Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Walker, 1 September 1807

Monticello Sep. 1. 07.


In an account presented to me by mr Shoemaker are the charges below stated, as to the reasonableness of which I am an entire stranger, and therefore ask the favor of you to inform me what would be the proper charges. I ask this of you the rather because you know exactly the nature of the articles, and because I shall have entire confidence in what you shall think right. Be so good as to lodge an answer for me at Colo. Cole’s with as little delay as convenient. Accept my best wishes.

Th: Jefferson

1807. Feb. 2. dressing the 5. f. millstones 25. Dollars
May 15. dressing the 6. f. stones, hanging trunk-head & moving crane 30.
18. cash paid for Rubbers & hauling [this is right] 29.
27. dressing & starting Rubbers 40.
Aug. [. . . .]aising floors 50.
elevators & fan spout 20.

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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