George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Robert Orme, 23 May 1755

To Robert Orme

[Williamsburg, 23 May 1755]

To the Same
Dear Sir

Since writg from Claybourn’s Ferry by the Late express,1 I arrivd at this place and have met Mr Belfour; who, I believe, will be able with the assistance of the Govr and some other of his Fr[i]ends, to procure the money against by the morning;2 which will enable me to set out out at that time and I hope to get to by tuesday to reach Winchester by Tuesday Night next;3 from whence, I shall proceed to the Camp with all possible dispatch.

As Colo. Hunter is gone to the Northward I coud get no positive answer concerning the further sum of Ten thousand pounds (which he was desird to send to Wills Creek) but Mr Belfour his partner thinks it may be depended upon.4 I shall, before I leave Town get his answer in writing, and deliver it safe on my arrival Interim I am Sir

Return to page 22.5

LB (original), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW.

2“Mr Washington,” Dinwiddie wrote Braddock today, “brings up [£]4,000 Str., part thereof I am obliged to Lend that he may not be delay’d.” Dinwiddie’s own supply of money, however, was running low. It was almost impossible, he reported, to negotiate bills of exchange in Williamsburg at this time (ViHi: Dinwiddie Papers).

327 May 1755.

4“Mr Hunter,” Dinwiddie wrote Braddock on 16 June 1755, 2 days after the agent’s return from New York, “I think is fully provided with Money wn You please to call for it” (ViHi: Dinwiddie Papers).

5This instruction, written in GW’s later hand, was addressed to the clerk who recopied the original letter book. See GW Memorandum, 15–30 May 1755, n.9.

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