
Carlisle [ Pennsylvania ] December 13, 1794 . “I arived here on last Monday with the Jersey troops and Started them from this place upon their March home on thursday principally in good health and Spirrits—and hope they will arive safe at Trenton about the 22nd or 23d. I have not had one Shillings in money Since I left Greens burgh therefore have left all my Accounts from that to this place...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 13, 1794. “It being possible that Inconvenience may arise from the want of information concerning the purchases of Whiskey in Pennsylvania, for the military supply of 1795, I have to request a copy of the instructions therein given by you to Col. P. Nevil in the month of November.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue,...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 13, 1794. “It is necessary that a keeper of the Lighted Beacon near Sherburn in Nantucket be appointed. Tristam Coffin is mentioned as a person the collector has engaged, from whence may be inferred that he approves of the said Coffin as a qualified person.…” LC , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters, Vol. I, National Archives. Stephen Hussey had been...
I have this day received your letter concerning the additional compensations to the officers of the Revenue. The increase of the Emoluments by the extension of the rate of commissions and by the allowance of fees for documents are the prevailing ones in the letters of the Supervisors. You will remember that I requested the arrangement of this business prior to the Presidents departure for...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 13, 1794. “I beg the favor of your procuring the Presidents determination upon the subject of the Keeper of the Light House at Cape Fear North Carolina and of the Compensation to be allowed him.…” LC , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters, Vol. I, National Archives. For background to this letter, see Coxe to H, March 11 , September 25, 1794 .
I have the honor to submit, the enclosed letters just received; from Governor Blount dated 16th November; Also from Lt Col: Gaither of the 4th, and Constant Freeman of the 21’st of the same month. I am, most respectfully, Sir. Your obedt Servt LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . William Blount’s letter to Knox of 16 Nov. enclosed letters reporting about Indian activity in the Southwest Territory and a...
The Algerine captain; who has lately been travelling thro’ New England, and the states north of this place, is arrived here; and called upon me yesterday with a kind of introductory letter from the Vice President. The Algerine tells me, that Mr Adams means to introduce him to you this morning; and therefore I think it my duty to give you my conjectures concerning him. They are, I confess, not...
I am much obliged by your Letter of the 2 d . of this month— your Letter to M r . Randolph goes by the aurora to New York. we have had several late arrivals from thence & from Ph[iladelphi] a .— In the Adriana from the latter Place M r . Sam l . Bayard came passenger, He is appointed by the Governm t . to superintended the Prosecution of Claims & appeals in the Capture Causes.— The...
I wrote you last Week and inclosed an order for 600. Let me know when you receive it. Although the Weather is the most beautiful I ever knew in December, the Time Seems longer to me, than ever any time did in America— The Business of Congress this session is Dulness Flatness and Insipidity itself. M r Cranch went off, on Fryday for Washington as he intended to go to Anapolis, I gave him a...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] December 14, 1794 . “I acknowledge the Receipt of your two letters of the 27th of the last month & I shall retain sufft. funds in my hands to discharge the allowances to fishing vessels which I estimate at about twelve hundred dolls.… Permit me to mention that advice has not been received of your decision in the case of the Fair American Benjamin Lee master, and of...
The day following the one on which I wrote to you last, your letter of the 10th instt was received. It is to be regretted, exceedingly, that delegated powers are, oftentimes, so little regarded; and that trusts of an important nature, the neglect of wch may be attended with serious consequences, should be suffered to sleep in the hands of those who ought to carry them into activity. such, from...
Your letter of the 7th instt, enclosing the reports of the preceeding week, came duly to hand. I approve your idea of clearing up the wood between the fence and the road, and letting it lay over to another year; but quere, would it not be better, instead of cleaning the ground thoroughly , and exposing the earth to the rays of the summers sun, to have it well grubbed, & lye with all the brush...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 14 Dec. 1794. On 21 Dec., GW wrote Pearce: “Your letter of the 14th instant with the papers & reports, which were enclosed therewith, came safe to hand.”
Your favor of the 24th. Ulto: was answered last week. I have since recd. that of the 3d. inst: the cheif object of which is to learn whether I shall be able to contribute an effective proportion to the advances which will be wanted for the Mill. To this enquiry I can only say in general that, tho’ it is possible I may not be able to co-operate as much as might be desireable, I have several...
Letter not found. Ca. 14 December 1794. Acknowledged in Bishop Madison’s letter to JM of 24 Dec. 1794 . Probably informs the bishop that JM does not plan to retire from Congress and so cannot sponsor in the Virginia General Assembly a state-supported university. Encloses John Penington’s Chemical and Economical Essays .
Letter not found. 14 December 1794, Philadelphia. Introduces Robert S. Van Rensselaer. RC offered for sale by Leonard & Co., Auctioneers, Catalogue of a Valuable Private Library, Including … Rare Autograph Letters (Boston, 9 May 1866), p. 15, item 7.
Letter not found. Ca. 14 December 1794. Acknowledged in Taylor to JM, 16 Jan. 1795 . Agrees with Taylor’s proposed settlement with Maj. William Moore of Orange County. Probably inquires about Kentucky lands belonging to JM’s mother-in-law, Mary Coles Payne.
14 December 1794, Philadelphia. Introduces Robert S. Van Rensselaer, who “proposes to make a tour through some parts of Europe, and wishes for an opportunity of being made known to you.” RC ( MH ). 1 p. Addressed by JM to Monroe, “Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States / Paris,” and marked “Mr. Van Renselaer.” Calendared as letter not found in PJM Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The...
On this day my Bedford bonds of the 2d. instalment become due. Yet but one person has called on me. William Milliner called yesterday and paid me £72–8–8 which I now send you by Mr. Randolph to be applied to the discharge of my bonds in the order in which they are paiable. He promised me he would pay the balance £49-18-10 at the Bedford court of the present month to Mr. Clarke, who will of...
Your Favor of Nov r 19 th I rec d I have since mine of Nov r 7 th. found that M r Dexter is not chosen, altho’ M r Varnum who was put up by the antis makes but a small shew against him M r Gerry having by far the greatest Number of Votes of any other Candidate but he declines being considered as a Candidate; it is true I believe that M r Dearborn is not elected. Last Evening a Ship Cap
We dare Recommend to your Goodness, our new Establishment in this city. a man who Seeks So carefully about the happiness of his native country, a man who by his works fixs his pride to Instruct his countrymen, owes perhaps a parcel of Benevolence to one enterprise directed towards human felicity. We are with the utmost respect / Sir / of your Excellency / the very obedient & very humble /...
The Kind Reception I have been honoured with by your Excellency, Seems authorize me to hope that my Enterprize will not be intirely indifferent for your Goodness. Nobody feels more deeply than me the grief of Seing your Excellency Leaving a Department where his ability & his fondness of his country was so eminently perceived. But for the true Citizen the means of Serving his native land, may...
Deign receive with Goodness the advise of our new Establishment in a City where Lives the precious and dear father of the all united states. our most exciting encouragement would be that it could inspire your Excellency with Some Benevolence. We are with the utmost Respect sir of your Excellency The most obedient & very humble servants ALS , DLC:GW . Médéric-Louis-Élie Moreau de Saint-Méry...
For the reasons mentioned to you the other day—viz.—the Virginia Assembly being in Session—and a plan being on foot for establishing a Seminary of learning upon an extensive scale in the Federal city —it would oblige me if you and Mr Madison would endeavor to mature the measures which will be proper for me to pursue in order to bring my designs into view, as soon as you can make it convenient...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of the Secretary of war’s letter of the 20th of Novem: last respecting patroles on Western frontier of this State. At the meeting of the General Assembly which takes place on the 31st inst: I will lay General Knox’s letter with its enclosures before them and as they will then be in possession of every necessary information respecting the state of the...
Tomorrow will compleat three Months Since our dear sons saild, and this moment I have received a Letter from Town with this agreable intellegence, “on Sunday Evening the 14 Captain Joy arrived from England. just before he saild from the Downs, a ship came too about 2 miles a head, of him. the Pilot who came on Board Captain Joy told him she was the ship Alfred in 32 days from Boston.[”] tho I...