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Results 103251-103300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It was many days after the receipt of your obliging favour of the 9th ult.; by the Post, that...
Your favour of the 6th Ult. came duly to hand and I beg you to accept my thanks for the trouble...
We have considered the letter you did us the honor to write on the 12th Inst. and the Resolve of...
I had the honour of addressing letters to you lately by two of my countrymen, Mr. Shippen and Mr....
From your conversation with Major Schaffner and myself last spring, I had no doubt But congress...
I did not sleep a wink the whole night. My nerves are in a very disagreeable state of irritation....
103257[Diary entry: 14 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 14th. Thermometer at 70 in the Morning—74 at Noon and 71 at Night. Cloudy morning with the...
The delay in providing for the commencement of the Government was terminated yesterday, by an...
Your favor of the 3d. instant would have been acknowledged two days ago, but for the approaching...
The delay in providing for the commencement of the Government was terminated yesterday, by an...
Letter not found. 14 September 1788 . Acknowledged in Monroe to JM, 24 Sept. 1788 . Discusses the...
Jei ut lhoneur de me presenter à votre hotel Le 21 du moi dergné pour avoir selui de vous...
Breakfasted in Salem: saw Amory and Learned. Dined at Ipswich. We got to Newbury-Port, at about...
Some Men by their Merits call upon themselves the Attention of the whole Republic of Letters; and...
103265[Diary entry: 13 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 13th. Thermometer at 66 in the Morning—76 at Noon and 76 at Night. A very thick fog this...
at length the new govt has received the last act necessary to its existence. This day Congress...
The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred...
Monsieur de Vernon, who has an important claim against a Monsr. Mark of Petersburgh, having...
As I am now put in full possession of the dividends by Your Excellencies great humanity and...
I am truly mortified that it is not in my power to do exactly the thing which would be most...
Monsieur Jefferson prie Monsieur Vannet de vouloir bien se charger de la lettre ci-incluse, et,...
invited for 2 d . Sep br . M r . & M rs . Pintard—, M r . & M rs . King—, M r . & M rs ....
103273Friday September 12th. (Adams Papers)
I left Braintree to return to Newbury-Port. Found Bridge in Boston. Dined at Mr. Smith’s. We left...
103274[Diary entry: 12 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 12th. Thermometer at 62 in the morn. 72 at Night and 72 at Night. Cloudy with the Wind to...
On the 12 th . October last Congress was pleased, on a Report from the Board of Treasury, to...
We shall transmit to the Governor of Virginia for the consideration of the Executive the papers...
Letter not found. 12 September 1788 . Mentioned in JCSV H. R. McIlwaine et al., eds., Journals of...
The mail has brought me this evening a resolution concerning the Scioto lands, which was really...
Le porteur de la presente est Monsieur Dupont Beaufrere de Monsieur Brissot de Warville . Il se...
Je m’étois proposé l’honneur d’écrire aujourd’hui à Votre Excellence, selon ma Lettre d’hier, sur...
Your Excellencies humanity to my Cries to have things arrainged so as to have some supply not to...
10328211. (Adams Papers)
Mrs. Smith and Louisa. W. Cranch.
103283[Diary entry: 11 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 11th. Thermometer at 58 in the Morng.—72 at Noon and 70 at Night. Clear Morning with a...
At the latter End of 1786, I bought of Messrs Savary & Gallatin of Richmond a tract of 20...
The Hague, 11 Sep. 1788 . As directed in TJ’s of the 1st, he has countermanded the sending of the...
In the course of the last war the house of Schweighauser & Dobrée of Nantes, and Puchelberg of...
I have the honour to thank your Excellency for your Answer, and to assure you of my Gratitude to...
Being much engaged, it was not possible for me to answer your favor of to-day in the moment of...
Amsterdam, 11 Sep. 1788 . Acknowledge TJ’s letters of 30 Aug. and 1 Sep.; they have taken notice...
103290Wednesday September 10th. (Adams Papers)
The Governor with the Captains of the french vessells, the french Consul, and some other...
I am Sorry to inform you that Mr. H. Cannot be prevailed on to attend Congress till after the...
103292[Diary entry: 10 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 10th. Thermometer at 60 in the morning—68 at Noon and 66 at Night. Morning clear with...
Being Informed that the State of Virginia is Endeaviouring to entroduce diferant species of...
You were good enough to subscribe for a set of the letters of Publius at my request. I have recd....
I wrote you a short letter from Alexandria and addressed it under cover to Mr. Cathalan and sent...
Your favors of the 2d. and 6th. inst. are duly received. You conjectured rightly that by...
Some of my Friends in America did me the honor to ask for my Bust. I inclose the Names of eight...
1032989. (Adams Papers)
Went over to Milton.
103299[Diary entry: 9 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 9th. Thermometer at 68 in the Morning—74 at Noon and 66 at Night. A good deal of distant...
Letter not found: from Thomas Barclay, 9 Sept. 1788. On 18 Sept. GW wrote to Barclay : “Your...