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Results 104251-104280 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
After Sections 4 and 5 of Article I were read, Monroe asked why the regulation of elections for...
Henry complained that Article I, Section 6, was dangerous in allowing members of Congress to fix...
Mr. Madison . Mr. Chairman—The honorable gentleman has laid much stress on the maxim, that the...
I Beleive you will be much pleased to hear that I am going to Draw a Very Troublesom family from...
10425513th. (Adams Papers)
Townsend, and one or two more of my friends dined with me this day. He went in the afternoon to...
[ Richmond, June 13, 1788. On June 25, 1788, Hamilton wrote to Madison: “I am very sorry to find...
I am to acknowlege yours of the 19th. of May which reached me a few Days since. Matters are not...
104258[Diary entry: 13 June 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 13th. Thermometer at 71 in the Morning—69 at Noon and 70 at Night. Wind at No. Et. & rain...
Letter not found: Clement Biddle to GW, 13 June 1788. On 20 July GW wrote Biddle : “Your favors...
Your favour of came to hand by the mail of Wednesday. I did not write by several late returns for...
Having the greatest veneration possible for your Character & high Station I should never have...
Letter not found: from David Stuart, 13 June 1788. On 23 June GW wrote Stuart of “the receipt of...
I am tolerably well over the bilious indisposition which confined me at the date of my last. The...
Your favour of came to hand by the mail of Wednesday. I did not write by several late returns for...
Henry asked for information from those delegates who had served in Congress when a treaty with...
Letter not found. 13 June 1788 . Acknowledged in Carrington to JM, 25 June 1788 . Apparently...
Letter not found. 13 June 1788 . Mentioned in Hamilton to JM, 25 June 1788 . Describes the...
We arrived here 9th. Inst. and the Vessel for Virginia had sail’d the day before. Which we regret...
10426912th. (Adams Papers)
Townsend arrived in town this forenoon: I called at Mrs. Hooper’s to see him immediately after...
I have made an arrangement to forward by express the result of the convention of New Hampshire to...
The Committee to whom was referred the report of the Secretary for foreign affairs on the note...
104272[Diary entry: 12 June 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 12th. Thermometer 70 in the Morning. 78 at Noon. and 77 at Night. Wind at So. & So. W. A...
Your favour of the 8th instant was left here when I was out of Town; whither I did not return...
The Letter, Sir, which you did me the honor to write, at Mount-Vernon, the 8th January, saluted...
On my return from Phila. last Summer, I wrote to your brother from Fredericksburg as you desired....
The first and second sections of Article I were still nominally the order of the day. JM replied...
JM replied to another of Henry’s sweeping attacks on the Constitution. Mr. Madison . Mr....
10427811th. (Adams Papers)
I walk’d this evening with Stacey. The weather was very beautiful, and we proposed to form a...
104279[Diary entry: 11 June 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 11th. Thermometer at 69 in the Morning—75 at Noon and 75 at Night. Clear with the Wind...
On my arrival which was the second day of the Convention, I found yours of the ult: the papers...