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Results 104251-104280 of 184,431 sorted by author
In fulfilment of my promise I return the letters to General Washington which you were so obliging...
Your favor of the 3d. instant would have been acknowledged two days ago, but for the approaching...
I send you the inclosed paper chiefly for the sake of the Edict which fixes on May for the...
Finding to my great regret that another Court had passed without a single step as far as I know...
Letter not found. 8 January 1792. Acknowledged in Lee to JM, 17 Jan. 1792 . Discusses pending...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Lacks complimentary close and signature but is in JM’s hand. Docketed,...
The great and affectionate esteem I ever felt for the deceased Revolutionary Patriot whose name I...
Letter not found. ca. 25 November 1786. Mentioned in John Blair Smith’s letter of ca. 10 December...
1 July 1812. “In compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th of...
I have received your letter of the 11h of March, with the sentiments due for the respect and...
Your 3 favors from G. Town, Bladg. & Balte: have come safe to hand. The accident mentioned in the...
§ To Richard Harrison. 11 April 1806, Department of State. “The accounts of Dr. Davis, as Agent...
Inclosed is the promised paper. A more attentive perusal makes me to think I may have underrated...
4 January 1803, Department of State. “The Secretary of State requests the Attorney General to...
I have recd. yours of the 24th. The conduct of the B. Govt. in protesting the arrangement of its...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Trist, and commits to his attention, the inclosed papers...
An occasion has occurred, in relation to a demand set up by the proctors, who have conducted the...
Yesterday carried us through the discussion of the Constitution by paragraphs. Today will...
You will be herewith furnished with a joint Commission to treat with His Catholic Majesty, and...
I inclose $30. which will pay the balance due on the acct. in yours of the 11. & one dollr. worth...
Mr Elisha Tracy of Norwich, in Connecticut will have explained to you the circumstances of the...
On my return two days ago from a Meeting appointed to report to the Legislature of the State a...
¶ To James Leander Cathcart. Letter not found. 30 January 1827. Calendared in the lists probably...
At the request of Mr. Madison who is too feeble to write, I subjoin a copy of the reply he...
As the Intelligencer will not publish the Message & documents just laid before Cong s for the...
J. M has duly recd. the Speech of Mr. R on the "protection of American industry. J. M. has read...
I recd. in due time your letter of May 10th inclosing a continuation of your observations on the...
12 October 1802, Department of State. Requests that Gallatin issue a warrant for John Davidson in...
I recd. by Mr Dalton your favor of this date. I feel real concern at being unable to assist in...
I return the Transfer signed as sent to me. The inclosed communication from the Vice President,...