James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Bushrod Washington, 14 October 1820

To Bushrod Washington

Montpellier Ocr. 14 1820

Dear Sir

In fulfilment of my promise I return the letters to General Washington which you were so obliging as to forward to me.1 I should have done it sooner but that I had hoped to return at the same time the letters expected from Richmond. Will you permit me to recall your attention to the latter portion (which I believe will comprize the letters I could most wish to obtain) that the Chief Justice2 may not lose the opportunity of a recess for looking them up. Be assured always of my high esteem & my cordial respects

James Madison

RC (NN: Emmet Collection); FC (DLC).

2John Marshall, chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, had written his five-volume Life of George Washington (Philadelphia, 1804–7) with the aid of Washington’s voluminous papers, a part of which he still held at this time (Johnson et al., Papers of John Marshall, 6:219–26; Marshall to James A. Hamilton, 9 Mar. 1822, ibid., 9:201).

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