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Results 103201-103250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your Ideas relative to the Diffusion of Intelligence and useful Information by means of news...
Your Ideas relative to the Diffusion of Intelligence and useful Information by means of news...
Being informed of a circuitous opportunity of France I make use of it to forward the inclosures....
Mr. Short’s departure for Italy gives me the pleasure of executing your commission for the...
Being informed of a circuitous opportunity to France I make use of it to forward the inclosures....
103206Saturday September 20th. (Adams Papers)
I have had three or four sleepless nights this weeks, and for the little rest I have enjoyed I...
103207[Diary entry: 20 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 20th. Thermometer at 69 in the Morning—70 at Noon And 70 at Night. Morning heavy with...
I have the Honour to transmit to you a late Publication by our agricultural Society in this...
Letter not found: from Benjamin Fishbourn, 20 Sept. 1788. On 23 Dec. 1788 GW wrote to Fishbourn :...
To Tench Coxe. Letter not found. Ca. 20 September 1788 . Acknowledged in Coxe to JM, 26 Sept....
Letter not found. Ca. 20 September 1788 . Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 8 Oct. 1788 . Requests JM...
[[ Paris, 20 Sep. 1788 . Recorded in SJL Index. Not found.]]
The evening of your departure came a letter by the way of London and N. York, addressed to you,...
Ship America at Sea, 20 Sep. 1788 . Sends this letter by a “Monsr. La’ritz,” a French officer...
10321519. (Adams Papers)
Spent my time in visiting &c.
103216[Diary entry: 19 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 19th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morning—76 at Noon and 70 at Night. Morning clear with the...
Mui Señor mio. Mis ultimos achaques me han privado de contextar à la appreciable de V.S. de 5....
Business of importance prevented me to answer sooner your letter of the 16th. and indeed it gives...
10321918. (Adams Papers)
Training. Unwell out of spirits. Foster.
103220[Diary entry: 18 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 18th. Thermometer at 66 in the Morning—76 at Noon and 76 at Night. Wind at No. Wt. in...
I cannot forbear intruding upon your Excelly again, to return You my most sincere and thankful...
I have but this moment recd, upon my return from Fort Stanwix, the letter which your Excellency...
The enclosed, which I have Just received, is so full on the subject of your enquiry that I shall...
J’ai resus Votre paquet de lettre que je ne manqueray pas de remettre à sa destination suivant...
10322517. (Adams Papers)
Can neither read nor write.
Fairfield, Virginia, September 17, 1788. Writes concerning “the settlement of Col. Wm. Aylett’s...
103227[Diary entry: 17 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 17th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morning—72 at Noon and 70 at Night. Morning clear and...
Since I wrote you respecting the Winter barley for seed I find Mr Morris has some at his farm...
Yesterday I had the Honour of yours of the ’7th I was in Hopes the Crops with you would make up...
After a journey of three weeks taking Dijon and Avignon in my way I have arrived at Nismes and...
Memorandums for Mr. Short. According to the route you propose at present you will probably see no...
10323216. (Adams Papers)
Strolling about all day. Idle.
[The Committee to whom was committed the Report of the Secretary for Foreign affairs founded on a...
103234[Diary entry: 16 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 16th. Thermometer at 73 in the Morning—77 at Noon and 76 at Night. Wind Southerly and...
I have your letters of the 24th Ulto & the 5th inst. now before me. The articles sent by Captn...
I have to acknowledge the reception of your letter of the 15th of December 1787 together with the...
I have some Spring Barley for sale, and if you incline to buy it, would be glad to know what you...
I feel it incumbent on me first to express my grateful Sense of your Kindness to Mr. Dobbyn, and...
Your respective favours of Sepr. 4th and 9th are before me. For both but especially for the last...
La Lecture que Votre Excellence fera de la Dépeche ci-jointe pour le Congrès, ne me laisse rien à...
On receiving the first letters which you did me the honor to write to me on the arrears due to...
[[ Paris, 16 Sep. 1788 . Recorded in SJL Index, but not found.]]
I received yesterday from your father two bills of exchange for your use, the one for 50. £. the...
I have the honour now to inclose you my Observations on the alterations proposed in the Consular...
That I am a bad correspondent is so general a complaint against me, that I must expect the same...
10324615. (Adams Papers)
Sleepless. Could do no business.
On saturday night, I received your letter of the tenth of this month, and with it a letter...
103248[Diary entry: 15 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 15th. Thermometer at 66 in the Morning—78 at Noon and 74 at Night. Clouds, with the Wind...
As I have not received a line from you for more than fifteen months, and am altogether in the...
Letter not found: GW to Lafayette, 15 Sept. 1788. On 27 Nov. 1788 GW wrote Lafayette : “I wrote...