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Results 103201-103250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
War Department, July [ 24 ] 1794 . “I have the honor to transmit you a letter this day received...
War Department, July 24, 1794. “I have the honour to transmit you a Copy of a circular letter to...
I beg leave to call your attention to the contents of the inclosed letter, and to entreat your...
I have the honor to submit for your information two letters from the frontiers of Georgia one...
The letter to Governor Matthews, will be prepared by the Secretary of State or myself, in...
Being about to submit to the tribunal of the public the work in which I have been so long engaged...
[ Philadelphia, July 25, 1794. On July 26, 1794, Tench Coxe wrote to Knox: “I have before me your...
I had the Honor to transmit to you on the twenty third of last April an Account of the payments...
The Secretary of the Treasury being absent from the seat of Government, I do myself the honor,...
I have the honor to submit, enclosed, a sketch of the Uniform proposed for the Officers of the...
Captain’s Uniform Full dress Coat to be blue with long buff lappels and a standing Collar and...
The case of the late Captain Perrit has been referred to me by the house of representatives with...
In obedience to your directions respecting the papers transmitted by Augustus George Christian...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia July 25th 1794. This letter will accompany an official one from...
(private) My dear Sir Sainport 25 July 1794 Since I had the Honor of writing to you on the 14th...
In the Year 1790, thro’ the Intercession of my good Friend Mr James Tilghman You thought proper...
The Secretary of State begs leave to submit to the President of the United States the following...
I have the honor to enclose you herewith a copy of the Acts and resolutions of the last General...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, July 26, 1794. “You will find under this cover, an extract...
Baltimore, July 26, 1794. “Enclosed are the Weekly returns … together with the Treasurer’s order...
I have the honor to submit a letter just received from the Secretary of this Commonwealth...
I expected to have been on my way to Boston before this; but M r: Hamilton is gone into the...
Docr. Edwards of Philada. will be so obliging as to take charge of this Letter. I regret that he...
Will you permit me to present to your acquaintance Dr: Edwards of Pensylvania:—He returns by the...
Eight or ten days ago I wrote to you concerning a Manager for the Tilt hammer which you...
Your letter of the 23d and the reports, have been duly received. The ideas which I expressed in...
Letter not found : from William Pearce, 27 July 1794. On 3 Aug., GW wrote Pearce : "Your letter...
I have waited for some time, since the receipt of your letter , with the samples of the cloth, in...
Since my return to Virginia, it has not till lately been in my power to take a journey to that...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, July 28, 1794. “I request the favor of inspecting all the...
[ Philadelphia, July 28, 1794. On July 29, 1794, Tench Coxe wrote to Hamilton : “I have this...
In order to furnish you with the earliest and fullest Information of the Proceedings of the...
The present state of affairs appearing to require great circumspection, and the Secretary of the...
Last post I wrote the Secr. of Treasury respecting the Attack on the house of Genl Nevell Supr of...
I have the honor to submit to you the draft of a letter to the Governor of Georgia on the...
Your letter of the 29th Ulto came to my hands a few days ago only. Mr Samuel Jackson (if that is...
I am still waiting for the arrival of Col l: Hamilton whom it is necessary for me to see before...
Doctor Edwards the bearer of this letter, is a native of Pennsylvania, late a member of the...
I have this moment received under cover from the Secy. at War an open letter for you of the 28...
[ Edenton, North Carolina, July 29, 1794. On January 15, 1795, Tredwell wrote to Hamilton : “I...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, July 30, 1794. “Having applied to Wm. Wyatt Esqr. postmasr....
I have hitherto on more than one occasion & particularly in my letter of the 7th. of March last,...
By saturday’s post I received a Letter from Mr Christopher Cowper, dated the 18 Instant,...
Private Sir Philadelphia July 30. 1794 The day before yesterday I mentioned to Mr Laurence...
y ayant un an passé que Je Reside Dans L’Etat de Newyork et ayant fait La guerre Dans vos Etats...
The undersigned envoy of the united States of America has the honor of representing to the Right...
[ Philadelphia, July 31, 1794. On August 5, 1794, Coxe acknowledged the receipt of Hamilton’s...
I arrived here, My beloved Eliza, yesterday, too late to write by the Post—but am happy to be...
The Secretary of the Treasury on the Letter from the Governor of North Carolina of the 25 of...
Washington, July 31, 1794. State that James Greenleaf is unable to raise the money necessary to...